Chapter 30 - "I Promise."
Warnings: Manipulation, kidnapping
Third Person POV
"I'm sorry, Anth." Caleb cries, turning Race's attention to him. "I should've never believed him. It was wrong of me to do anything that they said was okay."
Race and Caleb were sat on two different sides of the room, both either bleeding or bruised, or even both.
"It's okay, Caleb. I forgive yo-" Race starts.
Caleb cuts him off. "You shouldn't forgive me."
Race sighs. "You're right, I shouldn't." Caleb sighs. "But I still am."
Caleb looks up at him, eyes glossed over. "Why?"
Race looks at him. "We're brothers, Caleb. And as much as I've hated it at times, I love you. You may have done bad things, but most of my Manhattan brothers and I have too."
Caleb chokes out a sob. "I won't mess it up this time, I promise."
Race smiles slightly. "Io prometto."
Caleb smiles. "Io prometto."
('I promise'.)
Race crawls over to his brother, who looks at him sorrowfully. "Anth, you look terrible."
Race let's out a scratchy laugh. "I definitely don't look as bad as you do, C."
Caleb rolls his eyes. "I don't feel a thing, if that helps."
Race rolls his eyes, leaning against the wall next to his brother, who was doing the same. "Same, I barely feel it, yet the boys get overly worried about a random paper cut that I get."
Caleb laughs. "Same here. It's like they think I'm a piece of glass. I'm the leader for a reason."
"I know right." Race rolls his eyes. "I'm Jack's second for a reason."
Caleb turns to his brother. "Will you tell me about them? All I've heard is that Spot will murder you in two seconds if he wants."
Race laughs, causing Caleb to smile. He liked Race's laugh, if reminded him of Carson's laugh.
Race smiles nostalgically. "I think you'd like them if you became friends with them. Sure, the boys are overprotective as heck, cause I'm the youngest, other than the littles, but I am in fact Jack's second."
"So I've learned." Caleb states. "I'm younger than a good amount of my boys as well."
Race laughs. "I love them, but I don't like it when they keep watch over me like I'm some kid. I'm not, and they need to realize that."
Race sighs. "I had to get out of Brooklyn for a few minutes. I didn't mean to run to East Side, and I was stupid to trust Timber."
Caleb shoots his brother a look. "You ran from Brooklyn to East Side?"
Race rolls his eyes, nodding. "Bro, that is seriously impressive."
Race rolls his eyes again. "Tell me about it. When I say Timber looked shocked when I mentioned that."
"I'd be shocked, too" Caleb states, leaning against the wall.
"Anyway, I love my brothers." Race smiles, causing Caleb to also smile. "I think they'd like you. The real you, not the one who was manipulated by Spade and Rock."
Caleb smiles. "They sound nice."
"They're amazing, C. They really are."
In Brooklyn
Carson sat on the Brooklyn bridge.
He was sat with his legs hanging off of the bridge, but there was a bar he was holding and his stomach was pressed against that kept him from falling.
"Be careful, I don't think your siblings or Haste would be too happy if you fell" A voice from next to him comments, snapping him out of his thoughts.
"I'll be fine. I wouldn't jump" Carson states, not turning towards the person.
Spot sighs. "Can I sit?"
Carson nods.
Spot sits down next to him, in the same position Carson was sat in.
They stayed silent for a few minutes. There was a sort of awkward tension surrounding them.
"He talked about you while he was awake" Carson states, causing Spot to look at him.
"I hope it wasn't bad things. He has a tendency of teasing me and getting annoyed at me at times" Spot responds, laughing a bit.
Carson laughs, shaking his head. "Not many bad things. The only 'bad' things that he said was the annoyance from you guys keeping such a close eye on him."
Spot laughs weakly. "He hated it so much. We were just trying to keep him safe; avoid this. It didn't work too well, as you can clearly see."
"It's Anthony- Antonio. You can keep him cooped up and expect him to go with it. It's not your fault." Carson responds, causing Spot to laugh a bit. "I just wish I had realized sooner so you wouldn't have had to go through this."
Spot shrugs. "It'll be fine. We're gonna save him. Him and Bullet."
"I'm not sure I want to keep my Newsie name." Carson whispers. "Spade picked mine."
Spot tunes to him. "Do you like your Newsie name?"
Carson nods.
"Then you should keep it." Spot responds. "It doesn't matter who chose it, it matters if you like it or not. If you really want to, you can, but you shouldn't have to just because of them."
Carson smiles. "Thanks... Spot."
Spot nods. "We're all gonna get out of this mess, got it?"
Carson nods. "Yeah- yeah, we'll all be fine."
"You don't seem to sure about that" Spot responds with a small laugh.
Carson laughs. "It's just a bit hard to be positive when you're in this situation, and I know you've been here before, and I'm sorry. I just usually have my twin to help me through stuff."
"It's fine." Spot responds. "I get it, you usually have your twin to help you. It's okay. We'll help you now, until we can get Bullet and Race back."
"Ti prometti?" Carson questions, turning to Spot.
"Oh wait, I know this one! Hold on a second!" Spot wracks his brain for the response, while Carson laughs. "Io prometto."
"Nice!" Carson exclaims, causing Spot to laugh.
"He told me about you." Carson's smile returns. "The only thing I had heard before he told me about you was that you wouldn't hesitate to kill someone, so this is very new to me."
Spot smiles, laughing a bit. "He's never been scared of me. He'd always push my buttons, but I never seemed to be able to get mad at him."
Carson smirks. "It's what love does to you."
Spot rolls his eyes. "And you complain about your siblings being annoying when you have a crush?"
Carson laughs, shoving Spot with his elbow.
Spot laughs, shoving Carson back.
1082 Words
A third chapter, anyone?
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