~9~ in the mall
Patton's POV
It was around 12 when I woke up. Normally I wake up earlier but since we didn't sleep long, I guess I needed it. As I walk into the living room, I see Logan sitting on the table between some of the moving boxes that we brought in our car.
"Good morning Patton." Logan says as he stirs his coffee. "Good morning Lo, I hope you had a purfect night sleep." I say as I chuckle and walk towards the kitchen to make myself a cup of tea. "Did...did you just make a cat pun?" "Are you kitten me? I would neverrrr." I say as I put some sugar in my tea. I hear Logan sigh, but when I (sneaky) look at him, he was smiling. Ha mission complete. "I'm making pancakes. Would you like some Logan?" I ask as I look trough some boxes to find a pan and the supplies to make pancakes. "I don't want bother you." He says. "That's no problem! I bought the products on the way here, I promised to make Virgil's favourites." I say with a chuckle. "If it isn't a problem I would love to." Logan says as he picks up a book from the table. "Oki doki!!!" I say with a chuckle.
After I baked the pancakes I called Logan and we take some to eat. We walk together to the table and sit down. Logan takes a bite from his pancake and looks at me with big eyes. "Are you Okay Logan? Don't you like them? Maybe I should have asked if you liked crofters.." I say. "Did... did you use crofters?" He asks me. "Yes I did.. Owh are you allergic?? Don't you like them?" I say worried. "No! I... I love Crofters.." Logan says as he looks at me and then at his pancake with and adorable expression. I chuckle softly as we continue eating in silence.
After we finished, I put the left over pancakes (I made a lot so Virgil and Roman can eat them two) in some foil. "Should we wake Roman and Virgil?" Logan ask me as I pick up a pen. "No let them sleep, I'll just write a note to say that we're gone. "Roman can tell Virgil were and why." I say as I write a quick note that says that me and Logan are out.
Logan walks towards the front door and takes his keys from the table. "Would you mind if I drive?" He ask me as he opens the door for me, as a real gentleman... "No, you can drive. Do you know were the mall is?" I ask him as we walk towards his car. "Yes I know the route." He says. Hmmm he is hiding something. He keeps fiddling with his keys, and ever since I met Logan, he looks like a calm guy.
"Hey Logan? I know we just met... but don't think you have to hide stuff from me oke?" I say as I sit down in the front seat. Logan sits in the drivers seat and stiffens. "Is it that obvious?" He says with a small smile. "I wouldn't know." I say as I shrug. "Virgil always says I have a 'thing' with people." I say with a chuckle. "Yeah you sure have." Logan mutters. I decide to just play dum and pretend I didn't hear him. "It's just that I have a lot of feelings..." Logan says as he starts the car. "Isn't that normal?" I say. "Not for me.." he says as we drive away. "Well you can always come to me if you need to talk!" I say. "Thank you Patton, I appreciate that.." he says as we enter the main road.
As we walk in the mall I notice Logan looking around a lot. "Hey Lo? What are you looking for?" I ask him as we continue to walk. "Just a map for the mall. But I do need a map of the world for my collection." He says as I stop. "Logan? Did you know I can hold the whole world in my hands?" I ask Logan as he stops two. "Patton that's not po-" he says as I cut him of by putting his head in my hands. "Tadaaa, the whole world in my hands." I say as he looks at me confused. "Patton that's my head?" He ask me. "Yeah, I know that. But you're my whole world" i say as I tap his nose and walk further. I look behind me to see a very blushing Logan. I giggle and walk towards the map of the mall.
After some clothing stores, a cellphone shop and the hot topic (just looking if I could find something for Virgil) we arrive at the supermarket. We just bought the basic stuff and some candy and crofters. Because I learned that Logan loves crofters, I think that's going to be on my shopping list all the time.
After we finish our shopping spree in the supermarket, Logan and I walk towards the car to dump are stuff to get some lunch. We went back inside the mall and went to a nice little restaurant. "What would you like to eat Patton?" Logan ask me as we sit down. "Just a sandwich or something like that. You?" I ask as I look at him. "I think the same thing, after this we can, if you like, get some ice cream?" Logan ask with a small blush on his face. He looks so adorable now!! "Yeah! I would love that" I say. We both order some sandwiches and eat them in silence.
After we finish, the Waiter brought the bill. I want to pay but Logan stopped me. "Let me pay please." He says as he pays the bill. "You didn't need to do that." I say as we walk outside. "I know, but after last night, it took a lot to trust us. And I would love to do this again sometime." He says. "Me two, but let me pay for the icecream then!" I say as i drag him towards the icecream man. "Sure, if that makes you happy" Logan says as he chuckles. I would love to hear that more.
"One Banana icecream please." I say to the icecream man. "Here you go." The man says as he gives me my icecream. "What do you want Logan?" "A lemon icecream please." He says. "Here you go, that then €3" the man says. I give him the money and me and Logan walk towards a bench outside. "Thnx for this amazing day Logan." I say as I give him a hug, careful to not get icecream everywhere. "No problem, i loved you're company." He say as we sit down at the bench. This day was just perfect. We eat our icecream and relax.
After we finish our icecream, we walk towards the car and drive home. But what I saw there was so adorable!! Virgil and Roman snuggling on the couch!! Virgil was half asleep and Roman is petting his hair!! Looks like I'm not the only one with a perfect day.
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