~12~ Virgil time
Virgil pov
The moment I screamed for Patton to come upstairs, yeah I didn't expect to see Logan standing awkwardly at my door. "Patton asked if I could assist you, if you don't mind?" Logan says. "No problem, how was the mall btw?" I ask while Logan walks towards my bureau and looks at my phone. "It was great, I really enjoyed Patton's companionship." He says while he starts to do.. whatever he is doing with my phone. "Well I could see he liked it to. The last time he smiled that bright was when I gave him a cardigan." I smile a little at the memories of those happy moments me and Pat had. Don't get me wrong, I don't want to go back to those days, but I have 'some' good memories. "You gave Patton his cardigan? In the little time we spent together, you can deduce that it has a great emotion value." Logan says as he looks up at me for a moment. "I guess.." I say while I shrug.
After a few minutes of me just staring at my ceiling and Logan working on my phone, he was finally done. "Your phone is done Virgil." Logan says as he hands me my phone. "Thnx Logan." I say as he hands me my phone. "Virgil? Can I ask you something?" Logan says as he just.. I don't know.. stands there, in the middle of my room. "Sure?..." I say. My Anxiety isn't really helping with this. Just stay cool Virge, Logan is cool... "You have to make sure that you given Roman and I a sign, when you don't feel comfortable with something. Patton knows you the best and knows, I think, everything about you. But Roman and I are a different story." He says while he walk towards the door. "I don't want to bother you and Roman with that.." I say Honestly. "You aren't a bother Virgil, You are our friend now, and I'm told that friends help each other." He says while he smiles at me. I don't know why, but seeing Logan smile at me makes me more at ease. "Thank you Logan." I say while he leaves my room. "No Problem."
After a few minutes of just me staring at my phone I got bored. I jump of my bed and start walking towards the attic. When I arrive there I see a lot of boxes. Roman probably moved them. I walk around and find some of my boxes. I open a few up and find something I forgot i brought with me..... My Violin...
As I pick up my beloved instrument, I feel relaxed. I love to play it. My violin was purple with black (duh). It was a gift from Patton's parents. Patton had told them that i learned how to play at my grandmas house. My grannie was the only one in my family who truely understood me. After she passed away, my parents didn't let me play again. I still miss her, but she is in a better place. And every time I play my violin, she is with me.
I start playing and the world around me stops to exists. The only thing i could hear and see was the music around me. Sadly enough, my freedom was short. Someone fell over some boxes and I jump up from the noice.I didn't even noticed that he came in! "Hi Kiddo! Sorry for scaring you! Glad you found your violin again!! I love to hear you play!!! Patton says with a big smile on his face. I chuckle softly and put my violin down. "How did you find me?" I say as I sit down on one of the boxes. "My special dad powers!! And you room was open and empty so I thought you might be here! And then I heart you play! You are still amazing!!" Patton says while he walks over and hugs me. "Thnx Dad. Not that I mind your company, but why where you looking for me?" I say as I Hug him back. "Owh Yeah!! Me, Logan and Roman were about to order some Pizza!! Would you like to join us?" Patton says as he jumps up from the hug and moves towards the door. "I would like that.." i say. I put my violin back into his case and follow Patton downstairs.
After me and Patton joined Roman and Logan, we ordered pizza,watched some movies and played some games. And to be honest, this is the first time I felt that I belonged.
So this was this chapter! I'm sorry for my sloppy updating and the short chapter, but I had exams, tests and school in general being a Bitch. Hope you like the new chapter anyway!!💜
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