What color ? 2
It's already been two weeks since Jimin has been locked up in a psychiatric hospital, which has very dubious methods.
The first three days, he found himself in a padded room without eating, without drinking, without being able to wash... then they put him through their "rehabilitation process".
As his doctor says: Jimin is an excellent patient. Very docile. Oh and he learns very quickly...
Today the doctor came to warn him of the visit of the members. He did not forget to remind him of what he was authorized to say and do, with his very own method.
When the boys rush into the hallway that leads to Jimin's room, the caregiver who accompanies them prevents them:
C: Your friend is under restraint (he smiles at them, a smile that gives chills to most of them) for his own good, don't be surprised, I'll give you 30 minutes and I'll come back to pick you up.
The metal door unlocks, letting the boys join Jimin.
But they are in shock when they see him. Jimin has pale and looks emaciated
Jin is the first to enter the room, he puts his hand on his friend's strapped arm, but Jimin stiffens at the touch.
J: Jimin wakes up, it's us.
Jimin opens his eyes to look at them with a closed face
N: Jimin, how are you? How do you feel ?
Jimin doesn't answer, he's just surprised to see them. The few gestures that Jimin makes seem very slow to them. Yoongi watches Jimin's perfusion and searches the internet for the medicine before explaining to everyone.
Y: it's a sedative, a relatively powerful one apparently.
N: Jimin?
Jimin turns his head not to look at them.
N: Jimin, what's your color?
JM: No!
Jimin speaks almost inaudibly.
Namjoon who had heard him asks.
N: Why? I just ask you your color? Know what you feel?
Jim: I can't!
H: Why?
Jm: They will start again if I speak in color, they will...
Suddenly, the door opens on the caregiver from earlier. He quickly comes between the boys and Jimin.
C: Sorry, but we forgot Jimin's appointment, he shouldn't miss it.
You must therefore leave immediately. I'll walk you to the exit.
The members literally get pushed out. But as they leave, they see the distress in Jimin's eyes.
But unfortunately, several other caregivers are waiting for them at the exit of the room to accompany them.
Jungkook thinks it looks more like guards than caregivers.
While they are back at the Hype building, the youngest sadly follow the oldest, who have taken a determined step to the office of Bang PD.
But as they prepare to enter the elevator, they hear the staff members laughing and talking about Jimin.
S: you watched the video, it's only a matter of time before we finally get rid of this retard man.
Sy: the doctor sent it to me, luckily we were able to send him there, we sold them the establishment so well.
Jin was about to step forward to confront them, but Namjoon grabs his arm and shows him his phone. Phone that is recording everything.
For his part, Jimin is dragged by force into the special room.
The two guards drag him through the hallways, each holding an arm as Jimin's legs scrape the floor, far too exhausted to resist.
Once they arrive in this famous special room, the guards attach him to the seat. The doctor is already checking his equipment and storing it in the order of use.
M: Hello Jimin,
He approaches him, now that Jimin is well tied from head to toe, so he can't move an inch. The doctor, once at his level, caresses his cheek with his rapping hand, which disgusts Jimin.
M: You said what you shouldn't say to your "friends".
He grabs his jaw firmly before he can say anything.
M: You know what will happen now!
He violently lets go of Jimin so he can nod positively.
The doctor smiled mischievously.
M: perfect!!! Ah, ah !!! Let's start then.
He then seizes the two electrodes, which he comes to rub between them.
M: Gentlemen, please prepare our guest.
The first guard throws the frozen contents of a bucket at Jimin. While the other puts his feet in a basin with the same warm water.
M: Let's begin !!
He said humming.
The doctor rushed at Jimin, like a beast on his prey, violently electroshock him on his temples.
Like a scene that he has already experienced too much in recent weeks. Jimin lets his body twitch in pain, letting a tear escape. Tears of fear, exhaustion, loneliness.
N: No, we can't leave him there. You heard them! Everything was a trap! Jimin is in danger, I tell you.
B: He's in a hospital, even though it was planned that they wanted. What would you like to happen to him?
N: Come see Jimin yourself, you will see that something's wrong!
Jin grabs Namjoon's arm to whisper in his ear.
J: Nam we'll be talking about it for two hours, I don't think he's going to help us.
Bang pd nim blew a big blow.
B: Well, I grant you that their discussion is strange, I will free my afternoon and we will go see him.
Taehyung steps forward
T: Why not now?!
Namjoon looks at him and shakes his head no.
J: Thank you, see you there in the early afternoon. Don't tell anyone, it will be better.
B: Very well, I would pretend something. You go home to eat and try to stay calm.
A: Doc, you were a little too violent this time, though.
The doctor turns around, ready to retort.
A: Don't tell me no, it's the second time we have to resuscitate him today!
The doctor huffs and then answers.
M: yes, okay maybe a little, bring him to his room! I won't touch him all weekend ! Is it okay for you ?
His assistant nods and helps the guards bring an unconscious Jimin back to his room.
But it is with great surprise that the man falls on six young men and an older one accompanying them.
The assistant motions for the guard to block them while he walks back to the special room with Jimin.
G: What are you doing here?
Bang pd nim walks towards him,
B: we come to see Jimin
G: Visiting hours are over. I'm going to ask you to leave and come back tomorrow!
Hoseok whispers to the other
H: They won't let us approach him.
Jk: I'm not going to give them a choice!
Jungkook just finished his sentence and started running towards him.
The guard tries to stop him, but Jungkook manages to get under his arms and grabs the assistant's arm, who immediately frees himself.
Jk: stop right now. He is coming with us.
A: I can't let you take him, the doctor won't agree.
N: Who cares if he agrees or not!
Namjoon and the others who joined them attempt to take Jimin from his clutches.
But the assistant pulls out a syringe that fits near the still unconscious Jimin's neck.
A: If you want him, you'll get him dead. MOVE BACK ! ALL OF YOU !
Everyone steps back, but the oldest presses a button on his phone.
Jimin is barely starting to wake up just to hear Bang pd nim say.
B: Alright, we'll be back tomorrow then, to see him. Guys, let's hurry.
The boys look at him outraged, but most understand his attention, so they follow him, dragging the most skeptical with them outside. Thus leaving the field open to the doctor and his assistant.
The doctor, having seen the whole scene thanks to the surveillance cameras, orders his assistant.
M: Start burning everything! We have to get out of here ASAP!
A: What about him then?
He points to Jimin, who is barely conscious on the ground.
M: I love working on him but unfortunately I will have to find another subject. Lock him down! If we take him with us, they will follow us. So may it all be his fault, so make sure he burns with the documents.
The assistant nods and does as required.
For their part, the boys are waiting for the police. Since Pd nim had contacted them after beeping the Hype security guards.
But while he hopes to hear the sound of the sirens coming, it is the sound of an explosion that they hear.
Without thinking, Jungkook runs towards the building.
As others wanted to follow him, Namjoon steps in front of them.
N: I'm going with him! You stay safe! Please ! We will come back with Jimin, PROMISE!
He had said the last part while running after the younger one.
Once in the hallway, Jungkook wonders where they should go.
N: Look !!
He happens to see the assistant closing a door with a padlock.
Jk: YOU!!
The man doesn't bother to finish his task and runs away to avoid getting caught.
Jungkook goes after him, but his leader stops him,
N: No, Jimin must be there!
Jungkook nods, and when they open the door, they can see the room in flames.
They only hear the sound of flames and the creaking building until a faint voice calls out their names.
The two idols sink into the burning room,
The answer takes a long time to be heard but they end up hearing a metallic noise.
Jungkook sneaks behind a shelf that appears to be the center of the flames. And he ends up seeing Jimin chained to the pipe in the room, blindfolded and with the gag firmly tightened around his head.
Jk: oh no Jimin, we should never have waited so long, we're sorry.
Jungkook tells her all this while removing her gag and the blindfold.
For chains, it will take longer than that. Time they clearly didn't have.
Jungkook turns back to Namjoon.
Jk: how do we do with that?
Namjoon looks carefully at the padlock, the chain and then looks at the pipe.
N: we'll never be able to remove the chains...
Jimin doesn't give him time to finish before saying under his breath.
Jm: leave
Jk: don't say anything like that! You come with us.
Jm: you are in danger, leave! I put you both in danger!
Namjoon doesn't even want to listen to this discussion, especially not under these conditions. So, he lets Jungkook talk to him while he dwells on his idea.
J: It's starting to get too long! Where are the rescuers? What if...
But he doesn't have time to finish his sentence, which sees the three missing members in the door frame. And who hears the sirens in the distance
Namjoon and Jungkook drop Jimin away from the building ravaged by flames.
Jin leans over Jimin.
Y: He was unconscious when you found him.
JK: No! He was tied up in the room which caught fire.
As Jungkook tells the boy everything, Taehyung gently lays Jimin's head on his legs to face the hardness of the ground.
Jimin's awakening wasn't the reunion everyone had been waiting for.
Every day, one of the members or duo visits Jimin. But none of the members were there when he woke up, so the nurse and doctors had no choice but to sedate him. Waking up in another hospital room only added to his trauma.
During their visit of the day, it is Namjoon and Jin who go there, the doctors warn them of the situation.
Jin gently strokes Jimin's hair.
J: We have to take him home, there's no way he's waking up again in a hospital room and being sedated again.
Namjoon would love to agree with him, but his concerns speak.
N: And if we can't control him when he wakes up.
Jin straightens up to look him in the eyes.
J : Who is in the best place to calm him down! People who know him and who have already implemented methods to calm him down for all these years, or people who pull out syringes as soon as Jimin is agitated or stressed.
Namjoon takes a long breath, of course Jin was right.
So, he nods and leaves to find the doctor, leaving Jin with Jimin.
Hoseok hears the front door open, so he goes to meet them.
H: You were very long! How is he today... OMG Jimin! But why ? How? 'Or' What ? But he...
N: Hobie, we'll put him in his room, go get everyone.
Once Jimin is comfortably settled in his room and everyone gathers, Namjoon begins to talk.
N: Jimin woke up today but since he was agitated the medical crew sedated him. So after negotiating, we agreed that it would be best if he woke up somewhere familiar. We know him, we know how to manage his anxiety attacks, so from now until he wakes up, one of us stays with him.
J: We know you weren't consulted. Sorry about that. You have questions ?
Y: I think I speak for everyone, saying you were right.
Everyone nods.
Y: I have a question
N: yes?
Y: Who starts.
T: Me!
Everyone was going to talk, but the second youngest was the fastest.
Jin smiled at that, and invite everyone else out.
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