Sierra stopped her wake-up reminder and got up. She stretched; it was routine. She got up, went to Leone's room to check on him, which was also standard.
What was not part of her everyday ritual was finding Leone's crib empty.
Sierra's heart leaped, she rushed to the living room. The convertible was still unfolded, but Jonas wasn't there. Sierra's heart raced as she imagined the nightmare scenario where the man kidnapped his son.
Her thoughts would have continued to escalate with negative reviews if it wasn't for the giggle she heard coming from her kitchen.
Sierra hurried there, and she found Leone happily drinking his milk while Jonas made funny faces.
"Morning, Sierra."
The woman grimaced and went straight to grab Leon from his high chair, "why did you wake him?"
Jonas placed a solemn hand on his chest, "I didn't, I heard him cry, so I went and got him. I thought you could use a little more sleep. I wanted to--."
"Don't, don't do things like that. You said you wouldn't interfere."
Even though the woman attempted to keep her composure in check, her voice trembled, and Jonas recognized perhaps he jumped a few stages too soon.
"Listen, Sierra, I told you. I'm not your enemy. I've been here for a week, and I've seen run about like a goose. I just want to help out if I can."
"I don't need any help. You won't be here forever."
"Yeah, that's why I want to make myself useful. You need to sleep; you can't be waking up every night."
Jonas had observed her; the woman barely slept. Sierra dedicated a hundred, no, a thousand percent of her time to making sure Leone was safe and happy. She was overprotective, in Jonas' opinion.
"Leone didn't wake up last night, though," Sierra said.
"He did, Sierra, but you were too exhausted to hear. I took him."
Sierra's eyes grew wide, and before she could speak, Jonas interjected, "Sierra, don't worry. My opinion on whether you can raise him or not won't diminish because you failed to get up. You're alone. For me, you're a single parent, and no normal person can expect more than what you're doing. I just want to relieve you a little, so please accept that I help you while I'm here."
The woman's eyes fixed a spot behind Jonas. He noticed she did that a lot when she reflected. Jonas hoped Sierra would agree, and she wanted to accept, but fear held her back.
Sierra was terrified at the idea that Jonas might create a strong bond with Leone.
"I want to be close to him," Jonas said as though the man heard.
"The closer you get to him, the harder it will be for you to let go."
"I'll keep my word, Sierra. I'll leave after six months if it all goes well."
"It's not your word I'm afraid of; It's Leone's longing for you."
"Sierra, we're not there yet. Let me help you, please."
The woman sighed, the morning events already wore her out, and her day wasn't even on the starting blocks. "I need to get ready. I'll think about it," Sierra walked away with Leone, who leaned to the side to look at Jonas. The man made a funny face, and the little boy giggled.
Sierra bathed, dressed him, and let Leone crawl in the living room while she got ready. When she came out of her bedroom, she found Jonas in his outerwear with Leone in his arms.
"Going something somewhere?"
"Can I accompany you?"
"To his daycare, I want to see where he spends his day."
The request wasn't farfetched. It almost seemed legit. Sierra sighed, "I guess I can't say no now that you're ready."
Jonas grinned as Sierra approached to unfold the buggy.
"Oh, you can leave that. I can carry him."
"He's heavy you--," Sierra realized the ridicule of her remark. Jonas was 6.23ft minimum; next to him, Sierra was petite with her 5.6ft. He had the legendary Scandinavian stature that reminded Sierra of the famous Skarsgard brothers. When she thought of it, Jonas resembled one of them. She didn't remember his name. She made a mental note to ask Jade, who swooned over any muscle-bound man.
Jade's repertoire went from Tom Hardy to Dwayne Johnson with a little u-turn around Vincent Diesel and Micheal B Jordan, who she recently adopted in her adult fantasies.
Her friend was the person who told her to watch Viking just for the bare torsos.
Sierra loved the show for the plot, but she didn't see the point of drooling over men he could neither meet nor touch in real life.
"Oh, I'm coming," she advanced and helped Jonas to put on the baby carrier. Sierra had to pull on the straps to adjust it to him.
During this time, Leone watched it was only when the deed was done the little boy understood Sierra would not transport him. Panicked, he stretched his arms.
Sierra proud gave Jonas a you-see-he-needs-me stare.
The man just smiled and said, "she's here, little buddy, don't worry. She won't go anywhere. Can I come with you today?"
Leone stopped moving and accepted his fate. They went down. It seemed the whole neighborhood was out to greet them.
"Good morning Jonas."
"Good morning Ms. Lambert."
"Morning, Jonas.
Great thought, Sierra, who already imagined what they would gossip about till lunchtime. They walked to the bus stop and waited.
Jonas turned to face Sierra, "so this is what you do every day?"
"How far is it?
"It's twenty-minutes from here."
The bus arrived, Jonas expected someone to give up a seat, but it seemed the French didn't have that hospitality.
Sierra smiled, "welcome to Paris, the land where people are grumpy and don't care about anyone else than themselves. They stood until they arrived.
Jonas couldn't get over it, "in Sweden, people would--."
"We're not in Sweden.
They walked five minutes and arrived in front of Ptits Sourire [lil Smiles] daycare.
"Hello, Ms. Lennox," never had the women of the center welcomed Sierra with such smiles.
"Eh, this is Jonas. Leone's father, he'll be with us for a few months," Sierra explained rapidly to Leone's primary caregiver.
"Oh, hi, I'm Maud. I'm with Leone from Mondays to Wednesdays."
Jonas smiled, "nice to meet you."
"I'm Irene. I work here on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays."
Everyone came to present themselves, even some mothers who never spoke to Sierra.
"Will you be picking up Leone sometimes?"
Jonas turned to face Sierra, "will I?"
Sierra pursed her lips and smiled in frustration. It seemed all the elements swayed in the man's direction, "em, we haven't spoken about it yet."
"Just in case, I suggest you fill in a derogation. You never know".
Jonas beamed, "yes, you never know." He then proceeded to unstrap the carrier and giving Leone to Maud. Sierra and Jonas watched through the window as Maud deposited Leone with the other children.
As usual, Leone snuggled up to Sierra's handkerchief and watched the other kids play.
"Is he always like this?"
"Yes, most of the time. Dr.Besson says he'll come around. He is still observing the environment."
"Yes, Leone sees a psychologist. Listen, Jonas, can we talk about this at home? I'm going to be late for work."
"Okay, sure, I'll stay here a little."
Sierra wanted to protest, but time was not on her side, "okay, see you later." She strutted away; Jonas watched until her silhouette disappeared.
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