𝟐𝟕: 𝐇𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞
"I don't know how smashing plates against a wall is going to help me." Violet scoffs, lifting the porcelain plates in her hands and looking at Draco and Theo like they're crazy. "I thought breaking dishes was not a good thing. My mother used to –"
"The point –" Theo groans as he tosses a plate, letting it smash against the wall before grabbing another one off the rack. "– is to forget about your mother and relieve yourself."
Violet clears her throat while Draco adjusts the glasses on her face to protect her eyes and she grips the plate. She licks her bottom lip nervously and – with all her force – throws the plate across the white room, laughing quietly as it shatters. In some odd way, it does make her feel pretty relieved; kind of like a weight has been lifted off her heavy shoulders. She turns to her side and reaches for another plate but Draco stops her quickly and she looks up confused. First, he wants her to and now he's stopping her.
"Don't waste it, the adrenaline." he picks up the plate for her and hands it to her as he speaks. "You have to think of everything that angers you and then smash the plate."
She sighs and takes the plate from his hand, fishing for an angry problem in her head from her pile of stress. It's hard to pick when there's nothing but angry problems in her life, she'll have to stay here all night if she smashes a plate for all of them. Violet swallows nervously and lifts the plate in her hand when something that angers her comes to mind. Draco and Astoria. She throws the plate forward, popping her foot back as she lunges forward because of how much force she used. The plate shatters satisfyingly and she reaches for another, repeating the same thing over and over.
Never has it crossed her mind that breaking plates will help her. Yet here she is, feeling so much better every time a plate shatters against the cement wall across the room. There must be something Theo is so mad about because he's tossing those plates like his life depends on it. Draco looks upset too but he's trying to remain calm for Violet because then he'd have to tell her why him and Theo are so mad. They've been this way since they left her fathers office, yet Theo seems to be more upset and Violet is dying to know why.
If it would have been something not so important that just upset them a little, they would have told her but they're dead silent about it. The only thing Violet can think of is that it has something to do with the folders both Draco and Theo brought it. Carl is the Minister of Magic now, maybe it was a job position or something similar. She's just trying to think about the more positive things than other things that got them this mad.
"Is everything okay?" Violet stops what she's doing and takes the protective glasses off her face as she turns to face Theo. "You and Draco have been very quiet and you both look upset. Did I do something or did my father do something to you guys? Did he fire you?"
Theo shakes his head and throws another plate, huffing angrily. "It's nothing important." he clears his throat and takes off his glasses too, tossing them aside. "Just some work stuff that you shouldn't need to worry about. So don't worry about it."
"Wow okay." Violet huffs and chuckles angrily as she walks back to grab her purse. "I'm trying to not worry about it –" she walks back to Theo and gets in his face, so the other muggles around don't hear what she's saying. "– but it's hard to do when you have this angry face around me. So, it does become my problem because your mood is making me angry too. I'll meet you both in the car."
She hugs her purse to the side of her torso and stomps out of the large room, dropping her glasses into the bucket with all the others. The heavy footsteps of Draco and Theo are closely behind her as she exits the building and walks into the dark parking lot that's being lit up my lampposts. She rummages through her purse for her wand while stepping in piles of snow to get to the car parked at the end. Meanwhile, Draco and Theo are both whispering to each other as they walk slowly, not needing to run because they're so tall.
Violet uses her wand to unlock the back door of the car and she throws herself in, slamming the door shut and waiting as the men talk quietly outside. She's getting tired of the mystery so she uses a charm to listen in on their whispers.
"You can not tell her!" Draco's whispers roughly.
"She deserves to know; this is her life." Theo growls.
"If this was happening to either one of us we'd want to know! She has to know!"
Violet opens the car door quickly and steps out into the cold snow, putting her hand on her hip as she clenches her jaw. They both turn to look at her and eye her down with smirks plastered on their faces. As mad as all three of them are, she looks hot when she's mad. However, this isn't the time for seductiveness or sex. It's serious.
"Don't smirk at me!" she shouts back and slams the car door. "Tell me what my father told you! I heard you, in case you both forgot, I can use magic too."
"I'm going to tell her." Theo throws his hands up and opens his mouth to speak but Draco cuts him off before he can.
"No!" he puts his hand up and looks at Violet. "Get back in the car and stop eavesdropping. You don't need to know."
Violets head shoots in Draco's direction and she raises one eyebrow. "This is my life you're talking about?! I have the right to know!" she tries not to scream, seeing as there are muggles near. "Please Draco!"
"Your father –"
Before Theo can even finish his sentence, Violet feels a strong hand wrap around her small waist and her body is yanked forward. Her chest hits against a warm body and she's soon apparating in a gush of black wind, her arm slowly wrapping around the body holding her. She can smell the mint radiating off the hot body that's hugging her petite body so tightly. Her face is buried into warm clothes and she can feel a hand wrap around the back of her head, rubbing fingers against her scalp.
After what felt like a split second, she feels her feet touch the wood floors of her flat. She has her hands wrapped around muscular forearms, holding herself as she angrily looks around the room. Her face turns back to the man holding her and she notices the couple of blonde strands on the head that's looking at their feet.
"He was about to tell me!" Violet pushes his chest, causing him to barely budge. "What are you hiding from me?"
Draco steps away from her and fixes his silky hair as he takes a seat on the leather couch behind his tall body. "Trust me Violet I hate this more than you do." he sighs and looks up at her with these sad puppy eyes. "Can't you just trust me for once and wait until your father tells you what it is he told Theo and I?"
"That's the problem, Draco." Violet swallows and shakes her head. "I- I don't trust you. Even if I wanted to, you've lied to me before and done things that have hurt me. If you ask me, it's hard to trust someone who does those things."
"You're never going to let the Astoria thing go, are you?" Draco chuckles angrily and stands up before walking over to Violet who's taking a step back to avoid the tension. "I never wanted to choose her Violet!" he growls as he presses Violet against the wall at last. "I want you! I crave you with every nerve in my body! The desire to rip your fucking clothes off drives through my mind whenever I see you."
Violet swallows the lump in her throat and her chest starts to move at a rapid pace. She can feel the butterflies in her stomach and the pulsing between her thighs as he places his strong hands on the wall above her head. His back is hunched over so their eyes are on the same level and she can't stop staring into his piercing grey ones. He can practically hear her heartbeat from her chest and it's driving him even more crazy.
"Right now, I am dying to rip this shirt off your body and bite into your skin but I...can't!" he breathes heavily and turns his hands into fists before punching the wall.
Violet flinches at his action and she parts her lips to speak. "There's no rule that says y-you can't." she stutters as the tip of his nose slides against hers, his eyes shut to inhale her addicting smell. "Draco?"
"Hmm?" he hums as he rests his forehead against hers and tilts his head to the side. "Say my name again."
"Draco." Violet repeats in a hushed whisper, sliding her skin against his and feeling his lips graze her cheek so softly.
Violet feels his head shake against hers and she opens her eyes to see him biting his bottom lip to the point where it's bleeding. She lifts her hand up and slowly brushes her thumb over his bloody lip, spreading the red liquid down his pale chin. His eyes flutter at the feeling of her touch on his skin and he moans quietly when he hears her suck on her blood covered finger.
"Stop." he takes her wrist in his hand and pins it against the wall. "I can't."
"You can." Violet moves her arm, causing his hand to move along with it and she places it on her breasts. She feels his hand let go of her wrist and grip her breast, causing a whimper to escape her plumped lips. "Draco, you can."
At this point, Draco nor Violet are breathing. He's massaging her breasts roughly while their foreheads are pressed together and her lips are parted against his, both of them gasping together. Draco moves his hand off her breasts and grabs her delicate hand that's against his chest, guiding it down to the bulge that's stretching his trousers. Violet grips it and Draco lets out a pleasured grunt as he moves his hand to the button of her trousers.
Violet sucks on her bottom lip as Draco pops open her button and slides down her zipper, revealing the same black panties she was wearing that day Theo's office. He slides his cold finger along the hem of the lace and curls his finger under it, placing his palm against her stomach and sliding his hand down.
"I can do –" Draco rubs her clit and she moans against his hot breath. "– this. Do you like this?"
"Mmm, y-yes." Violet nods her heavy head and continues playing with his bulge over his pants, struggling to keep still. She pulls down his zipper and slides her hand through the open slit to get closer through his boxers. "How does this feel?"
As he continues pleasuring Violet with his slender fingers, Draco moans heavily and grunts. "S-so good."
"Kiss me." Violet gasps and bucks her hips as Draco continues thrusting his fingers roughly into her wet vagina.
"I can't." Draco shakes his head and presses his lower body closer against Violet's hand. "I won't be able to stop."
Violet gulps and tugs at Draco's boxers, pulling them down before wrapping her hand around his hard cock. She strokes it and rubs her thumb slowly around his tip, making his body tense with pleasured shivers. Draco pushes his available hand against the wall behind her and starts bucking his hips towards her so her strokes quicken.
"Kiss me now." she repeats, now that her hand is wrapped around his exposed cock. "You don't have to stop. There's nothing wrong with continuing."
"Fuck!" Draco takes his fingers out of her and wipes them on his trousers before pushing her hand off him. He jumps slightly as he adjusts himself back into his boxers and zips up his trousers. "I can't do this Violet."
There's a jolt of shock that goes through Violets body. She's already turned on and it's not time to stop but she can't go onto him because he doesn't want it. Violet pushes herself off the wall and looks down as she zips her pants and continues buttoning her pants as she walks to the couch Draco is on. His legs are stretched out in front of him and his elbows are rested on the cushions of the couch while he rests his temples on the palm of his hand.
"Will we ever be the way we were?" Violet tosses herself on the couch, landing next to him with her arms hugging her torso. "I thought you hated me enough to love me?"
"Oh, I hate you alright." Draco chuckles, going on with her joke as he places a cigarette between his blood rushed lips and Violet holds up her wand to ignite it. He inhales the smoke and throws his head back as it leaves his lips in a cloud. "But I'm starting to hate someone else too."
Violets heart falls to her stomach and she feels sick at those words he just spoke. How can he possibly be falling for Astoria now?
"Your wife?" Violet questions lowly as she stares at the ground in front of her. "Do you hate her more than me?"
There's a brief pause, almost as if he's thinking of the answer. Yet even in the silence, Violet already feels the answer in her heart. Just like the day outside of Hogwarts when they traveled back in time. It's the same answer then and it's the same answer now.
"I think I do."
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