"Green or Burgundy?" I asked Edward, holding up both sweaters to get his opinion.
"Umm...what shoes are you wearing?" He asked, looking similar to a wide eyed deer.
"My rain boots, the black ones." I answered.
"Then the green one." He nodded. "Right?" He questioned, agonized I was putting him through another fashion test.
"Right." I nodded happily as I shrugged into my sweater and danced over to where he sat on the edge of our bed to give him a chaste kiss.
"Thank goodness." He breathed out a playful sigh of relief. "I thought that was going to be another disaster." He chuckled.
"Okay, funny man, let's get going." I giggled and grabbed my bag.
"Wait a minuet." Edward caught my wrist and pulled me back over to the side of the bed.
He threaded his long fingers through my short hair and brought his face down to mine to give me a long sweet kiss.
"I'll meet you in the car." Edward smiled and headed downstairs as I smiled and went down the hall to Rose and Emmett room.
"Wear the red one." I spoke through the door, smiling to myself, knowing Rosalie was currently debating between a red scarf and a black one.
"Thanks Alice!" She laughed and I continued down the hall to Carlisles office and knocked once.
"Come in Alice." He laughed and I quickly skipped inside.
"Good morning!" I smiled brightly at him as I came to a stop in front of his desk.
"Good morning Alice." He chuckled, setting aside his book and giving me his full attention.
"So, how was your night?" I chirped.
"Fine, peaceful." He smiled happily up at me. "How was your night?"
"Fine, peaceful." I giggled playfully and he laughed with me. "Have a good day at work. Except, a word of warning, you'll be home a little later tonight. A nasty car accident is going to happen towards the end of your shift. No causalities should come from it however."
"Thank you. Have a good day at school Alice." He smiled and gave me a hug and a kiss on my forehead.
After saying goodbye, I pranced downstairs to the kitchen, where Esme was busy cleaning.
"Bye mom!" I smiled and hugged her tightly.
"I'll see you after school Alice." She hugged me back and sent me off out the backdoor.
Edward was lent against the open passenger door of his Volvo, holding it open for me as he conversed happily with our siblings, and he smiled at me as I slipped into the front seat.
"Did you say your goodbyes?" He smirked as I settled into my seat.
"Of course, I do everyday." I giggled as he got in the drivers seat and started the car.
"So, how is everyone doing this morning?" I smiled at my three siblings in the backseat.
"Great." Emmett muttered, a pout on his face.
"What's wrong Emmett?" I giggled.
"I still don't understand why the smallest one out of all of us gets to sit up front all the time." He huffed.
"Because Alice is special." Edward chuckled and shot Emmett a crooked smirk in the rearview mirror.
"Okay okay, you two may be together and all that but I still say it's unfair." Emmett huffed.
"I've already been separated from Edward once, you wouldn't want to keep us farther apart then we have to be, would you?" I pouted my signature puppy dog pout that can make anyone give into me instantly.
"Nah...I guess not." Emmett sighed as Edward pulled into a parking spot and opened my door for me.
"Are you proud of yourself?" Edward laughed, throwing his bag over his shoulder as our siblings headed inside.
"Very." I giggled.
"What is that monstrosity?" Edward asked, his face suddenly scrunching up as a noisy car entered the lot.
I turned to look at it. The source of the sound came from a large bulky red truck, a very very old truck that looked more like a tank than a vehicle. It parked right across the row from Edward and I in the parking lot.
"Oh, it's not so bad." I giggled.
"It's a nightmare." Edward shook his head playfully as I slipped into a vision.
Long brown hair, highlighted with red undertones, shinned brilliantly in the golden sunlight. Pale and flawless ivory skin sparkled and soft golden eyes danced happily.
The girl was stunning and obviously very happy as she ran through trees, seemingly being chased by someone.
Out of nowhere, Jasper suddenly jumped from the tree line and wrapped his arms around her waist. You could not deny their happiness as they shared a sweet and loving kiss.
"Oh my god!" I exclaimed as I came out of my vision.
"He's finally going to meet his mate?" Edward asked me happily, beaming down at me.
"Yes! It looks that way!" I cheered, smiling like a mad woman.
The driver of the 'monstrous' red truck climbed out then. The girl was pretty, in a simple but elegant way, and the way her long brown hair caught in the small rays of light made it look
Oh no.
"Jasper's mate is a human?" Edward panicked beside me. "He has the worse bloodlust out of all of us! What are we going to do?!" He panicked.
"Calm down. I'll think of something." I hushed him, pulling him off towards the school with me.
"How are you going to fix this?" Edward asked, believing in me one hundred percent but still worried for our family.
"I don't know, but I always find a way." I smirked victoriously as I started searching the future for possible solutions.
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