Jonas sat in the living and waited. Sierra came home while he picked up Leone; the man had not seen her since. All he heard was her light steps running from the bathroom and back.
Sierra made herself discreet. She did not want to rub her excitement in Jonas's face. The man was not wrong when he said she desired Vincent's return. The only difference was the reasons why her relationship with Vincent was crucial.
Sierra told Jonas Vincent would pick her up at 8 PM. At 7: 47 PM, Jonas lost a bar on his lifespan line as Sierra entered the living room searching for scissors.
Sierra was a Jean girl, mom, high-waisted, bootcut, slim, designer, or ready to wear she slew the denim. Here she wore a dress, not just any, a bodycon D&G dress with a V-neckline line screaming it will kill a man.
"Gosh, I feel your cuisine is where it shouldn't. I can't even fasten the zip, and I need to cut this tag."
"Do you need help?"
Sierra had her hair pressed. The middle parting was to the inch of precision. The makeup was light; she essentially worked on her eyes, which allured and bewitched with every one of the woman's fluttering lashes. Jonas, who thought he had observed all of the woman's faces, discovered another that merited a detour. Only one word came to mind, stunning.
Jonas got up and went to stand behind her to cut the tag and fasten the dress. Sierra slid her hair to the side, releasing the fragrance of Very Irrésistible by Givenchy on the nip of her neck, which teased man's nose. Jonas pulled up the zip. His fingers lightly touched the surface of her cocoa skin. The hairs on Sierra's arms stood up to hail the sensation.
An awkward silence filled the space. Sierra could feel the heat of Jonas's breath along her neckline. She cursed herself for provoking the situation, which was not intentional. The woman had to do something fast; she turned to face him.
Jonas's mellow eyes and flushed cheeks betrayed him. He desired her; the man wished he could have Sierra body, mind, and soul. Nothing was possible as long as Sierra resisted the way she did there, she stepped back.
"Thank you, Jonas," Sierra said while her eyes stared at her feet. Too deep, the man's gaze made the woman uneasy. Sierra banged her head against the cavities of her mind; she knew Jonas's gaze would monopolize all her thoughts throughout her dinner with Vincent.
"Sierra, I don't want yoㅡ."
The sound of the doorbell saved the woman who hurried to open it.
"Vincent," Jonas heard and went to sit on the couch.
Sierra came back and crossed the living room, "Vincent, can you wait here while I fetch my purse."
"Good evening," Vincent said.
Jonas lifted a hand to gesture a hello.
Vincent thought of things to say while Jonas sought for a pretext to hold Sierra back.
"So what have you got planned for tonight?" Vincent said.
Jonas gave Vincent a couldn't-you-find-anything-better glare and said, "well, I've got this little feller here to put to sleep. He should already be in dreamland. He must be worried about his mom going out and coming home late."
It took Vincent a second to realize the mom Jonas referred to as Sierra.
Vincent cleared his throat, "eh, she won't be back too late."
Sierra came back, "ready?"
Leone did not need to be prompted; the little boy began to stretch out his hands, "ma-ma."
That's my boy, thought Jonas.
"Oh Leone, don't do this," Sierra picked him from his father's arms.
The boy immediately snuggled his head into Sierra's V-neckline, making the other men present burn with jealousy.
"Vincent, can you wait a few minutes. I need to put him to sleep. I never go out; I find breaking a habit like this a little abrupt for him."
Yes, Jonas thought. A tear of joy almost leaked from Jonas's eye, who was glad to see mother hen Sierra was still in business.
It reassured the man to note Leone remained Sierra's priority and that he was not mistaken about her.
"Yes, sure, I'll sit and wait here," Vincent said.
Leone looked up, "Ma-na."
"What is it, Leone? Sleep now," Sierra kissed him on his head, and Leone snuggled up to her again while Sierra began to pace in the living room.
Vincent's eyes darted like a metronome following all of Sierra's movements while Jonas observed him.
Had the man changed?
Did Vincent really have the intention of accepting Leone?
Jonas had to be careful with any argument he advanced, as Sierra's heart still carried Vincent in its core.
Five minutes later, Leone gave in, falling asleep on the woman's scent that seeped through the perfume's cloak.
"Here, Jonas," Sierra said and leaned to give Leone to his father, who got a close view of her cleavage.
A part of him enjoyed the sight while the other cursed the idea Vincent would have the beautiful view's exclusivity during their meal.
Sierra turned to face Vincent, "I'm all yours."
No, no, howled Jonas within.
Sierra put on her heels, changing the game with slight infidelity towards Jimmy with her electric blue Manolo Blahnik heels.
She put on her coat and said, "goodnight Jonas," with these words, Sierra was gone.
Once the door closed, Jonas took Leone to his room, "thanks, Leone, I know you did your best." Jonas waited a few minutes before returning to the living room with the baby monitor.
Restless, he began to work. Jonas revised the Moder Yord contracts. Sierra's remarks concerning his products' prices made the man wonder if there were such issues elsewhere.
Though a renowned brand in Sweden, Jonas did not want his concepts to be owned only by the wealthy. Offering his products to all population classes was the first reason that pushed him to sign with the Ikea branch; he didn't like how they became inaccessible.
The man got to work. In the meantime, Sierra and Vincent arrived at Marsan, a two-star Michelin guide chef restaurant in Paris's sixth arrondissement.
Sierra's eyes shimmered. Vincent knew better than anyone; the way to Sierra's heart was her stomach, at least until Leone came along. The dress she wore defined Sierra's silhouette. The woman was thicker; her curves were more pronounced, Vincent observed as he closed the steps behind her.
"Bonsoir, madame et monsieur. Do you have a reservation?"
"Yes, a table for Vincent Patel."
The clerk searched in his listing before inviting them to follow him, "suivez moi, je vous prie."
The clerk took them to their table.
Sierra looked about; the restaurant was not huge, with less than twenty tables. The decor was sober with furniture in cream and marron, which gave the place a homely feel, while the sliver metals added a touch of elegant insolence.
"Wow, Jonas would love this place."
That didn't take long, thought Vincent, who hoped the man's name would remain where they left in Sierra's apartment.
Vincent smiled and feigned not to take notice, "I know how you love a good restaurant. You'll love this one."
"You know me."
Finally, they were just the two of them, and old habits quickly kicked in as they exchanged accomplice smiles once they took a seat. Vincent stretched out his hand to touch Sierra's.
The mood was perfect. For Vincent, it was time to woo his woman back.
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