Chapter two: i have no title :D
im wingin' it this time bitches i have very little ideas >:}>
Vivian's POV
Its been a week now and i have a new place to stay at now. The old Paranoia used to stay here when he was a dark side before abandoning the others. I try not to ask too many questions about the old Paranoia because it seems to be a very sensitive topic to them, especially Deceit. But anyways, about my new home, apparently there was a lot of cobwebs that the two decided to clean up but they missed a few which I didnt mind much. I got a new spider friend that I've named Terri who is the size of my hand. Hes a golden silk orb weaver, and hes not the only animal friend I've made either. I have an orange tabby cat named Max and a little bunny named Angel, even though she's a real devil and a pain in the ass sometimes. Lately, ive gotten closer to remus and he's givin me a new nickname, Vivi the virgin. Apparently he gave one similar to that to the old Paranoia too, and at this point im getting very curious on who the "old Paranoia" is. My thoughts were intrupted by a knock at my door so i go over to open it, Terri sitting on my shoulder. I open the door to see remus there.
"oh hi Remus. What'cha doing here?" i asked as remus starts poking Terri on my shoulder, annoying him so I help him out and move Remus' hand away from Terri. "Terri doesnt like that very much."
"Well, Sugar Ass, I've come to bring you to my palace again. Deceit wants you to be present for your first meeting and plotting of ruining the light sides!" He spoke, with me blushing and leting out a groan with a eyeroll as he says my first nickname. He bows down and holds out his hand, looking up at me from his bowed position with a smirk and an eyebrow raise. I return his smirk with one of my own and take his hand, him sinking down with me to his palace. When we arrived to the palace, I was clinging to his arm and looked as if i was going to be sick. Im still adjusting to the sinking in and out thing, but at least im not vomiting all over the place like I was the first time. It wasnt a good day that day... Remus began leading me to the meeting room, a circular table with three chairs. One yellow, the one Deceit was sitting in, one green, the one Remus just sat down in, and a purple one that Deceit was motioning for me to sit in while pulling jt out for me. I walk over and sit in it, thanking Deceit and we started the meeting.
*time skip brought to you by Remus being a trashy bastard*
Still Vivian UwU
Well that surely was eventful even if we did just sit in one spot for a full hour. Remus was being an idiot and joking with me the whole time and Deceit got pretty mad about it, forcing him to shut up with the wave of his hand for a while until his input was needed. Now its just me and Remus in his living room. He actually more kind and caring, despite his lewd and inappropriate comments and slurs. He brought me a nice warm cup of tea and i gratefully took it from him with a smile and a clear 'thank you!', i may be a dark side but im on the nicer side when it comes to my friends. We ended up chatting for a while and before i knew it, it was past 10 at night. We shared our goodbyes and i sinked back to my little home in the dark mindscape. I tended to my duties of my little animal friends and headed straight to bed, falling onto it and almost immediately falling into a comfortable sleep.... i did feel a bit of enjoyable heat that i cuddled into but i also felt like i was being held. But as soon as that he came, it left and i felt my covers get pulled over me.
Word count: 717
Welp its been a while hasn't it- anyways the second chapter is finally out im sorry but i think the next one will come out faster than this one did because i have something planned that ive had for a while when starting this book. But youll just have to wait and see~ ;) laters oh and happy April 8th
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