~5~ ship it?
Patton's POV
(After Logan's question, Logan and Patton are sitting on the table, while Roman and Virgil are in the bathroom.)
"Why that question Logan? You already know mine and Virgil sexuality's." I ask Logan. I can see a small smile forming on his face. "It was part of my plan to get Roman opening up to you, and Virgil of course." "Why does he need help with that?" I ask curious. "A lot of things happened when Roman came out Bisexual. He has now less trust in people, what in this case, not good is." Logan says while he corrects his necktie. Awhh he cares about Roman, that's so cute!!! He is so adorable!!! "I know that Roman is Bisexual, Virgil is Gay and I'm Pansexual, but what are you Logan?" I ask him, a small blush coming on his cheeks. "Asexual" he answers. That means I have a chance with him!! Yeahhh, okay Patton calm down.
When I want to speak again I hear the toiletdoor spam closed. I look over to look who made the sound and it was Virgil! Omg He is blushing!! He looks like a tomato!! And he isn't wearing makeup and.... is that Roman's jacket?!!! Omg "I ship it" I say without thinking. "You ship it? You mean you have a ship or?" Logan asks. "Owh sorry... I wasn't paying attention to what I was saying, but i guess you're going to hear it more often with me and Virgil as friends. If you 'ship' something you think two of more people look cute together." I say as Virgil begins his walk towards us, lucky for us he walks slowly and isn't here with his head. "You ship some one? Who?" Logan says as he looks intriguingly at me. "I-i kinda ship Virgil and Roman" I say looking a bit guilty. "So you would like to see Virgil and Roman in a romantic relationship?" Logan says whispering a bit because of the fact that Virgil is coming closer. "Yeah..." "I'm in." Logan says with a determined look on his face. "Nice!" I say.
Virgil sits down again and starts to sip from his strawberry milkshake. "Hey kiddo everything okay now?" I say as I put my hand on Virgil's. "Yeah I'm fine...." He answers back with a distant look on his face. Then we hear another sound. This time it's Roman. He looks completely flustered. His eyes widen as he looks our way and his blush increased. Logan and I look at each other. Roman joins us again at the table. "Well kiddos?" I ask looking at them both. "W-what? Kiddos?" Roman says looking confused. "Don't worry about it, it's Patton's way to say that he cares about you." Virgil says as he lays his hand on Roman's shoulder but quickly redraws it with a blush on his face. Me and Logan share a 'something definitely happened' look. "Okay spill it." Logan says as he looks at the now flustered boys in front of us. "I-" Virgil tried to speak as his phone rings.
"Hello, with Virgil Darkwood" Virgil says as he picks up his phone. "W-what.... h-how did you get this n-number" he says as he starts to get paler. I look at him worried as tears start to form in his eyes. "A-shut up!! YOU BASTARD!!" He says angrily as tears start to flow from his eyes. I think i know who it is. "Deceit " I mutter as Virgil stands up and starts to run towards the car. I look at Logan. "Go, we handle it here." He says as Roman nods with a shocked expression on his face. I run after Virgil as he sits in front of our car.
"Hey Kiddo... need a hug?" I say as I sit next to Virgil. He doesn't say anything but just nods. I quickly take him in my arms as he lays down on my lap, we're he starts to cry softly. "H-he, h-he...." he starts. "It's okay Virgil, I'm here okay.. just breath for me Okay?" I say as I go with my fingers trough his hair. "Your up for a talk kiddo?" I say as the crying slowed down and his breathing was more calm. "Y-Yeah I guess.." he says as he looks up at me. For people who look at us now this would look very very strange, but for my dark shadowling I would do anything. "D-deceit found my number..." he starts "H-he said a-after he is released, he is com-ming after me..." i look I'm shook at Virgil. That monster is not coming to my sweet child again! "It's okay Virgil, he may have you're number but he isn't going to hurt you again okay? Lets go to the store tomorrow and get you a new phone number?" I suggest. Virgil just nods tiredly. Luckily he hasn't had an attack. That would only stress him out more. Lets change the subject.
"So is that Roman's jacket?" I ask as Virgil sits up straight (as straight as he could with the fact that he isn't). "W-whaaaattt, it's just to hide the stains.." he says as he starts to blush again. Mission completed, Virgil forgot about Deciet, only if it's for a few minutes. We hear a door getting opened and see Roman and Logan coming out the door in a hurry. "You're okay Virgil?!" Roman says as he quickly rans towards Virgil and takes his hand. "I'm fine now princey." Virgil says as the both start to blush. I stand up quickly and walk towards Logan. "Who is Deceit?" He asks me. "*sigh* I will tell you later I promise but for now enjoy those two kiddos being cute." I say as I give him a little nudge. "Yeah they are quite 'cute'" he says as we walk towards the car. "Yeah you to" I say as I walk towards the driverseat. I can catch a glimp of Logan blushing. Hehehe. Roman help sleepy Virgil in the backseat and we take off towards are home. Our home....
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