~7~ Deceit?
Warning: this chapter contains things that are.. well not really happy.. there is mention of death and abuse... get ready for some heavy angst and we'll.. Virgil's backstory..
Patton's POV
As me and Roman stop fanboying around, I look around and can't find Virgil. I walk towards Logan who is reading in his corner of the room. "Hi Logan!" I say as I sit next to him. Roman joins us on the couch. "Do you-" "know we're Virgil is?" Logan finishes my sentence. "Yes he went to his room to rest" he says as he puts his book down. "Why did he go.... did we do something wrong?" Roman says as he looks at me worried. "N-no kiddo don't think that" I say as I put my hand on Roman shoulder. "It's just *sigh It's not really my place to tell." I say is I lay my head in my hands. "I think it does" Logan says as he hands me a piece of paper. "I let my curiosity get the best of me and read it, sorry." It's Virgil's handwriting.
Hey Pat, when you read this I'm... wel trying to sleep I guess. You know how I am with so much going on. I'm just... to much feels u know? So I guess there is a possibility that Roman and Logan are going to ask about that phone call... Maybe it's smart that you tell them, instead of me. You know I'm not the best in words, you're better in that kinda stuff. So yeah Goodnight
P.s don't you dare to tell them more things okay! I know how you are!
As I finishes reading the letter Roman speaks up. "Patton? You're crying..." "I-I didn't notice, sorry kiddo..." I say with a chuckle, as I dry my face with my cardigan. Logan puts his hand on my shoulder. "Maybe it's smart to continue this conversation downstairs? So Virgil can sleep?" He says. "That's a good idea.... come I'll make some hot coco.
"So....." I begin as we sit down in the kitchen. I just finished making hot coco. I give Logan and Roman both a cup. "Who is this 'Deceit'?" Logan asks as he looks kinda worried. "Yes and why did Virgil got upset when he called him?" Roman asks. "Well, as you both now, Virgil is a bit of a loner. He has a bad case of anxiety and panic attacks. I know Virgil since that we're little. Our parents were friends and with only 2 years between our ages, we became friends rather fast." I say as I look at my cup. "The point is that Virgil... he was not always a loner.. And his Anxiety wasn't always a bother to his social life. But everything became different after Deceit.... His real name is Levi, but that name brings to much memory's, that's why we call him Deceit... he know this and he likes it...." I say as a single tear drips from my cheek on the table. "Deceit was Virgil's first boyfriend..." I say as the other two look at me. A look up to meet there eyes but quickly look down again. I sigh deeply and continue my story. "Virgil's parents were homophobic... that's why my parents and his broke contact... It was because I came out as Pansexual. My parents were really positive about everything and supported me a lot... but when Virgil's parents heard this... They said to Virgil that he could never see me again... But what they didn't know was that Virgil was gay... he was only seventeen at the time..." I stop for a moment to let the memory's resurfaces. "That doesn't explain why Virgil doesn't like Deceit?" Roman says as he looks like he is going to cry. "That's because he fuck up everything." A voice says. It was Virgil...
"Hey kiddo..." I say quickly cleaning my eyes from tears. "I'll take over Patton.." he says as he sits down next to me. "You sure? I know you don't like go talk about it..." I say laying my hand on his. "I think they need to hear this from me.." he says as he sighs. "As Patton told you, my parents were homophobic. When they found out I was gay and had a boyfriend... things escalated quickly.. They blamed Patton, they said that he poisoned my mind. When I defended him... My dad stood up from his seat and slapped me.. h-he said that he didn't see me as a son anymore.. my mom followed him a-and took a a k-knife from the table.... s...." Virgil took a deep breath and continues his story. "She scratched my back.. and my arms.. that's why I have scars all over those places.. a-after they were done.. I run upstairs as fast I could and blacked out.. when I woke up my phone rung. It was L-Deceit... our relationship was always toxic... I-I had to do things... things I'm not happy about.. When he called me he said things like I wasn't good enough.. That I should kill myself.. I-I hang up the phone and cried for hours... But when I thought things c-couldn't get any worse.... The doorbell rang... I-i sneaked downstairs as best I could with my back and arms. I heard a voice say 'walk old man or you get a bullet in you're brains'..." tears streaming down his face, Virgil tries to continue but the words were stuck in his mouth. I quickly pull Virgil in my lap and stroke my fingers trough his hair. "Keep breathing Virgil.. it's almost done" I say softly. Virgil takes a deep breath and continues. "I walk into the living room t-to see D-ddeceit standing t-here... wit-th a g-gun.... m-my m-mom And d-dad standing in front of him. He turned around w-with a sick smil-Le on his f-face.... he looked a-at me and s-said... 'You didn't kill yourself, gay..disappointment.. freak." Virgil's voice cracks at that last word.. and I know why... "Than h-he turned around to my mom a-and d-dad... 'any last words?' He asked t-them. T-then m-my d-dad said... 'At least when I'm dead I don't have to be the father of such a freak'" tears streamed down his face. I look at Logan and Roman. The older one with a face of pure shock and the younger one with tears in his eyes. "H-he k-kil-led t-them.... h-he s-said t-that He was g-going a-after everyone I cared about... a-and would end w-with m-me...." now Virgil's voice just stopped as he sunk in my chest. "Shall I finished from my point of view kiddo?" I ask as he lays his head on my shoulder. I can feel him nodding and focus my eyes on Logan and Roman.
"I called Virgil multiple times, but he didn't answered. I knew that his parents didn't want him and me having any type of contact.. But we always had, no matter what. I was standing in front of his house as I heard two gunshots and two deadly screams... One of a women and the other one.. I knew it was Virgil. I run inside, because the door was open.. what I saw there was terrible... Virgil's parents dead and Virgil in tears and what I could see in pain... than I saw Deceit standing there... looking at his victims.. he hadn't noticed me as I run inside and took Virgil outside while calling 911." I sigh as Virgil hugs me tightly at the memories. "The police arrived quickly but Deceit didn't seem bothered by it.. he just said 'I just wanted my boyfriend to see what a freak he was, and his parents knew that two. I just released them from there misery.' Virgil was taken to the hospital... there was a whole investigation... Deceit ended up in prison. My mom and dad letting Virgil live with us.." I could feel that Virgil's breathing started to slow down... he fell asleep... "He was never the same after that..." I say as I look up to our friends. Roman in tears and Logan trying to comfort him with a hug.
"Thats horrible...." Roman says softly as we lay Virgil on the couch. It was four A clock already. "Yeah... that's why I'm so happy that he talks to you two.." I say as a tear slips from my eyes. "He hasn't talked to almost anyone, except for me and my parents..." I say as I kiss Virgil's head. "That's why you are so protective about Virgil." Logan says as he lays a hand on my shoulder as Roman sits down next to Virgil in the couch. "I guess... his parents didn't excepted him, even when they died... I'm his parents now." I say as I smile proudly at my kiddo.
Well that was heavy.... next chapter will have some fluffyness to make up for this anxious chapter.❤️ hope you all understand Virgil a bit better and his relationship with Patton.
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