𝟐𝟏: 𝐕𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐭'𝐬 𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧
"Mon Dieu! Violet Blishen, quel spectacle pour les yeux endoloris."
Violet grows a smile on her face at the familiar voice behind her. She puts her mug in the air and turns around, running over to the girl. She laughs quietly before throwing her arms around her and kissing her cheeks out of courtesy. "Camille! Mon ami !" Violet grabs the pale girls face and looks at her bloodshot eyes. "Muggle weed?"
"Shh, we're not allowed to speak English in the corridors anymore." Camille whispers as she takes a hold of Violet's hand and secretly guides her through the halls and down to the basement that staff believes to be closed down. However, the students have been using the basement for ages.
"Camille! Tu ne m'emmènes pas à une fête, n'est-ce pas ?" Violet questions before pulling Camille back just on top of the basement door. Their hard halt causes the door beneath them to rattle and Violet tilts her head.
See, the basement door is hidden under a red rug so students know which one to lift up so they can get inside. It's easier to hide from staff who couldn't care less about rugs. Camille giggles at Violets question and bites her bottom lip with a smile and wide eyes as she lifts the rug before jolting the wooden door open.
"Oh Violet, you should know me already." Camille whispers in English now that the bottom half of her body is under the floorboards. She lifts her hand and signals Violet to follow her down, making Violet obey and shut the door once she's completely under.
There's faint music playing deep into the basement, along with the strong smell of muggle weed and distant laughs. Camille pats her trousers down and starts walking towards the sound with Violet behind her. Violet feels as though her heart is skipping a beat because there is one person, she's not so eager to see again. Both girls enter a room with disco lights and smoke filling the air and all of Violet's old friends are sitting in a circle. They look up when they hear footsteps and all of them stumble up to go say hi to Violet.
"Guys!" Violet cheers and laughs when she's attacked by multiple hugs, all at the same time. She throws her arms around them all and let's go of the two boys to hug the two other girls. "Bridgette! Amelie! I missed you both so much!"
"We missed you too!" Bridgette gasps and lets go of Violet to cup her face and admire her after all these months of not seeing her. "Oh goodness! What are we going to do about –"
Everyone slowly turns their heads to the voice and Violet closes her eyes as she turns herself in a scared motion. "Hi, Adam."
The boy inches closer and scolds her. "Hi, Adam?!" He shouts in her face before repeating it. "Hi Adam? You leave, no note, no call and show up after seven months and you say; Hi Adam?"
Violet has no idea how to explain that. Adam was her boyfriend for two years; she doesn't know how she kept him satisfied so long without sex. Well, she does but it's not something they like to talk about. She loved Adam so much that she didn't want to hurt him when her parents told her the news about Hogwarts and moving. So, she decided she'd leave without saying anything and run away from the problem. She never thought she'd see him again, let alone have to explain herself.
"I'm back, I'm here now." Violet responds and walks forward to place her hand on Adams cheek like she always used to. And as he always did, he closes his eyes and gasps happily at her touch. "All of December at least."
Adam clenches his jaw and drops Violets hand off his cheek before walking away to sit in a circle by the fire. There's nothing Violet could say or do that will make him forgive her for breaking his heart the way she did. He waited patiently for her for two whole years and then she left and made him wait even more months for her. Now she's back but it's not the same. His heart was broken by her and now that the pieces are finally being picked up, she decides to come back and break the pieces left.
"Bien dur Adam! Elle essaie ici, on sait tous ce qui s'est passé." Bridgette shouts and follows Adam to the circle where everyone is going to sit down too. She crosses her feet in front of her and continues speaking but in English. "Personally, I'm glad you're back Violet. Goodness, with all these new rules at Beauxbatons, we hardly get together as much." Bridgette holds Violets hand as she sits next to her and continues. "Madam Maxine believes our generation is the worst thing to happen to this school. Our lessons on manners have been extended to late hours of the night."
"Gosh that sounds horrible." Violet sighs in disbelief and looks around at the circle. "Hogwarts isn't so bad. Besides the constant drama of the wealthy families. However, you guys should consider moving to England."
Amelie lights a cigarette between her lips and elegantly blows it out to speak. "I hear British boys are a delight. Is that true Violet?"
"French boys will always have my heart, you know that." Violet chuckles as she takes a cigarette from the pack on the ground and lights in between her lips. "Oh, but those British men. They're much better in their thirties."
There are scattered laughs about Violets love for older men but Adam isn't laughing. Quite opposite, he finds it horrifying how much Violet has changed since they last talked. They're all in awe of Violet's change. When they last saw her, she was in pigtail braids and a smile so wide it was infectious. Now, her hair is longer and straight and her smile isn't as big; it's died down, along with the happiness she once had glowing on her skin.
Violet rests her head on Camille's shoulder and sighs with relief that for the first time in a while, she feels like herself. She's happy to be with her old friends, especially Camille. Her and Camille practically grew up together, their mothers were best friends. Even though Adam was her love, Camille was her soulmate and it pained Violet to leave her to move thousands of miles away.
"And who gave you these?" Amelie scowls as she pushes Violets hair away from her neck and trails her finger of her skin. "Did you forget I can see past enchantments. Who did this to you? It looks hurtful; however, the scars are close to fading completely."
"Scars?" Camille scrunches her eyebrows together and looks at Violet's neck which to her appears empty and normal.
Violet gives Amelie an angry look as she covers herself with her hair and speaks. "It's nothing. Just refrain from using your visions on me Amelie. Or just shut up for once."
Amelie gives Violet a stare of death and looks away as she continues talking with Matheo. Since the day they met – first year – Amelie always felt threatened by Violet and the love everyone she ever meets has for her. Now, Violet's back and it's all about her once again.
"I didn't mean that Amelie." Violet places her hand on Amelie's knee "I just don't want to talk about the person that did it."
Even after being apologized to, Amelie bites onto her cheeks and continues looking away from Violet. It is true after all; Violet has changed since May. Never has Violet angrily told one of them to shut up; she always held it in and vented to Adam about it at the end of the day. However, now that she's at Hogwarts, she doesn't care about holding it in because she has no one to vent to at the end of the day. At the end of the day, she goes home alone and drinks a glass of wine while listening to music. That's what her new form of venting is.
"So, how is the UK treating you?" Louis asks as he takes a sip from a whiskey bottle and sets it back down. "Is it all you could have ever imagined?"
Violet burns out her cigarette on her knee, enjoying the burn through her leggings and looks up at Louis. "It's quite lonely." She sighs. "I have an apartment that is wonderful and has a gorgeous view. My closest friend at the moment is my old friends father and my parent's haven't spoken to me in months. I love the UK."
There's an awkward chuckle from Violet since everyone is staring at her with shocked eyes and dropped jaws. She picks up the whiskey bottle and holds it up to her lips before throwing her head back to chug a large amount. None of them know what it's like to live away from their parents, let alone have no one while being away. Violet just became a whole lot more interesting to them.
Now, Violet is wondering how they'll react if they find out about Draco; they'd be more shocked as well when they find out about the mono and her mothers secret baby. Maybe, Violet doesn't need to be here. She'll be judged because none of them are insane like Cressida, Thomas or Scorpius.
"I just miss you guys all the time." Violet looks around sadly. "You guys don't have hot fathers and crazy mothers. No offense. And you're all part of the life I grew up in. That's why I'm here, I need your normal lives and your underground parties. I need this."
"There are hot fathers in the UK?!" Bridgette gasps and burns her cigarette on the floor. "I've been planning on moving out for months! Take me back with you Vi!"
"Seriously?" They all question in unison as their eyes shoot to Bridgette and the smile on her face.
Violet smiles back and nods. "If your serious, then I would be delighted to have you there." Violet lets out a sigh of relief and reaches forwards for Bridgette's hand. "Please be serious. I need one of you there."
"I'm more than serious!" Bridgette shrugs her shoulders and looks around. "Sure, I will miss France and this basement but I need to explore and Hogwarts and the UK sounds just fine. Plus, you'll have a friend your age there."
"Bridgette!" Amelie shouts, finally speaking again. "We already lost one we can't lose you to UK too."
"You're not! Our year is ending soon, we'll have all the time in the world to visit and travel the world together."
Amelie stands up and looks down at Violet. "This is just fantastic. I hope you're happy Violet because you screw up everything you go near. You should have stayed in your wonderful apartment and let us be. We've been fine without you."
"Amelie!" Violet gasps.
They all watch as Amelie storms out of the warm room towards the staircase hall. Matheo continues drinking, not wanting to say a word about the whole situation while everyone else just shake their heads and scoff. It's normal Amelie behavior but it causes a racket and always surprises them even when they're used to it.
Violet doesn't know what to say or do at this point. She believes Amelie may have a point. Lately, it feels like everything is Violet's fault and she thought coming here would make her feel better but instead it makes her feel even worse. It all feels like the world is suffocating her and there is no escape. How does one escape the word?
"Is there anywhere I can sleep?" Violet sighs awkwardly, not wanting to ask. "I was just planning on the staying but it's okay if I can't."
"You can stay with me." Adam replies, causing everyone to turn in surprise. "Everyone has full beds and my dormmate left last week. There's an empty bed, take it if you want it."
There's a long moment of silence. Mostly because everyone is holding their breaths so they don't miss the answer Violet is going to give. Tension is building up around them and Violet won't take her eyes away from Adams as she tries to think. Yes or no. Accept it or deny it?
Violet takes a deep breath and nods slowly. "Yes." She gulps and bites her bottom lip as she watches him look down at her neck after the gulp. "Thank you."
"My pleasure, Violet."
"Are you sure this is, okay?" Violet questions as she throws on one of Adams t-shirts, leaving her legs bare. She can feel the air brush against her thighs and in some ways, it makes her nervous. "I mean, if it's not that's okay."
"Shut up." Adam growls before pushing Violet on his bed and slamming his lips against her open ones. Violet hesitantly wraps her arm around his neck and kisses him back, slowly sliding her tongue into his mouth and rolling it. She gains a moan from him and he pulls away. "Do you want to?"
"Just fuck me already." Violet gasps and watches as he yanks his shirt off, revealing his tattoos Violet always loved.
Adam has been waiting for this moment for the last three years of his life. Since before they started dating, he dreamt of having her. All those times they were together in bed, simply kissing and teasing each other. Now, he has the moment in his hands and he's planning on giving it all and not letting go.
Violet lets out a hot breath as Adam kisses lower on her neck and uses his hand to slide her panties down to her knees. His hands feel warm and familiar against her skin that it's making her melt and turn to jelly. The way his hand grazes her skin as it slides up from her ankle all the way up to her thigh, it's all so hypnotizing to her. She throws her head back and gaps her lips, catching a breath. Adam grips her thigh and yanks her body down so she's against his groin and can feel how hard he is for her. She feels it and immediately wets his boxers, making a proud smirk grow on his face. It feels great to be with someone her own age. If she had waited a couple of months, he would have been her first like she always intended.
Adam sits up, breathlessly and looks down at Violet as he rips a condom package open with his teeth and slides it onto his cock. "Beg me. You made me wait now fucken beg me like that teasing whore you are." Violet reaches to grab his cock but he slams her hand against the bed and clenches his jaw. "I said, beg!"
"Please!" Violet begs, extending her words with an ache in her voice. "I need you and I can't wait any longer. Please fuck me!"
"Good girl." Adam whispers as he holds his cock and puts his hand on her stomach to feel himself as he goes inside her. He gasps with a shiver when he feels how wet she is, even through the rubber.
Violet groans in pain and claws her nails into his forearm as he presses down on her stomach. His slow, pleasuring strokes that make Violet want to melt start to quicken and he pounds inside of her. Loud screams escape her lips and she grips the blankets with so much force she can't make a sound. She always imagined Adam would be good but not this amazing.
"Harder! H-harder Adam!" Violet screams, needing him to make her feel more amazing. He listens and pounds so hard that the bed starts creaking, making the headboard bang the wall repeatedly. "Fuck! Oh fuck!"
Adam moves his hand away from her stomach and uses it to hold her breasts and feel them shake as he rails the life out of her. He throws his head back and Violet bites onto her lip as she watches the droplets of sweat drop down his forehead. She reaches forward and slides her hands down his chest as they both start to come and let out loud screams. Violet moaning his name as she reaches her climax is enough to make Adam feel pleasure for the rest of his life.
He starts slowing down his strokes as she finishes and he pulls out, taking off his condom and tossing it in the bin next to them. "I need to finish inside of you." He groans and pushes himself back inside, going faster. "You feel so fucking g-good!"
Violet screams and grips the pillow under her head when she feels his semen fill her inside with a warm sensation. He drops beside her covering his lower half with a blanket and lifting her body on him so they can fit in his small bed. They both catch their breaths and rest their heads back.
"You got more." Violet sighs as she traces Adams tattoos with her fingers. She looks back up into his eyes and places a kiss on his lips. "Which one is mine?"
Adam picks up her hand and places it on the black heart that's on his arm. "This one." He licks his lips and sighs as Violet rubs her finger on it. "Even broken and black, my heart was yours."
There's a brief pause from Violet and she just buries her head in the crook of his neck. She places short, loving kisses on his skin and hugs his body. It's not good that he loves her still. Violet can't hold a relationship with him. She's leaving soon and she's no good for him. Once she leaves, his heart will break the way it did before and this time, it's her fault and she knows it.
"Adam, I hope you know I'm not staying forever." Violet places her hand on his cheek and he grabs it to kiss her palm and place it back on his cheek. He loves when she does that. "Adam? Do you understand?"
"I understand that we'll make the best of the time we have together." He tucks her hair behind her ear and looks into her eyes. "Violet you're so different. What happened to you?"
Violet clenches her jaw and moves Adams hair away from his eyes so she can see them when she speaks. "I wish I knew. I've been asking myself that same question for months now. Still searching for the answer." She puts her head back down and sighs. "Can we just sleep now? Please?"
"Sure. We can do that." Adam places a kiss on her head and rest his cheek against it. "Good night...my sweet Violet."
"Good night Adam."
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