Sierra was a different woman. She glowed with the aura of love. Vincent was back, and he came to conquer. Sierra was swept away by the attention the man accorded her but also Leone.
Vincent made himself available. He went to the park with them, he sometimes fetched Leone with Sierra, and the little boy began to see the man as a piece of his environment.
Where was Jonas in all this?
The man became a spectator of scenes he wouldn't have seen if the Gauthiers didn't reel him into Sierra's existence.
This was how the man saw his predicament. He and Sierra were colliding elements destined to cross and distance themselves.
"So tell us about everything. How is it with Mr. Right?" Jade asked.
"It's great. I feel as though we were never apart," Sierra replied with her signature smile of pure bliss.
May nodded, "terrific; I'm so glad to hear that. Then you won't mind doing me a favor."
Sierra swallowed her bite of pizza and asked, "what?"
"Eh," May gave a shy smile, "I was wondering if you'd ask Jonas on a date for me."
"What?" Sierra exclaimed louder than she intended.
"He's handsome."
"May, what theㅡ."
Jade decided to intervene before they made the headlines in the crime columns for homicide, "she's been wanting to tell you, but I stopped her. I got the impression Jonas and you wereㅡ."
Sierra shook her head, "no, no, Jonas is Leone's father, I'd never."
"Then it's cool, right, Sierra?" May asked.
"May, there are plenty of men out there. Why Jonas?"
"You certified he's a gentleman. That's what I need right now," May said as she twirled some pasta on her fork.
Sierra turned to Jade for assistance, "say something."
Jade shrugged, "Sierra, why are you so worked up?"
"I'm not worked up. It's Jonas. He'sㅡ."
Both of her friends hung, and her words, Sierra knew what she would expel was crucial.
"He's Leone's father."
"I told you she'd go crazy."
Jade fixed her friend, "Sierra, is there something you aren't telling us. I mean, you lived with the man."
"No, Jonas is a friend."
Still, keen on dating the man, May asked for confirmations to which she already knew the answer, "he's single, right?"
"Yes, but still. Jonas will be back in Sweden in a month," Sierra said with insistence.
"I don't mind if it's a fling; the Scandinavian nights will do."
"No, it's out of the question. I won't have you playing with Jona's heart. He's been through a lot already."
Jade chuckled, "poor Leone. I dread the day the boy brings home a girlfriend."
Sierra rolled her eyes, "come on, girls, you know it isn't the same."
"Okay, time out. I need to pee," May said as she got up.
Left with Sierra, Jade tried another approach, "Sierra, don't you think you're too categorical. May has been single for months. You know how hard it is to find a good guy. Not everyone has a Vincent waiting for them."
"What so I should serve Jonas on a platter to her because modern times are difficult?"
"Listen, Sierra. There's a good, single man living under your roof. You don't want him, and you are taken. Let someone else try their luck. Give the man a choice. If things go your way, he'll politely decline. I swear May has been raving about him from day one."
Sierra cocked an eyebrow, "how come I didn't know?"
"Do you see how you're reacting? You become overprotective as soon as you begin to cherishㅡ."
"Stop right there, Jade. There's no cherishing going on."
"Then you don't mind helping out a friend."
"Jade, he's still grieving Cecile," Sierra whined.
"All the more reason to distract the man's mind."
Sierra sighed as May walked back to the table.
The women ate silently.
Jade kept giving Sierra side-glances while May played it like a high school outcast who sulked over her plate of spaghetti.
"Alright, I'll ask, but I can't promise anything. I mean, Cecile meant everything to him, and he's leaving in a little over a month. He'll probably sayㅡ."
Sierra blinked; she couldn't believe it. The woman who stalled finally got the courage to confront Jonas. She had bearly asked the question that the man replied positively.
"You know who I'm talking about, right Jonas?"
"Yes, of course. I see who you're cute web designer friend is."
Sierra's eyes went over the moon of her eyelids, "pardon?"
"Yeah, May. I'd love to go on a date with her. I haven't done anything fun in a while."
"Jonas, my friend, is single and looking for something durable. You're leaving soon."
The man turned away from his computer screen to face her," Sierra, why do I get the impression it's bothering you."
"No, it's not a bother. Otherwise, I wouldn't have asked. It's just May is my friend and you'reㅡ."
"And your Leone's father."
"So you're bothered by the fact that a woman finds me interesting or attractive."
Sierra frowned, "no, it's just she's my friend. Don't you abide by any rules?"
Jonas crossed his arms, "I'm interested to know what rules you're talking about. I'm just a tenant here as far as I'm concerned."
Taken aback, Sierra nodded, "huh, oh, okay, I see. Yeah, you're nothing else than a tenant. It's okay; you can date my friend. I don't mind if you're just a tenant and all," Sierra said while she chuckled nervously, "like it's my business, see if I care."
The tone, the head nod that tic tocked from side to side seesaw style betrayed her.
"Okay, great. Can I have May's number then?" Jonas made abstraction of Sierra's body language. He did not see why he should deprive himself of a night out when the woman acted so childishly.
Sierra frowned before throwing her glare, "huh?"
"Well, I need May's number to fix a date."
"Ah, yeah, yeah, wait a minute," Sierra went to fetch her her phone.
Why was she so worked up?
A date wasn't a marriage proposal, yet Sierra's mind exploded.
"Here's her number."
"Thanks," the man turned back to his screen but could still feel Sierra's presence behind him.
"Aren't you going to call?"
Jonas didn't understand. Sierra seemed opposed yet eager to see the outcome.
"I'll call as soon as I finish working."
Jonas began typing and stopped, "are you just going to stand there?"
Recognizing the ridicule of her behavior Sierra went to her bedroom. She fell back on her bed.
She was unable to shake off the queasy sensation she had. Her stomach knotted, her heart scorched, and her mind throbbed as though someone knocked a sled hammer on it.
What was it to her?
Jonas could date whoever. May was an adult; she knew what she was doing.
What rights did Sierra have on the man?
He wasn't hers, and she could not hold him back in Cecile's name.
Sierra felt stupid.
Jonas composed May's number. He didn't lie when he said he found her cute. There was no calculation on his behalf; he just thought a night out with someone would do any harm.
The man who suffered in silence sought a distraction. Perhaps he would even have fun, so he called.
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