Chapter 40 - Epilogue
A/N, this it is guys.
Third Person POV
"What are we doing?" Nineteen year old Race asks, curiously, for the fifth time.
Fourteen year old Tumbler and thirteen year old Les and Lucky groan in unison.
"Chill out, Race!" Lucky exclaims. "Let us guide you somewhere."
"Without your knowledge of where it is," Tumbler adds.
Les and Lucky nod.
Race scoffs, stopping. "It's my birthday guys."
Tumbler and Lucky grab his hands again. "Good for you. Now, come on!"
Race groans as the three teenagers drag him along.
He was finally nineteen and now he was getting dragged around by three fourteen year olds.
"We're thirteen." Les and Lucky state in unison.
Race rolls his eyes. "Yeah, I know."
In Queens
Race started getting more confused as the three teenagers brought him to Queens.
Then, he saw Haste, Carson, Caleb, and Arrow.
Tumbler pushes Race towards them. "Have a good time. He's annoying."
"Oh shut up. I half raised you, Tumbler, and Les, and I did help raise you, Lucky." Race reminds them.
The teenagers roll their eyes, walking away.
"Well," Carson starts, grinning. "You're with us next!"
Race groans. "Why can't I just have peace today?"
"You're a Newsie in New York." Caleb states, grabbing his hand. "You don't get peace." The group laughs.
Race rolls his eyes, letting himself get dragged along again.
"Happy birthday!" Arrow and Haste shout after the siblings.
"Thanks." Race rolls his eyes again.
With Spot
On a rooftop
"Okay," Jack starts. "Race is now with Carson and Caleb, heading to the Bronx."
Spot nods.
Jack looks up at him. "Spot," He was pacing. "Calm down. It's going to be fine. Race would never say no."
"But what if he does?" Spot questions, turning to face Jack, who could see the clear panic in his eyes. "What if it's too early? What if he doesn't like me? What if he doesn't want to get married?"
"He wants to." Albert states. "You forget that at twenty, I'm still a Newsie, never mind Race's bunk mate. He tells me everything."
"He wants to?" Spot questions. Jack could see the hope in his eyes.
Albert nods.
Spot smiles fondly.
"Come on." Jack pats his back. "Let's go set up."
Spot nods.
"I have to go meet JoJo and Smokes in Brooklyn." Albert states.
Spot and Jack nod.
Walking to the Bronx
With Race
"Can someone please fill me in on this instead of leaving me in the dark?" Race questions, his wrists starting to hurt a bit at the fact that everyone was dragging him to different places.
"Sorry." Carson apologizes, not turning to face his brother for fear that he'll spill the secret. "I've been sworn to secrecy."
"It's my birthday..." Race mumbles, frowning a bit.
"It's a surprise for you." Caleb responds. "But you're still the youngest."
"Les, Lucky, and Tumbler won't even tell me." Race responds, pouting a bit.
"They have direct orders from multiple leaders not to." Carson and Caleb inform Race in unison.
"Don't worry," Carson shoots his younger brother a warm smile. "You're going to love the surprise."
Race nods.
"Anyway, how did you end up being allowed to sell in Brooklyn?" Caleb questions.
"Uh," Race shrugs. "I'm not too sure. I just went to Sheepshead like dad had gone there, and a boy came up to me, and asked me why I was there. I explained, and he just watched me. It happened for days, until he left me alone."
The twins nod.
The Bronx
Race looked around, still getting dragged along with Caleb holding his right wrist and Carson holding his left wrist.
The Bronx? He was getting pretty confused.
Sniper, Boots, and Smalls stood outside of the Bronx Lodge, looking to be waiting for them.
Carson and Caleb let go of Race's hands.
"Heya Racer, how's your birthday been?" Smalls questions, smiling at him.
"Long." Race answers, causing them to laugh. "And confusing."
"Don't worry," Sniper takes his hand in her own. "It's not going to be confusing for much longer. Just let us do this."
"Drag me around New York in a weird order of places?" Race questions, his eyebrow raised.
"Exactly." Boots answers, taking his other hand.
Carson and Caleb hug their brother, before Smalls, Sniper, and Boots lead him out of the Bronx.
"Why in heck?" Race mutters, as he was forced to start running with Sniper, Smalls, and Boots.
The three Newsies laugh at him.
Race was so tried by the time they got to Brooklyn, and it was dark outside.
He was now with Mike, Ike, Blink and Mush, after meeting them in Midtown with Finch, Tommy boy, Henry, and Specs, who he met in Harlem. He also went with Buttons, Catch, and Romeo to Richmond.
Race flopped on the ground, probably not the best idea. "Why are you having me run around New York on my birthday?"
"If it helps," Albert cheekily smiles at his brother, leaning over him. "We didn't take you out of the city."
Race groans, throwing his hands over his eyes. "I haven't even seen Jack or Spot today and I already want to it be over. I never made you run around New York City in a weird order on your birthday."
"Come on," JoJo helps him get up. "We have one last stop, then we'll give you peace."
"No you won't." Race accuses, shooting him a look.
"Okay, you got us there." JoJo responds, laughing a bit. "But we have a surprise for you."
"Is the surprise going to be me being very tired and sore when selling tomorrow?" Race questions. "Cause that'd be delightful." He was being sarcastic.
"Get up." Albert lifts him up. "The boys are right; you spend way too much time with me."
"I'm your best friend." Race reminds him.
"So I am, but you don't see me getting more sarcastic by the day," JoJo responds.
Race shrugs. "Let's get this over with."
"You seem so excited," Smokes laughs.
Race rolls his eyes.
The rooftop
Race was pushed on the rooftop, and then Elmer, Race, Smokes, and Albert disappeared.
"Spot!" His eyes lit up.
Spot chuckles, holding his arms open. "Hey Racer."
Race hugs his boyfriend, before flopping on the ground. "I'm so tired."
Spot chuckles, sitting down next to him. "Sorry."
"The boys, and technically girls as well, dragged me around New York City." Race groans. "In a weird order!"
Spot chuckles.
(Order.) (I believe Richmond is in a different place than it is in the picture
Spot and Race lay down on the rooftop, hand tightly holding each other's and staring at the stars.
"Happy birthday." Spot whispers to Race, who smiles.
"Thanks. It's been a long day." Race laughs. "I love everyone, but I swear..." Race trails off.
Spot laughs. "It was my idea."
Race turns to face him, eyes-wide. "What?"
Spot takes his boyfriends hands in his own. "I needed to prepare for something."
Spot gets up, pulling Race up with him.
"Racetrack Higgins, you've been my boyfriend for four years now. I remember how we became boyfriends." Race and Spot laugh. "We went through that whole thing with your brothers and the manipulative idiots that is Spade and Rock."
"Oh yeah, how are they?" Race questions.
"Spade passed away because he ran into a carriage and Rock died of pneumonia." Spot answers nonchalantly.
He didn't care for them, at all.
Race's eyes widen. "Well... I don't believe anyone deserves death, but it is karma."
Spot chuckles. "I have loved you for over nine years now, Antonio." Race blushes. "And I wanted to know,"
Spot kneels down on one knee, pulling a ring out of his pocket. "Will you marry me?"
Race's eyes widen and his hands fly over his mouth.
They stand there in silence for a few minutes.
Race was honestly frozen in shock.
Romeo came out from hiding, and pats Race's back. "Don't pass out, buddy. Just say a word."
Race snaps out of shock and nods.
Romeo walks back to his hiding spot while some boys laugh.
"Yes." Race whispers.
Spot grins, picking Race up and twirling him around.
Spot puts Race down, cupping his face.
Race nods before Spot could even open his mouth.
Spot kisses him.
The Newsies all come out of their hiding spots, cheering.
Race was hugged by more people than he could count, and until he ended up in a hug by Jack and Davey.
Race hugs Jack tight. "Will you walk me down the aisle?"
Jack grins. "Only if Spot is okay with it, and the twins, and Albert as well."
Race chuckles. "So many people."
Jack nods, pulling Race into a hug that Crutchie joins.
"Hey, look!" Albert shouts. "It's the original Schuyler Sisters!"
Jack, Crutchie, and Race laugh, pulling away.
"I don't see why you had to drag me around New York." Race comments. "You could've easily just kept me in Manhattan."
"We had to tire you out." Buttons responds.
Race's eyebrows furrow. "Why?"
"Brooklyn's orders," Carson points to Spot, who was smirking.
"Cuddles!" Spot hugs Race, pulling him onto the floor, with Race on his lap.
"You wanted me to fall asleep on you?" Race questions, snuggling his head into Spot's neck.
"Yep." Spot pops the 'p'. "Did it work?"
"Yeah, it worked." Race mumbles as his eyes close.
The group laughs.
Spot just smiles, rubbing his hand. "I love you."
"He's asleep." JoJo informs Spot, laughing a bit.
Spot chuckles.
"I'll respond for him," Finch decides. He clears his throat. "I love you too, Spotty!" He used a very high-pitched weird voice.
The boys laugh.
"I do not sound like that." Race groggily mutters.
"You really do!" Albert and Pinch exclaim in unison.
"Go kiss each other." Race whispers.
Spot chuckles, kissing his forehead.
1616 Words
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