Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Fifteen
"I don't know what to do. I have never felt so useless in my life." I sighed, running my hands through my hair nervously.
"First the revelation from the Denali's and now this." Carlisle mimicked my sigh. "The only thing any of us can really do is be supportive and be cautious to what may upset Alice, especially until the blood leaves her system."
"Right, but how can we keep from upsetting her when the Denali's are going to be here any minuet?" Rosalie asked.
"The Denali's are coming? Now?" I panicked.
"Yes, we invited them to spend some time here with us." Esme smiled at me.
"I don't think I-"
"Dude, you have a kid." Emmett suddenly spoke up. "You have a son Edward, that's a big deal, and we've got to meet him."
It's true, Alice and I unknowingly have had a child for the past decade and my mind is still reeling from it.
Apparently, from Carmen's information, Alice discovered she was pregnant soon after I and my family left. She went to Thomas for help, he then took her to his grandmother, an old friend of Carmen's, and Carmen then took over and cared for Alice. The shape shifters saw our child as a threat and set out to kill him, but Carmen and Alice hatched a plan to prevent that. After the baby was born, Alice had a vision of James coming and killing her since she was alone. Alice knew if he found Carmen and the baby, James would hurt them too, so she fled from the house and promised to meet with Carmen later. Carmen said that Alice never returned and after searching for her for years, Carmen finally gave up. The Denali's have raised my son as one of their coven members ever since. The only reason that my son wasn't present at the wedding was because he was visiting some friends. If he had decided to come it would've caused absolute chaos.
Alice had been upstairs for only a few hours when the doorbell rang. Carlisle and Esme both rose from their seats and went to greet the Denali's at the door while the rest of us prepared ourselves.
"Hello everyone." Eleazar greeted as he entered the room with Carmen and my parents in tow.
"Hello Eleazar, thank you for coming." I greeted him in return and shook his hand.
"Of course." He smiled. "I've heard so many things about Alice throughout the years, she's practically apart of our family, and I think it's about time for you and her to meet your son."
"Have you told him anything?" I asked.
"No, only that we were visiting some very important people." Eleazar answered.
"We're all afraid that he may not take it very well." Carmen sighed.
"Why would he not respond well?" Jasper asked.
"Well...because he thinks that Eleazar and I are his real parents." She revealed.
"You told him that?" Rosalie questioned madly.
"No, no, he came to his own conclusions!" Carmen cried. "I believe he remembers Alice, he's just convinced himself that I'm his mother because it hurts him not to have her. I suppose it is partially my fault, for not correcting him, but I truly believed Alice was dead and I didn't want him thinking he didn't have a family." She sighed deeply. "Please forgive me." She begged me.
"Of course Carmen, there's nothing to forgive." I nodded. "You didn't know and I would've done the same thing if the situation was reversed." I soothed her worries. "Where is he?" I asked gently.
"Getting the bags, we wanted to stall him as long as possible." Eleazar laughed just as there was a knock at the door and Carlisle went to open it.
"Hey dad, I can't find moms tote." My exact replica told Eleazar as he entered the room followed by Carlisle.
Its almost terrifying how much we look alike. We have the same bronze hair, the same face, we look the same age, and we have the same tall and lean body type. I could tell that he had Alice's curls by the way his hair refused to lay down and I was surprised that his wide emerald green eyes were the same exact shade as Alice's were.
"Sorry, I was confused. She didn't bring it." Eleazar laughed and my son shook his head in amusement. "These are the Cullen's." Eleazar introduced him to the room.
"Hello, I'm Anthony Carlisle. It's nice to meet all of you." He smiled my same crooked smile and the entire room recognized it.
When his eyes settled on me, his thoughts became a scrambled mess and I could tell he was shocked and confused. Anthony frantically looked to the people he had known to be his parents his entire life for guidance.
"What's going on?" He asked worriedly.
"Anthony, sit down, there's something we need to tell you." Carmen sighed.
Everyone had just taken a seat when we all heard a door open and Alice come crashing down the stairs. I was instantly worried, her footsteps are normally light and practically undetectable but as she came downstairs, her steps were loud and it was obvious that she was tripping and stumbling.
She rounded the corner in a panic, clutching her head and coughing.
Everyone froze when we recognized that her veins had gotten worse. The purple and maroon veins had climbed up her shoulders and attacked the rest of her body. Both of her arms were streaked in the strange colors, her hands were practically completely covered, but the scariest part was how the veins crept up from under her neck and branched across her face.
She looked like a terrifying angel.
"Carlisle," Alice coughed "something's wrong." She cried.
"Alice, what's wrong? What hurts?" Carlisle swarmed her.
"It's my head, it hurts so bad!" She cried. "Everything hurts, it's like I'm on fire!" She sobbed and folded herself into his arms.
"It's alright, you're going to be okay." Carlisle tried to soothe her but his worry was evident as he held her tightly.
Alice screamed and clutched her head tighter as she collapsed onto the floor. Not being able to take it any longer I quickly stood and crossed the room so I could help her any way I could. She clutched me tightly as I pulled her into my lap. She started to tell me something but I was terrified to see her eyes roll back into her head as she started convulsing wildly.
"Is she having a seizure?" I cried.
"It looks that way, get her upstairs, now son." Carlisle ordered and I shot upstairs with Alice clutched tightly against me.
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