Two weeks, the delay was too short, but Jonas had to make the most of it. For he really had to leave, he had to be in Sweden to see the new conditions of his contracts through. Though Jonas wished to spend the time he had with Sierra and his son, there was an urgent matter he needed to sort out before doing anything else.
"Mr. Alstöm," the men shook hands.
"Hej Jonas, hur är det?"
"I'm good, thank you, and you?
"Well, shall we."
"Have they arrived?"
"Yes, the woman is extremely excited. Mr. Wagner is doing a good job calming her."
Jonas no longer wished to wait for the deadline, he had made his choice, and he decided to meet the Gauthiers.
The men entered the mediation room where Mr. and Mrs. Gauthier waited. Mr. Wagner smiled, "good, I'm glad everyone is here. Perhaps we can start."
The Gauthiers lawyer leaned over to Mr. Gauthier, who nodded and said, "where is Mrs. Lennox?"
"Sierra is at work."
"Doesn't she need to be here?" Mrs. Gauthier asked.
"Her presence isn't necessary, as it's me who wished to see you both. I've come to my decision, and I want to make you aware of it."
Mrs. Gauthier's eyes light up, and her husband patted her hand; the couple had high hopes. None imagined the man wished to spare and protect Sierra from the bloodshed.
"I've decided to leave Leone in Sierra's custody as wished by Cecile."
"What is this nonsense, Jonas," Mr. Gauthier yelled.
"Jonas, what is this? You can't do this. Can he do this?" said Mrs. Gauthier, who sought their lawyer's advice.
"Well, he is a direct parent."
"No, no, Jonas. You can't do this."
"I'm sorry."
"Oh, no, you are not sorry yet, Mr. Postmann. Do you truly believe we're going to sit and accept this rubbish? We're going to attack."
Jonas knew the threat was severe as for once his name found its proper pronunciation.
"Go ahead. You can try whatever you wish."
Jonas preferred to spend his money somewhere other than in lawsuits, but it seemed the Gauthiers would not leave him a choice.
"Oh, no, it's not you, we're going after but that nègresse [female term meaning negro]. Yes, you think we can't see it. She has bewitched you. You've probably already fornicated with that Jezebel.
Jonas cocked a brow while Mr. Wagner, Mr. Alstom, and the Gauthier's lawyer eyes widened at a term which could have one sentenced or fined in France.
"Mr. Gauthier," his lawyer whispered, but there was no stopping the man.
The older man wagged a finger at Jonas, "yes, I can see it. The queen of Sheba has got you strung. You're not thinking straight."
"Pardon, how dare you speak of Leone's mother that way?"
"His mother, good Lord, Jonas. Have you lost your mind? She's not his mother," Mrs. Gauthier spat.
Mr. Wagner fixed his glasses, well, it's not what this document here stipulates," he handed out the stapled file that the Gauthier's lawyer began to check.
"Jonas, I swear so help me, God, you're a dead man."
"Mr. Alstom, please note Mr. Gauthier not only insulted Ms. Lennox, but he also threatened the both of us."
Mr. Gauthier chuckled, "what you want a file a complaint. Do you know who we are?"
"Yes, I know who you are. You're sinners who threw out and disowned their teenage daughter. You're monsters who work, eat, and drink with a predator who sexually assaulted her under your roof for years. God, you say, do you believe such grace is with you? Do you believe I could leave my son to racist, misogynist, coldhearted faux devot [religious hypocrite] of your kind? No, Mr. Gauthier, as long as I live, you will never be blessed by Leone's presence again."
"Oh, my God, Jonas. What on earth are you talking about? Mrs. Gauthier said. "No such thing ever happened to Cecile. Those are terrible lies that Sierra fed you."
"Lies, you say?"
Mr. Alstöm brought out a huge file.
"What's that?"
Mr. Alstöm passed it down. The first page was blank except for the title, BIRDCAGE.
"What is this?" Mr. Gauthier asked.
Mrs. Gauthier looked at the author's name, "it's Colette's. This is Colette's manuscript. What is it doing here?"
Jonas did not comprehend what the woman meant when she said people do crazy things for money. He naively believed she spoke of marrying Bertrand for his wealth. The man could not be more wrong. Colette was a writer; she was making a name for herself when she met her mirror image.
At the time, she only knew the Gauthiers by name and had no interest in the wealthy french family of vintners. Until Cecile baited her, Colette listened. Indeed Cecile had a tale to tell, a rather dark one for this century, one of a family where siblings married and where insanity was custom.
Where many would go to asylums, tradition liked the looney folk isolated in the residence cellars.
One could hear their scream at night, but this did not stop the family from continuing to mingle their bloodlines with incest. Seeing how tragedy followed, they sought to purge their family by uniting cousins, and so Mr. and Mrs. Gauthier wedded and had a daughter.
Tragic and dirty, yet the tale was fuel for the author's mind, so Colette played the ghostwriter. Borderline, she even approached and seduced the devil himself. Jonas now understood Colette's reaction when he spoke and said she wasn't like the Gauthiers, and the woman confirmed she was just as twisted.
Yes, Colette had a gift for Jonas the day he came to the Gauthier's residence. The hint to Cecile's truth laid in the UPS box Colette brought. There were more letters where the woman specified how under no circumstances Leone was to be under their care.
Jonas didn't see the manuscript but a hand-crafted photo album, and he would not have torn it apart to find the key if he did not receive a call from the crazy author. In true mystery novel fashion, Colette had Jonas playing Hercule Poirot in the French capital. His course ended at Gare du Nord, where the key opened a locker keeping the manuscript.
"This manuscript, for the moment, has fictional names and locations. However, if you decide to follow through with all the actions you threatened me with, the author will publish the book as the official autobiography of Cecile."
Mrs. Gauthier's mouth fell agape while Mr.Gauthier turned the pages of the manuscript, "Colette, she did this. I knew there was something wrong with her. The bitch set us up."
Once more, the avocets exchanged stares. It seemed the more the minutes passed, the more the Gauthiers masks flaked and crumbled. None intervened to calm the situation as Jonas appeared to handle the verbal attacks well, no matter how spiteful.
"You son of a bitch, you'll pay for this Potsmann."
"It's you who sees Mr. Gauthier. If you sue me or attack Sierra in any way, the world will know who you are."
"I'm going to kill her."
"If your referring to miss Colette Dufresne, she has probably left the country at this hour. You see, Mr. Gauthier, one should not belittle women but above all never ever underestimate a mother's will."
Condemned Cecile took all the risks. Her tremendous unconditional love for Leone drove her. Jonas acknowledged it and wished to respect her last will.
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