Trapped |1|
request by @rhecalma
Jimin suffers with chronic renal failure, it causes him to get more lung infections compared to other people.
His failure is moderate so he doesn't have to get dialysis so far.
That night, like all the nights of this week, Jimin can't sleep. So first he went to the toilet.
After he stayed on his phone and fast the sun was rising.
When his alarm ring, he gets up from the armchair, but his leg feels numb, so he takes his time and takes support on the wall and furniture, to go to the kitchen and make breakfast for the members.
When Jin woke up, he directly went to make some food but Jimin was already in.
J : why are you up so early. You didn't sleep much this week. Will you be okay for today ?
Jm : I'm okay hyung. I will be fine. I will sleep in the car.
Jin wasn't convinced but he didn't say anything and just helped him.
When they're all up, fed and dressed, they wait for sejin to come and drive them.
Today they've an award show. They are all purely exciting because they can meet other idols they don't see so often.
The show will be in a stadium, who's 6 hours from the dorm.
When sejin arrived he asked
Sj : everyone goes to the toilet, I don't want to stop every hour.
Jimin and some other go and get in the car.
The first hour Jimin sleeps on Yoongi's shoulder, who play with his hair. Jimin feels comfortable and protected by his hyung.
Yoongi wants to be close with his dongsaeng.
He feels like something is wrong but he can't put a finger on it.
He saw Jimin lose some weight, don't sleep at night but be exhausted during the day.
Jimin keeps telling that he is fine but Yoongi thinks that Jimin doesn't know what's going on.
When Jimin wakes up he feels an urge to urinate, but he doesn't tell anyone because sejin tells them he doesn't want to stop. So he moved to find a comfortable position.
Y : what wrong ?
Jm : nothing.
Y: come on tell me.
Jm : I need to pee
Y : I can ask to make à break.
Jm : no no It's ok, I will hold back.
Y : no it's dangerous for you to hold back.
Jm : but it's always my fault if we are late.
Yoongi hug him
Y : I will ask, don't worry.
Y : Sejin, can we stop for a second? I need to pee. I know you told us to go but I drank some tea this morning, so.
Sejin look bother, but he took the exit to the rest area
Yoonmin went to the toilet when taekook went to the shop and against all odds they came back with chips, drinks and candy.
They participate in the preshoot, talk with some friends before they are called to get dressed and styling.
Yoongi keeps an eye on Jimin, his instinct keeps telling him something is wrong.
Jimin saw the worried eyes of his hyung, so he put a fake smile on his face and acted like he was fine, despite pain in his back and chest.
But he asks himself what happened to him, does he have a new pulmonary infection or it's his kidney failure, or something else ? But he knows one thing, he will not answer any of his questions and perform in front of Army.
Jimin is installed with the other members in the tier.
Jimin can't stop moving. The pain was too much so he bends down to speak into Yoongi's ear.
Jm ; I go to the restroom
Y : again ? It's been the third time in two hours and you haven't drunk that much ?
Jimin looked down embarrassed.
Y : Maybe you should make an appointment with your doctor, I think something's wrong with you.
Jm: I will call him Monday morning.
He said to him when he got up.
On the way to the bathroom he crossed Taemin and his member and other friends of him.
Taemin runs to Jimin and hugs him. They haven't had the opportunity to see each other yet.
When Taemin broke the hugs he had a worried face.
™ : Jimin are you okay ?
Jimin's back was sweaty and tense,
he can't hold back one tear of pain and fear running down his cheek.
Even if he hurries to dry it his friends have already seen it.
™ : okay come with me.
Taemin dragged him to an isolated room.
But when Taemin goes, ask him the question again, Jimin breaks into tears.
Jm : I'm sorry but I can't, I can't.
™ : What's it ? What's wrong?
Jm: the pain is too much, I can't. I'm sorry.
Taemin hugged him again.
™ : it's alright, don't be sorry, I will bring you to the medical team.
Jimin nods against his chest.
Taemin keeps Jimin close to him. He then texted Ravi Sungwoon and Kai about the situation.
Kai texts back to tell him that the medical team was warned for their arrival.
Taemin can feel Jimin began to relax.
™ : the pain is gone?
But when he doesn't get any responses he looks at Jimin, and wraps his arms stronger around him when he feels Jimin falling.
™ : hey ? No stay with me ?
He accompanies jimin on the ground, and shakes him.
™ : wakes up Jiminie, don't do that to me.
He takes Jimin in his arms and runs to medical areas.
When Sungwoon saw them arrive he immediately questioned Taemin.
Taemin put Jimin on the bed the nurse indicated
™ : I dunno, he just said he was in pain and collapsed on the way here.
M: his blood pressure is too high, his lungs also seem very crowded. In view of his pathologies it would be preferable to hospitality him.
Sw: you can't do anything for him ?
M : We can only give him some painkillers and wait for the ambulance.
On the other side, bangtan boys begins to worry.
So Taehyung and Yoongi went looking for him since Jimin doesn't answer his phone.
When they get back to the group they got attack by the younger.
Jk : where did he go?
T : I can't find him.
Y : someone told me he saw Jimin and Taemin together.
N: I will call him.
Namjoon takes out his phone and types Taemin's number.
N : Hello sorry to disturb you but have you seen Jimin?
™ : Yes. He is here.
N : can I talk to him.
™: I'm sorry Namjoon but he passed out.
N : What ?
™: he was in pain and he passed out, there we waited for the ambulance.
Jk : hyung what happened ?
J : Jungkook waits a minute.
N : we arrive
™: I will ....
Jimin open his eyes, so Taemin focus on him.
™: hey chim,
Jimin look at him and understand the situation.
Jm : It's bad isn't it.
™: we don't know yet. The boys are coming.
Jm : no no they have to perform.
When namjoon hears the panic voice of his friend, he makes his presence heard.
N : Taemin ??
Taemin had just forgotten Namjoon was on a phone with him.
™: sorry he just woke up.
Jimin know that Taemin was talking to his hyung.
Jm : let me take to him
Taemin gave him his phone.
Jm : hyung I'm sorry, but don't come.
N : jimin you can't ask me that.
Jm : hyung please, I can not perform if in addition you do not I will blame myself. Please hyungs.
Jimin began to beg
N : Jimin ...
He cut him.
Jm : I'm not alone, and I know you're going to come just after.
The medic interrupt
M : Okay the ambulance is here we have to go now.
Namjoon knows that he won't be able to make him change his mind.
N : okay see you then tell Taemin to texted me everything.
Jm : Sure love you hyung, thank you for everything. Tell everyone I love them.
N : be safe we will come soon.
They hang up.
J : so ?!
N: he is in the medical area.
Jk: What? We need to go.
N : no he wants us to perform and come after.
T : is he alright?
Namjoon prefer to reassure them
N: Yes he's good. He wants us to focus and please the fan.
The Boys perform but on their face you can see some worry expressions.
When they went backstage the boys picked their bag and before the maknae line began to run Namjoon talked.
N : boys I'm sorry but I didn't tell you everything.
Y: I know it, he is in the hospital.
N : Yes.
Jungkook face frowns with anger
Jin take his arms.
J : We don't fight here, let's go find our boy.
The boys go to the hospital, Namjoon guides them with Taemin indication.
When they enter a private room, Kai come straight to them.
K: we don't know anything yet, they don't talk to us.
Y : how was he when you left him?
K : not good Sungwoon was with him in the ambulance and he was coding when he arrived here.
The boys wait for any news, and comfort each other.
Jimin pov
Everything it's black.
What happened to me.
I hear alarms,
I am lying in a bed.
I must be in the hospital.
I hear a door open,
by the sound I think a doctor just entered the room with the boys.
D : Like I told you, keep talking to him, it can help him.
What happened to me ?
I'm awake ?!
I can feel a hand in mine
Y : It's been a week Jimin and the doctor told us you can hear us.
I can hyung I can !
Why I can't move.
So it's been a week.
Y : We are so sorry but we have to take the plane tomorrow for the show, we will come back before Jungkook's birthday.
T : I bribed a nurse so that we could still call you at least an hour every day.
Of course, you are.
A pov.
The boys talk to him until they have to leave
Like they say, one member talked to him every day.
They say how much they miss jimin,
explain their day,
What the fans say ....
Jimin's mind was messy,
the time was weird,
he didn't have any hangout to know what time it was.
Jungkook enters Jimin's room, and lies down next to Jimin.
Jk : Thank you Jiminie for your birthday gift, Jin gave it to me.
Jm (mind) :
it's nothing,
you know I will buy you everything.
Jk : how do you always find the perfect gift
Jm :
I'm attentive that's all
Jungkook breathing more slowly, a sign that he is falling asleep
Jimin which he can hug him but he's stoke.
Jm :
Just rest I will always watch you.
I'm so sorry I miss your birthday.
Jimin was stock in a black part of his mind for a couple of days.
But on Namjoon's birthday, it was like he forced himself to listen to what his brother had to say.
Namjoon was crying on Jimin's hand.
N : Why didn't you say anything to me ?
Why ?
I'm supposed to be your leader.
I'm supposed to protect you.
Jm :
No hyung please
don't cry please.
N : Jungkook and Taehyung keep crying every night or go sleep in your room,
Yoongi doesn't talk to us, he just locks himself in your room and keeps blaming himself for what happened to you.
Jm :
No hyung.
N: Jin and hoseok try to keep a good figure in front of us but I hear them cry in the shower or when they think they are alone.
Jimin fights against himself to wake up.
come on stupid body;
wake up
wake up
Namjoon sees him blink slowly several times.
N : jimin you hear me ?
Jimin blinks and locks his eyes with him.
Namjoon gets up and takes him in his arms but pulls back when he doesn't feel Jimin's hug back.
N : can you move.
Jimin tries but he only can move his eyes.
Jm :
Why I can move, no !
N : it's probably normal, can you speak?
Again Jimin just moved his eyes.
Jm :
No !
N : I'm going to look for the doctor.
Namjoon came back with the doctor.
And he diagnoses Jimin with a lock-in syndrome.
(He is aware of everything that is happening, he is stuck in his body and can only move his eyes.)
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