𝟏: 𝐋𝐨𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐬
September 2nd 2018
Hogwarts is much larger than Beauxbatons; such beautiful stone walls, fantastical bridges, the beautiful views. Day and night. Even after the war Hogwarts remains standing and gorgeous. Beauxbatons cannot compare to Hogwarts size and unique structures but it doesn't mean that Beauxbatons isn't beautiful, no pun intended but it is magical.
Serenaded dinners, flower gardens that go on for miles. Beauxbatons was Violets favorite place.
Little does she know; Hogwarts will be a place she never wants to leave. Even if this is sadly her seventh year.
"Hello." Violet greeted as she walks through the Hufflepuff common room. Manners are important to her; she's been taught to be respectful since the day she was born. Beauxbatons was a place where a hello was necessary in every room you walked in.
She reaches for a Daily Prophet that sits on wooden table when a boy's hand stops her and extends his other hand out. "A Daily Prophet is five knuts. We need it for our house parties."
"Oh, I don't-" Violet cuts her sentence short and shakes her head, feeling embarrassed. "Sorry, I didn't know but um... I'll pay after classes?"
Money. It isn't something Violet brags about but she has tons of it. Her mother - Lara Blishen - is a columnist for the Daily Prophet, she makes around seven-thousand Galleons a year. That's more than a teacher. Her father - Carl Blishen - he's right-hand man to the new Minister of Magic, he makes a lot more money. His yearly salary is twenty-nine thousand Galleons.
Kingsley Shacklebolt is the Minister of Magic and a good thing he is. He's a noble man and cares for the wellbeing of everyone, muggle or wizard. He gives Violet's father a raise often, so Violet should be thanking him but she really couldn't care less.
Violet gets pocket money every week from her parents, they can't afford to have her walking around with no money. Her parents are all about money and status. Yet Violet always walks around with empty pockets.
She doesn't admit it but she admires her parents. Their relationship is perfect, they really do love each other and are happy. Violet wants something like what they have but she hasn't found it.
"Name?" The boy asks her and hands her a Daily Prophet, rolling his eyes as he does. He pulls a small notepad from the pocket of his robe and waits for Violet to say something.
"Violet Blishen." She shouts back to the boy as she walks out of the room, passing kids that are walking in through the circular door.
Violet didn't have time this morning to even get ready for school, she found no point in it either. She doesn't understand why girls and boys go all out to look good during school when at the end of the day they're exhausted and look half dead.
Her technique is to not look good during school so when parties come or outside activities, she'll dress to impress and be unrecognizable.
Parties are a time for Violet to leave her 'innocent Hufflepuff' back and bring out her other side. Beauxbatons ladies used to throw massive parties; it was hard to get boys in but it didn't bother Violet, she had fun with some girls. That's the good thing about playing for both teams.
Violet turns a corner while putting her hair up in a ponytail and stops with frustration when she realizes she's reached a dead end. She takes in a deep breath and turns around, walking the way she came from.
It would be easy to find her way through the school if she had come during the Tri-Wizard tournament, three years ago. The first time they brought it back after the Diggory boys' incident twenty-three years ago.
Violet had stayed back because she found it pointless, seeing as she was fifteen; but when all the girls came back and were talking about the courses and the Yule Ball and handsome boys, Violet regretted staying back.
Coming here also would've made moving to England and - Scotland - Hogwarts so much easier for Violet. France is a long way from Scotland, things here are different in many ways. One of them including Violet's accent, no one is going to understand her and she absolutely hates having to repeat herself.
Ever since Violet found out she was moving with her parents, she's been trying her hardest to sound like everyone else that goes to Hogwarts. French is her first language but she can speak and understand English. Violet's actually fluent in four different languages; all four being French, Spanish, Italian, and English. She has a heavy accent in all of them but they're pretty understandable.
Violet turns a corner and finally sees the entrance to the Great Hall. A sigh of relief escapes her mouth and she starts running over when she sees the doors start to close.
"You're late!" A man in a long, black cloak shouts. His back is turned towards the door and the only visible thing is his blonde hair, there's no way he could have seen Violet run in. "Money in the black box please. Miss?"
"Blishen!" Violet answers him in a shouting tone as she drops her satchel next to the pile of other students' satchels. "Violet Blishen."
The Great Hall is cleared out of all tables and benches. Students are standing on both sides of the room, leaving the middle completely empty as the Professor stands on the high-rise staring at the windows. Small, squared rugs are laid out on the floor separated from the rest of squared by a couple feet.
Apparatition lessons are taught by a licensed Ministry worker, a different one every year. The classes are expensive for most and cheap for those with money. Twelve galleons. These classes give its students the opportunity to apparate legally and for some it gives them an opportunity to become an Apparatition professor themselves.
Violet tucks a couple loose strands of hair behind her ear and grabs the galleons from her bag that she brought to pay for this class. This is just perfect, her first day and the Professor hates her because she's late.
She starts walking towards the velvet black box that's in the corner of the room, floating on a charm most likely created by the cloaked man.
With her money inside her clenched fist, she stops in front of a tall, green eyed, brunette who's standing in front of the box with his hand running through his hair.
He's smirkingly flirting with a group of girls who are twisting their hair with their fingers and leaning against the wall while he talks and smiles with them.
The boy's attention shifts onto Violet when he notices the group of girls scowl in her direction. "Hello...you." He smirks flirtatiously and turns his whole body to face Violet. "What can I help you with?"
Violet furrows her eyebrows and clicks her tongue against the roof of her mouth. "You can...get out of my way." She answers with a sarcastic tone and smile and nods towards the box behind him. "Excuse me...you."
Womanizers, Violet hates them.
A couple of giggles come from the group of girls who are still waiting on the boy's attention to go back on them. However, his eyes remain on Violet as she pushes past him and drops her money into the box. He's finding her fascinating already, and not because she ignored him but because of her accent and her elegant way of moving.
As she's walking away, Violet smiles down at the floor and bites on her bottom lip as his cheeky smile is still in her eyesight.
The Professors scream and clap causes Violet to jump with fright and look around to make sure no one saw it; but of course, the brunette's eyes are still on her and he definitely saw it. Violet peeled her eyes away from his and turned to the Professor who has now turned around and is looking around the room, at every single student.
Violets lips parted and she gasped in a small amount of air when the Professors eyes land on her. Blue, ocean eyes. His eyes scan her and she can almost feel them burning into her skin. She can feel her heart pounding but not in her chest, between her thighs.
He looks down at her legs which are completely covered in grey tights and a small huff escapes his lips, making everyone in the room turn to look at Violet.
"Very well." He clears his throat and adjusts his glasses before taking his eyes off Violet and moving them to the middle of the room. "My name is Draco Malfoy; I will be your Professor for Apparatition this year. My rules --"
Draco stops speaking when his eyes dart back onto Violet whose eyes are looking down at her legs wondering what he huffed about. The edge of his lips curls up a bit and he quickly looks away before anyone could notice.
"My rules are simple. No speaking out of turn -" He starts pacing back and forth in the middle of the room and motioning his hands as he speaks. "- do what you're told, when you're told. Finish your assignments on time and lastly, no mucking around. Understood?"
The room is filled with agreeing mumbles and Violet finally looks away from her legs and back up at the brunette across the room who's fiddling with his rings. She watches as his fingers slide over the silver rings and twists them around his fingers.
She looks away when his eyes meet with hers and he just smiles cheekily, like he did to the group of girls before.
"You may all take a seat on the rugs that are scattered around the room." Draco commands as he points around the room at the rugs. "However! Do not move the rugs to be closer to your friends. They stay where they are, the space is necessary!"
"No worries red head." The brunette across the room shouts to one of the girls who was in the group when Violet was there. "You can sit on my lap!"
Scattered laughter is heard all around the room and Professor Malfoy rolls his eyes and turns over to the brunette. "Thomas, stay silent!"
His name is Thomas.
"Today I do not feel like teaching children." Draco continues as he walks away from Thomas who's sitting on the rug with his legs extended in front of him. "However, you all need to know the basics to Apparatition so you will read the textbooks that are being handed out right now and ask questions if they're really necessary."
Without saying anything else, Draco waves his wand in the air; piles of textbooks start to float through the rows of students, placing one in the hands of each student.
Violet watches as Draco puts a cigarette between his plump lips and uses the tip of his wand to light it up. He takes his fingers and puts them on both sides of the cigarette before pulling it out and throwing his head back to blow the smoke into the air. His blonde hair flops over his forehead as he looks back down and he quickly fixes it to avoid looking unprofessional.
"Do you have a question Miss. Blishen?" His voice echoes the Great Hall and it causes Violet to look away from him and back down to the closed textbook on her lap. "Or is your book closed for no reason?"
Violet rolls her eyes and wonders if he really has eyes on the back of his head or he's simply that good. She opens her textbook and ignores him but the sound of expensive shoes tapping against the York stone tiles. The sound coming towards her.
She continues looking down at the page, pretending to read when in reality she's counting how many steps he has left to get to her.
"Miss. Blishen." His voice yet again.
"Professor Malfoy." Her voice comes out in a hushed whisper and she grips onto the edge of her textbook tighter and tighter until her knuckles have gone white.
"A word of advice." He whispers back but this time the whisper is so close to her ear she could practically taste his words. "Don't waste your money on my class if you're going to... zone off. It's a complete waste of my time."
He uses his wand to push her - yet again - loose strands of hair behind her ear; he stands up from squatting and begins to walk away with his hands clasped together behind his back.
Violet scoffs, lets go off the textbook and starts to untie the ponytail on her head to let her hair fall over her shoulders and cover her face. Her face which is flushed because of a small interaction with her Professor.
"Professor Malfoy?" The high-pitched voice of Headmaster McGonagall causes everyone in the room to turn their heads to the now open doors.
Draco quickly crumbles the cigarette in his hand and turns around, fixing his glasses. "Professor McGonagall! How can I be of service?" His cocky tone starts to rise as he walks with elegance towards the doors, with his cloak flowing behind him.
"I need to take you away for a moment." She answers and motions him to follow her as she starts walking out to the corridor.
"Stay seated." Draco turns around and commands before walking out and slamming the doors behind him.
The second the doors shut the loud sound of chatter fills the entire room and Violet shuts her book with shock. She's not a prude but back in Beauxbatons if a teacher left the room, everyone would continue in silence.
Then again boys and girls were separated into different classrooms there.
"Nice to be next to you again ma' lady." Violet felt her hand get picked up and she turns her head to see Thomas placing a kiss on her hand.
"I totally saw you checking me out earlier. Full vintage collection -" He demonstrates his hands full of rings to Violet and lays them back on his lap. "- bet you were wondering what all this silver and diamonds feels like around your throat."
Violets eyes are shot wide open and she turns to look at him with her mouth open in shock. "Is that what you think girls love to hear from strangers?" She takes a hold of his wrist and a wince of pain escapes his mouth. "I'd hate to break your pretty little hand but you're tempting me."
"Okay! Okay!" He shouts and yanks his arm out of her grasp. "Wouldst thee liketh f'r these hands to holdeth yours on a stroll to thy next class?"
A smirk curls up on Thomas' face after reciting what she believes to be Shakespeare and Violet holds back the annoyed smile that's itching to show on her lips.
"Please leave me alone." She laughs into her hand and turns away from him, letting her hair fall to the side and cover her face completely. Violet can still feel his hot breath fanning through her hair and she slams her book shut again. "Surname?"
"Nott." He smirks in response while he brushes his thumb on his nose.
"Please leave me alone, Nott."
"Alright, I will leave if you tell me where you are from." He cups her chin and forces her to look up at him, even with strands of her covering her face because of his force. "And look at me when you say it, I like to be respected too."
With her lips squished open because of how hard he's holding her she mumbles her answer. "France. Beauxbatons."
"Hot." Thomas eyes her up and down and then released her face before cocking his head to the side to look into her eyes. "I fancy that."
"I thought I was clear when I told everyone to remain seated!?" Draco's loud voice echoes the entire room as he screams directly above Violet and Thomas."
Both Thomas and Violet look away from each other's eyes and slowly tilt their head back to look up at Draco who's standing with his arms crossed in front of his chest.
"Everyone leave!" Draco shouts and takes is glasses off with frustration before rubbing his temples to calm himself. "I'm already tired of all of you. Get out of my sight!"
Violet pushes herself off the ground and gives Thomas one last glance before summoning her satchel with a simple accio spell. She puts it on her shoulder and rushes out of the classroom hoping the faster she gets out, the faster the throbbing between her thighs will stop.
Even then, it grows stronger. She goes into an empty corridor and slams herself against the wall, dropping her satchel onto the floor and catching her breath. The corridor is freezing but the air surrounding her is hot, humid more like it.
Her heart is thumping out of her chest and she's itching to do something she's never done before.
With her chest rising and sinking at a fast speed, Violet lets her hand drop down to her stomach. Her fingers tug at the waistband of her skirt and she slides her hand down her panties, letting the tip of her index and middle finger graze her skin slightly.
A small gasp escapes her lips as her fingers enter her slowly and she throws her head back against the cobblestone wall.
She thrusts her fingers into her vagina and replays the image of Draco pushing her hair behind her ear and whispering into her ear. The way his eyes followed and stuck on her, staring into her soul.
"Fuck!" Violet moans quietly into the hot air and she lets out a sigh of relief and exhaustion when she comes onto her fingers and drops to the floor. She chuckles and gasps as she rests against the cold wall, making her feel a bit fresher.
This won't be the last time she does that.
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