𝟑𝟏: 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞
FEBUARY 14th, 2019
Violet enjoys being back at Hogwarts much more now. Now that Bridgette is hear and Cressida and Scorpius are speaking to her. It's all starting to feel much more like home to her but the only problem is Thomas. He refuses to speak to her or even sit at the same side of the table as her for lunch or dinner. He's still hurt for what happened on the day of her birthday and she understands his anger but it's been four months. It should have been enough time for him to utter a word to her.
"Has anyone seen Thomas?" Violet looks away from the open book on her lap and at Cressida and Scorpius who are eating across from her and Bridgette. "I didn't see him in class this morning and I was hoping to get to talk to him."
Cressida and Scorpius exchange looks before Cressida speaks. "Thomas quit school." she clears her throat and moves around the salad in her bowl. "He uhm – we turned eighteen in December and asked our mother to pull him out of school."
He can't hate Violet that much. She remembers the conversations they used to have about their Hogwarts graduation and finishing the year off with everyone. Thomas actually liked school, learning spells and charms to become an Auror like Theo and Draco. Now she's wondering if she ruined his dream or if he just really wanted to leave all along?
Violet doesn't know what to say, she practically ruined her friends twin brothers life. What does someone say to that?
"Cress I swear I didn't mean –"
"Shut up." Cressida whispers.
"No, don't tell me to –"
"No, shut up, she's looking at me!" Cressida moves her head to the side to look behind Violet at the Gryffindor table. "D-do I like smile at her or gosh help me she makes me nervous!"
None of them need to look back to see because they already know who Cressida is talking about. It's the same girl she's been talking about since they came back from Christmas break. Rose Weasley. The girl Cressida thought was once a stuck up know it all.
For the past couple weeks, Rose has been giving Cressida these looks that Cressida describes as 'look at me back' looks. She's been freaking out about them and now she can't even be in the same corridor with her and it's gotten so bad she takes the long route, making her get late to class.
"Just go talk to her Cressida; if she's giving you the look then why are you afraid of rejection?" Bridgette takes a sip of her pumpkin juice and turns to look at Rose who's still looking at Cressida. "Clearly, she's into you, so, do something about it!"
Cressida bites onto her bottom lip nervously and furrows her eyebrows as she looks back up at Rose. Her legs is shaking uncontrollably under the wooden table and her cheeks are flushed. Violet is surprised about this. Cressida really likes Rose! Since Violet has known her, Cressida talks about girls as if they're the most normal thing in the world because she never likes one. Yet here she is talking about Rose as if she's one of a kind and she really likes her.
"It's Valentines –" Scorpius speaks with a mouthful of chips covered in ketchup. "– I'm sure today is the best day out of all to ask her out on a date or something. Right girls?"
"Right." Bridgette and Violet reply in unison as they nod repeatedly towards Cressida whose neck is stretched out to watch Rose leave the great hall.
"I'm going to!" Cressida sighs loudly, smacking her palms against the table as she stands up. "Wish my luck!"
They all murmur good lucks as Cressida rushes towards the open doors of the great hall with her skirt hugged tight around her legs. She runs so preppy like with her fingers pulling at the hem of her skirt and her legs tucked in together. It makes Violet laugh as she turns her body back towards Bridgette and Scorpius.
"So Scorp, have you called or texted Genevieve?" she asks in a cocky tone as she smirks down at her plate. "She won't stop talking about how attractive you are."
Bridgette and Violet both laugh loudly, not being able to hold it in. Last week, Genevieve mysteriously decided to let Violet bring friends over for a film night and when Scorpius walked in, she went insane. She swore up and down how she's never seen him so close up to notice how attractive he is. They even talked all night for hours; it was like they could never get bored of each other.
Everyone there talked about it the day after, the Slytherin and Hufflepuff who got close at a film slumber party. A former Death Eaters son and the daughter of an Auror who fought in the war against them.
And ever since that night last week, Genevieve and Violet have been talking almost every night. She asks Violet about Scorpius and if he's ever going to call or talk to her around school. But Scorpius is a wuss when it comes to girls, he can never get a sentence out to Genevieve after Violet gave him her number. It's like the second someone knows another likes them, their words turn to gibberish and they don't remember how to act.
"I was uhm- I was planning to talk to her tonight." he scratches the back of his head. "I mean maybe during dinner you two can sit with your Hufflepuff table and bring me along like we do to you guys here?"
"No, no, no, you have to do this on your own." Bridgette chimes in, pointing her long finger at him with her lips pursed. "A woman likes a man who can decide things on his own and is mature enough not to get others involved because he knows what he wants."
Violet's eyebrows raise slightly, she agrees with what Bridgette says more than ever. She's glad Theo does things on his own but of course it wouldn't be any other way because he's older and mature already. Maybe it's just boys their age that don't know what it's like to do things independently.
"Strike up a conversion with her about the Ministry, she enjoys talking about it just as much as you do. It's actually quite weird now that I say it aloud." Violet chuckles to herself and tucks her hair behind both ears. "If not, talk to her about your Quidditch obsession, she loves the Bulgarians."
"Bulgarians, Ministry." Scorpius reassures himself as he gets up from the table and continues repeating it all the way to Hufflepuff table.
"So, Violet?" Bridgette speaks lowly, nudging Violets arm with her elbow. "I heard you've been getting it on every night this past week. How is that?"
Violet feels her cheeks turn warm and red with embarrassment. "It's Theo." she giggles. "I don't know what's gotten into him. It's like he never gets tired." Violet looks around and inches closer to Bridgette's face. "I swear Bridge, I'm like starving everyday now! Sex has opened up my appetite like if I'm eating enough for an army!"
"I can see that V." she eyes Violet's many plates and looks back up at her. "Have you tried telling him that every day is maybe too much for your body to handle?"
"I've tried Bridge! But are you telling me you'd be able to resist Theodore Nott if tried having sex with you every night?"
There's a long pause from Bridgette. She has her lips pressed into a thin line because she knows her answer is no. No, she wouldn't be able to resist him. Bridgette is practically crushing on Theo but she respects his and Violet's relationship and she has her eyes on someone else. Someone their age.
"Anyway." Bridgette whispers into Violet's ear. "You have a hot steamy internship mentor to see tonight at the Ministry, don't you? Try not to get caught lovely."
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