Reginald Copperbottom's backstory
(Reginald's pov.)
"So you guys have already been through Lucas's backstory, and he talked about what happened to our mother, so I'm going to start off about five months after our mother pasted away.
So one day I had gone out to visit my best friend Right hand man"
(This is younger Rhm, Terrence, Reginald, and Lucas)
(Eighteen year old Reginald's pov.)
He had told me to come over so he could tell me something, so I decided to go over to his house. Once I got there I knocked on the front door and it opens and I see Right "hey Right!" I say "oh, 'ey Reg, uh come on in..." he says a bit nervously and let's me into the house "so what did you want to tell me?" I questioned "uhh.. well about that I Don't want to tell ya anythin'.." he says confusing me a bit "what do you mean?" I asked "ok, so ya know that job I got recently.." Right says "hm oh yeah what about it?" I say "well my boss 'as seen me hangin' out with ya, and 'e wants ta talk ta ya, I don't know what 'e wants from ya though, all 'e said was 'can you see if I can talk to your friend'," Right explains 'well I mean it couldn't hurt to see what he wants... right?' I thought "yeah, I'll talk to him and see what he wants" I say "ok then Reg, well I guess let's go" he says and I followed him into his backyard where there's a red pod? thing, and he opens it and steps in "come on Reg" he says then I get in, then he presses some buttons and we start to move, then I look out the window and "WE'RE FLYING" I say and that's when I back up and grip onto the wall "Reg, are ya alright?" Right asks "no... No I'm not... I don't like flying... I don't like heights..." I say shaking and still gripping the wall "Reg it's alright nothin' is gonna 'appen ta ya, we're completely safe in 'ere" Right says and I try to calm myself down
Then I feel the pod stop "wait what happened?! Why'd we stop?!" I ask "because we made it to the airship Reg, now come on" he says then opens the door and walks out and I follow him "so umm.... What is your job anyways?" I ask "well it's not really a job it's more of a..... Criminal life?... I guess ya could say, this is called the toppat clan, it's a criminal clan and Terrence our boss is our leader... But 'e's not a very good leader" Right explains "oh... Well that would make sense why everyone is wearing a toppat, and what do you mean by he's not a very good leader?" I questioned "oh never mind that I said that... We are at his office." Right says then knocks on the door "come in" we hear from inside the room, then we open the door and walk inside and I stand behind Right and follow him "oh~ Right it's you~" Terrence says with a smirk then he stands up and walks over here "so did you.... Oh who's your little friend hiding behind you~ he looks good enough to eat~" (if you know what he means 😏) he says "well umm sir this is Reginald, the one that ya've been asking me to see if he would talk with ya" Right says "oh yes him, so would you like to talk with me" Terrence asks "umm.... Yeah sure I guess" I say nervously and I feel like I regret this "alright then, Right you are dismissed" he says "woah I'm not leavin' Reginald in 'ere with ya by 'imself" Right says "why is that Right?" Terrence asks "ya know exactly the f*ck why" Right says "Right get out of my office now" he says "fine but I swear if ya do anythin' ta 'im, I'll kick your ass" Right says and Terrence is just standing there with a smirk on his face, then Right walks out of the room.
"So uhh... Terrence what exactly do you want to talk about?" I ask "well, I like you your cute, also I would like to know if you would like to join the clan?" He asks and I agnor the first thing he said "well I....... Don't know..... I can't" I say "what do you mean you can't?" He says "because I can't just leave my brother alone" I say "how about you join the clan and become mine or else" he says now sounding more angry "or else what?" I questioned "if you don't join the clan and become mine, I'll take your brother and I'll torcher him, I'll beat him, and r*pe him, and you will come back here without telling him and you can't tell Right either" he says and I am just standing there on the verge of crying 'i don't want to leave Lucas, but I don't want any of that stuff happening to him either' I thought and at that point I start crying silently "well what's it going to be stay with me and be mine or I'll take your brother and he'll be mine" Terrence says "I....I'll..... I'll s-stay wi-with y-you" I say crying but Lucas has protected me for my whole life, now it's my turn to protect him "hmm, strong one aren't we? Well go home and pack your things, looks like you'll be joining the clan" Terrence says and I stop crying and I walk out to see Right standing there waiting for me "so what happened?" Right asks "well he asked if I wanted to join the clan....." I say trying to sound excited "wait really? What did ya say?" Right asked "well I said sure, that I would love to join!" I say excitedly but on the inside I knew I was lying and I wanted to cry and tell Right everything but I don't want to because of Lucas, I don't want Lucas hurt, I'd rather it be me than Lucas, I don't want my brother hurt "oh, well looks like ya and I will be criminals together!" Right says "yeah, well let's go back to my house so I can pack my stuff" I say "alright then let's go" he says and we walk back over to the escape pods and get back to my house.......... (TO BE CONTINUED, because this is long already and I still have a lot more to go with Reginald's backstory, so there will be a part two 💜💖💜💖💜)
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