[Thursday - 17.59]
"Wow. Don't you look especially pretty today?" Minho smiled at Ji, walking to meet them halfway.
"Why thank you." Ji playfully answered, bowing to play along.
Minho smacked their shoulder lightly, smiling like a dork. Ji smiled back. They had taken off the bandage around their head, making sure their hair covered the wounded area. They didn't wanna wear a beanie to their first ever date, and it had been 2 whole days since the incident, so it would be fine, right?
Minho kissed Ji's cheek softly, giving the younger a hug. Ji hugged Minho back, heart beating fast simply by the thought of being on their first date with Minho.
"So what are we doing?" Ji asked, pulling back.
"We, kind sir, are going to eat first of all." Minho started tugging Ji along.
"The rest will be a surprise." The elder winked, intertwining their hands.
"Oh eating. How original. No one ever goes out to eat on dates." Ji joked excessively.
Minho grinned softly, continuing to show Ji to the restaurant he had booked last minute. It wasn't a very fancy one, but it wasn't bad either. Just perfect for a casual first date between two middle class students.
The two entered, Ji looking around curiously, following Minho up to the front desk.
"Hello and welcome to Peppe's. Do you have a reservation?" The lady at the front desk asked.
"Yes. For Lee Minho." Minho answered.
The lady tapped something on the stationed iPad, smiling softly.
"Yes, perfect. Right this way please, sir." The lady lead the two to their table, a cozy little table by the back, decorated with a red sheet making the vibe very romantic under the dimmed lights and lit candles.
"Thank you." Minho smiled, pulling a chair out for Ji.
Ji took a seat, smiling as a thank you while watching Minho walk around the table to take a seat across from them.
"Hello, my name is Somi, I will be your waitress for tonight. Can I get you started with some drinks?" The waitress asked, handing the two a menu each.
"Hmm, uh I would love a... Strawberry lemonade." Minho answered happily.
The lady wrote it down, turning to Ji.
"Just a water please." Ji smiled softly.
"Are you sure?" Minho asked.
Ji nodded.
"Ok, your drinks will be right out, and at the same time I can take your orders, good?" Somi asked with a smile.
The two nodded softly. The waitress hurried away.
Minho turned to Ji with a smile, taking their hand over the table.
"This is all my treat. 100%, you're not even paying a single dime. Get whatever you want, please." Minho started, head tilted and a look of pure admiration in his eyes.
"What, Minho, no! I-I'll pay for my own stuff." Ji chuckled.
Minho scoffed with a smile and shook his head.
"This is not up for discussion, I'm paying." Minho chuckled.
Ji pouted, looking down while blushing.
Minho sighed, looking at Ji like the younger hung the stars. His eyes were filled with pure admiration and love. A short silence filled the air as Minho rubbed Ji's hand gently.
"I like you a lot Ji. Like a lot. I know I never told you, but I hope you noticed either way. I really hope you like me too, because I would really love to do something about this... Connection? And 'relationship' - that we have." Minho confessed, thumb rubbing Ji's palm.
Ji smiled widely listening to Minho, covering their burning cheek with their free hand. The latter shook their head softly, feeling like their heart was beating out of their chest.
"I really like you too, Min. A lot. I would definitely love to be more with you too." The younger shyly admitted.
Minho smiled widely.
Ji nodded, face blushing a deep red, but the latter looked gorgeous either way.
Minho lifted Ji's palm, tenderly kissing it before lowering it again, just content with looking at the gorgeous person in front of him.
[Thursday - 20.19]
"Ok, open." Minho told Ji, removing his hands from their eyes.
Ji opened their eyes, a happy laugh immediately filling the air.
They were back at the abandoned factory, right where they sat the first night, getting high together and making out - just being young and reckless.
The space was now covered in a beautiful blanket fort, with fairy lights and pillows. A small basket of snacks and drinks sitting on the blanket on the ground.
"It's not a lot, and I know it's kinda rushed because I had to hurry and set it up before coming to meet you. I got some of the snacks I know you like, I really hope you like it-"
Ji cut Minho off with a soft kiss on the lips. Minho smiled and sighed in content into the kiss, holding Ji tenderly by the waist.
"It's perfect." Ji whispered.
Minho smiled widely, tucking a strand of Ji's hair behind their ear.
The elder tugged Ji along excitedly, pulling out all the snacks to show Ji. He had also brought along his computer, where he had downloaded a couple movies for them to watch and charged his computer all the way to make sure they could finish it all the way.
"Ok so that sums it all up what do you wanna do?" Minho excitedly asked after explaining the offers.
"Let's start with a movie. Did you download anything good?" Ji asked, flipping onto their stomach.
"Pfft of course. Only like the best movies ever. I got frozen one and two, Moana, the whole collective Friends series and Harry Potter.
"Frozen 2. No discussion even needed, hit it!" Ji exclaimed.
Minho chuckled, finding the movie in his files.
Ji got comfortable, wrapping themselves in a big blanket and snuggling up against Minho. The elder wrapped his arms around Ji, caressing their hair softly. Ji grabbed Minho's hand, intertwining their fingers and sending Minho a soft smile before focusing on the movie.
There the two laid for close to 2 hours, watching the second Frozen movie, both pitching in sarcastic remarks and arguing over what power is the coolest of all the elements. Light laughter could be heard from afar, and this time luckily no one was around to disturb the happy couple.
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