The couple settled for a wedding on Friday 6th August. It relieved Jacob, who added to more counseling sessions to Sierra's despair. There would be six consultations in all.
Sierra focused on planning the wedding. Wanting to save money, she tried to organize the event herself, but with work, Leone, and Vincent, the woman surrendered and called in a wedding planner.
Solina Rose just started her business in Paris but was already a rising star in the field. Almost every person Sierra spoke to advised her Beaux Nuptial Events. Not only did Solina organize memorable weddings, but the price range was incredible.
"Hurry, Vincent."
"I'm one minute away. See you in a bit," the man hung up how he hated circulating in the French capital during peak hours, but above all, he detested keeping Sierra waiting.
Sierra sat in the lounge, picked up one of the magazines, and flicked through the pages.
Another event had the monopole of her thoughts. Leone's first birthday was at hand.
What type of party would Cecile have organized?
Extravagant, Cecile would have been capable of scheduling a rave in Ibiza for the one-year-old.
Sierra thought of something more intimate with simple must-haves:
- A Cake
- Cute decorations, party cone hat mandatory.
- Guests: Jacob, Vincent, Jade, Mai if she decided to talk to her, and Jo-ooo-ooo-nnnasss.
Her mind stuttered like a broken record every time she evoked the man. Sierra put it on anger's account.
Why was she still so angry?
The woman's denial concerning Jonas broke every record on known-land to man and outer space.
Why did she have so many issues with everyone?
She wanted Mai to be her bridesmaid, but they still weren't speaking. Sierra knew it was her fault. She needed to take the first step but pride got in the way.
The door to Solina's office opened, a couple came out grinning. Their expression reassured Sierra, who needed every boost she could get.
A petite woman of Sierra's height and frame bid the couple farewell before coming to meet Sierra, "hi, I'm Solina Rose. Sorry for the wait. Isn't the fiancé with you?"
"Eh, he's running a little late. He'll be here soon," Sierra said as she got up to shake the woman's hand.
"Okay, then we'll start without him. I have a tight schedule."
"I understand."
Solina smiled, "this way, please."
Jennifer Lopez popped into mind as soon as Sierra imagined the wedding planner, and she had to admit she wasn't far off. Loose curled dark brown hair and brown almond-shaped eyes, naturally tanned skin, and high cheekbones, Solina had the Latin star aura.
One just wanted to tell her she missed her vocation and she should change to play in a romantic comedy signed Netflix.
The women entered Solina's office, which was a reflection of her work. On one side, there was a shelf with different wedding cake replicas and wedding portraits.
On the other side, you had a large table with wedding reception miniatures and a display of different wedding invitations.
Solina followed where Sierra's gaze settled, "Oh, I prefer we play with the miniatures instead of just watching the 3D simulation. It's also easier to envision seating arrangements among other aspects."
What made Sierra was smile was the fact the woman had miniatures of couples of every color.
"You like them?"
"I wish Mattel had dolls like these when I was younger."
"Yes, it took some time, but they don't just do blue-eyed blondes now. Have a seat, Sierra. I hope you don't mind me calling you by your first name. I feel it's a good ice breaker. Please call me Solina."
Sierra came to sit at Solina's desk, "okay, Solina."
"Alright, here we go," the woman said in a motivated manner before sinking in a solemn tone as she said, "I'm sorry to start with this, but it's only once I have this information that I can begin to explain the packages. What's your budget? I know it sounds like I'm after your money, and I am there's no use lying, but there's no point in me showing you castles and wedding gown fittings at Vivienne Westwood if the allowance isn't there."
"I totally agree, we're at 37K, but I don't want to spend that much. If we can settle around 25k, all expenses included, I'd be pleased."
Even if the money was there, Sierra didn't like the idea of throwing it out confetti style; one never knew what trial lurked after. Sierra preferred to remain on the safe side.
"Really, Sierra? This is your once-in-a-lifetime experience."
"I know, but life is long, and I don't want us to bleed for one day."
"Okay, fair enough. Sorry, it's my job."
"I know you're after our money."
The girl next door didn't mess about; Solina was pushy but gave off something sincere.
Solina smiled, "alright, now that we know where we're going, tell me how you envision your ideal wedding?"
"Em, Iㅡ."
A quick knock on the door interrupted Sierra. "Come in," Solina beckoned.
Vincent opened the door and advanced to the desk, "sorry I'm late; there was a lot of traffㅡ." The man stopped, "Solina?"
Sierra's gaze switched from her stunned fiancé to her just as dumbfounded wedding planner before saying, "you know each other?"
"Eh, we went to college together, and we worked at Barclays Bank," Vincent said as he sat down and returned his focus to Solina, "what a surprise to see you here."
Sierra met Vincent and took the man as he was. Apart from asking the usual questions about family and where he grew up, the woman didn't dig to know about the women of his life or how high was his body count. They both had a past, and Vincent left his in London, why fuss the woman thought. Here in front of Solina's rising cheekbones and smiling eyes, Sierra knew man and woman weren't passers-by.
"What are you doing here?" Vincent asked.
The wedding planner was his idea. Both Sierra and he were tied up with work. Elise organized everything in London. The Patels were financing everything there. Vincent's sister was regularly on the phone with Sierra. In France, the woman could not rely on anyone as everyone worked. Vincent thought it would take some stress off his fiancées shoulders. Sierra, who was reluctant at first, gave in as it was too great of a task. Like many men, Vincent let Sierra pick the wedding planner, and he just tagged along.
At this instant, the man wished he had paid more attention.
"You know London is hectic, and the wedding market is saturated. I wanted to rock the french conception of marriage. Wow, you're getting married," the woman exclaimed.
Vincent swiped a hand behind his head, "yes, I am."
"I'm happy for you. Don't worry; I won't let you guys down. You'll have the best wedding ever. So I'm listening, Sierra, tell me about your ideal wedding."
"Eh, em," the woman was lost her mind shut down.
"Sierra?" Vincent said, taking her hand.
"I want something simple, nothing fancy: No horrid taffetas bridesmaids dresses, no complicated table settings, no limo to block the traffic, four sets of cutlery on the table, or three layers of table cloths. I want there to be enough food and beverages and the guests coming from abroad to have good accommodation."
"Sierra, that's logistic. Tell me what you want for you?"
"Yes, Sierra, don't worry about the budget."
Sierra wished to say she wanted her father and Cecile to be there. Instead, she began by setting the time.
They went through the bridesmaids, the best man, the colors, the different party halls in the area. Solina then exposed her packages. According to her, since Sierra was willing to sacrifice a few things, they could have a bus to pick and bring the guests to the guesthouse and the wedding. Vincent's restaurants would prepare half of the dishes, but they would outsource the rest of the menu, including the birthday cake, which had to be allergy-free and vegan if possible.
As with the couple before them, Solina took her time, and she apologized to the next couple as she did with Sierra. Sierra noted that neither Vincent nor Solina expressed any more heartfelt sentiments.
In the car journey back to Sierra's house, silence reigned.
Vincent threw a side glance at Sierra, "are you happy so far?"
"Yes, Solina is very frank and professional. I like her."
"She's a good person."
While Sierra wondered whether she should push further in the questioning, Vincent prayed she would let it slip. He barely wiggled out of the situation with his parents. The man didn't want to start explaining the real reason why he left his job and moved to Paris.
As he drove, he realized some wounds never close, but love was more potent than everything. And Sierra's was a life savior.
Never would he have dared imagine facing Solina, let alone have her plan his wedding.
"And are you happy with this, Vincent?" Sierra asked.
Vincent grabbed her hand and kissed her knuckles as he stopped at a red light, "I'm the luckiest man alive to have you. Of course, I am."
In the meantime, the last couple left Solina's office. Sierra booked the appointment under her name; thus, Solina had no idea she would meet Vincent. Memories surfaced with spoons full of regret as the woman remembered her words, "sorry, Vincent, I don't want to marry you."
Though the woman sold the dream, she didn't believe in the sacred vows that lasted a lifetime. Her parents were divorced like most people around her. As a teen, she lived all the drama of separation and the housing back and forths. A few years back, Solina was scared. She also measured the weight of entering an Indian family. The woman wasn't willing to make the cultural concessions in the name of love that could expire.
She broke Vincent's heart, and since she lived jinxed relationships that didn't hold their promises. Now the love of her life was marrying someone else, and she would watch him from the sidelines.
The wet sensation on her cheeks alerted her, "shit, Solina. Why on earth are you crying?" she said as she swiped away the tears with the back of her palm.
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