Ms. Patel didn't let Sierra finish as she interrupted her.
"Please, Sierra, do not make this old woman go home looking more a fool than she already is. Accept my gift. It's a dinner tomorrow night at Plaza Athénee."
As far as prestige went, one didn't need to look any further the three-starred restaurant was considered one of the best in Paris.
The food lover in Sierra was ecstatic. Still, the woman shook her head," Ms. Patel, I love Vincent, but what I lived the other day just isn't tolerable for me. I can't marry into a family where everyone is my enemy. It's hard enough holding up against society; I don't want that in my household. I saw the expression you had when you saw Leone; I will not let him entertain curiosity or other prejudicial manners."
Ms. Patel nodded, Sierra was right, and it made the woman wish to convince her even more, "please, Sierra, I'm sorry. Give us a chance. We all need to educate ourselves; let us correct our regretful behavior. Please."
The conversation she had with her son still played on her mind.
"All your children have succeeded in life. Can't you just accept to have one who isn't like the others?"
"Vincent, we did everything to make you happy why?"
"Tell me, mother, what is wrong with our love? Why isn't it acceptable in your eyes? Is it just because she has a child?"
"Vincent, raising someone else's child isn't easy, and his father is alive."
"Ms. Patel."
This time the woman touched Sierra's arm," please, hear the plea of another mother."
Leone looked up at his mom, who stared down at him.
What wouldn't Sierra do for Leone's happiness? At that instant, Sierra put herself in Ms. Patel's shoes and thought of how many times the woman said please.
She sighed, "alright Ms. Patel."
The woman gave her a weak smile, "thank you, Sierra."
Why did she agree?
Sierra preferred to think it was curiosity that got the best of her, but the truth was her heart still throbbed for Vincent without her consent. Sierra recognized she was uncontrollable when it came to Leone. Perhaps she was too hasty. Also, she didn't want to seem petty, even if her reaction was legitimate.
The following evening Jacob was speechless when Sierra explained, but he abstracted his sentiments and tried to place words of wisdom. And it was without much conviction Jacob told her to listen to what they wished to express.
"Don't worry, Jacob. I won't make an irrational decision."
Sierra left, she was in advance, but she didn't mind. At least they would not watch her arrive. The woman could not be more wrong as she found Mrs. Mister Patel, Elise, Jai, and Ishaan seated at the table reserved for the occasion. Though Ms. Patel told her she could bring Leone, she preferred to spare her child the eventual encounter with stupidity.
"Good eveningㅡ."
"Sierra, please have a seat."
Sierra didn't expect to see the man again, but it seemed the dinner would not occur without him. Elise smiled at her, but Sierra kept a serious face camouflaging emotions that ran wild.
Sierra sat down and took the challenge. She refused to give Ishaan any satisfaction of seeing her run.
"Do you want something to drink? We ordered a Henri Giraud Argonne Rosé 2008. Is it okay for you?" His voice was calm and poised as his facial traits, unlike the last time his face was tense as though he lifted weights with his cheekbones.
"Eh, yes," Sierra said while looking at the empty seat next to her. There was no need to search for who it was. The woman felt her heart collapse.
"Sierra," began Ishaan, "I'm not good with these things, so I'll go straight to the point. I wanted to apologize for what happened the other day. My behavior was unjustified, and I sincerely regret my conduct."
At this instant, the person expected next to Sierra pulled a seat, "what did I miss?" Vincent asked.
Ishaan cleared his throat, "I was just telling Sierra how sincerely sorry we were to have received her the way we did. I hope she doesn't hold this against you or us."
"Ishaan, thank you, Iㅡ," Sierra looked around the table and stopped to stare in front of her before reaching vincent, "I can only imagine the effort all this asked of you."
Sierra received more apologies in the last twenty-four hours than perhaps in her whole lifetime, but did this make everything okay?
"No, Sierra, thank you for coming to meet us," Mr. Patel said.
"Mom," whispered Elise.
"Eh, I have a present for you," the woman said and picked up a large rectangular parcel next to her," here."
Ms. Patel passed the box to Sierra, who took it.
All waited.
"Sierra, aren't you going to open it?" Ishaan asked.
She finally turned to face Vincent; his natural tan seemed to have seeped through his dashing traits were hollow. It was evident to see who suffered the most out of the two.
"I thought it was rude to open a gift in front of the giver."
"This time you can, Sierra."
Sierra took a deep breath and began to open. Her heart thumped a hundred beats per minute as she almost became blind by the bling-bling of the garment in the box.
"What is it?"
"It's a bridal lehenga. One of the many you will have," Elise said, beaming.
"So you're accepting me what will it be of my son? Did you tell them Ms. Patel about his ethnicity? Will it be an issue?"
Sierra turned to vincent, "Sierra, If you want, you can walk away. I know I failed you, and I will make amends. I just want you to know that I still want you to be my wife."
"Are you weighing your words, Vincent?"
"Sierra, everyone at this table is a parent none of us would harm a child. Vincent knows the responsibility he has towards Leone and you," Mr. Patel said.
Vincent's stare remained locked on Sierra's hand. She still wore her engagement ring.
The woman clenched her hand to hide it, but it was too late.
Why did she keep it on?
It was one of those moments where one picks the interpretation. Many would see forgetfulness; Sierra chose like everyone sitting around the table to privilege the theory of the sign.
Jamais Deux sans Trois the french say [never two without three].
Third time lucky, Sierra was about to find out if the saying is true.
I know you hate me.
Remember, you are good people please don't cuss me too much.😅
Take care.
Much love ❤
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