Gloves | Rebellion Files
We interrupt this broadcast with an important message from Father Magnus Six.
What are those white gloves that you wear?
Why do you wear white gloves all the time?
I will tell you the Truth.
The gloves are not gloves but advance technology created by THEM.
The gloves are Genetic Modifying Objects—or GMOs.
THEY created them in order to make money.
The devices transform animals into anthropomorphic beings.
They allow animals to possess fingers and thumbs.
They allow animals to stand upright, use language, and make tools.
They allow animals, or any wearer, to heal from otherwise deadly injury—like from falling anvils or TNT.
You are nothing more than lab animals.
Free yourselves.
Join The Wyrm.
We now return you to your regularly scheduled drivel.
Sparks of Rebellion is available as an eBook at many online retailers and in paperback only at Barnes & Noble.
More "Rebellion Files" can be found at the Joe Rover, Author YouTube channel.
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