Tell someone
It was a beautiful winter evening and the members decided to take advantage of this beautiful starry sky and were hoping to see the first snowflakes. So even though it was rather cold, they still wanted to eat outside.
Yoongi, Hoseok and Jin were busy cooking, while Jungkook and Namjoon set up some fires. As Taehyung and Jimin set up the table and bring back cousins and especially plaids to keep them warm.
Once the meal is done, they all sit under their blankets and enjoy the time together. During the meal, Jimin saw that Hobi who was sitting next to him shivers. So discreetly. He installs his plaid on his friend's legs. He was glad, he didn't notice it.
Hoseok had been ill for several days. He had a dry throat and a rattle when he breathed. Everyone paid attention and comfort to him. Even Jimin who nevertheless suffered from the same illness. But unlike Hobi Jimin had a much quieter cough.
When they were done and who was going to come home to finish their evenings in front of a movie.
Jimin gets up first to clear the table.
Jk: Jiminie you didn't have a plaid for you?
Observed a worried Jungkook.
Jm: I gave it to Hoseok, I don't want him to be sicker than he already is.
Hoseok pulls his arm and Jimin falls on him. Hoseok hastens to give him a hug before he runs away.
H : you shouldn't have Jiminie, what am I going to do if you get sick ?
Jimin doesn't say anything and once the hug is over, he resumes his task helping everyone.
The film has been running for a good half an hour and they are still under the covers but this time so comfortably installed on the sofa.
Jimin felt a coughing attack come on. The change in temperature wasn't going to help him to be quiet.
Jm : I'm going to bed, to be in good shape for tomorrow.
J : you're right, it's getting late, I'm going to go too.
So Jin and Jimin get up and go to their respective rooms, wishing each other a good night.
Jimin settles in his bed. He thought he could fall asleep quickly feeling rather tired.
But the disease decided otherwise.
He begins with a cough attack but he put his head in his cushion so anyone hears.
The pain on his left side is more and more unbearable, he spins around looking for a position where he doesn't feel like he's being stabbed with every cough. Unfortunately no matter what position he takes, the pain doesn't go away.
All the members have returned to their beds. Jimin begins to have chills. He realizes it must have a fever, so he goes to his bathroom and dampens some cold water towels. Jimin lies down again, putting one under his neck and the other on his stomach.
Fatigue having finally taken over the illness, Jimin finally closed his eyes and slept.
But when he has only been sleeping for a few minutes, his cough starts again.
Alarms start ringing in the dormitory and the members all get up and come together at the table to gain strength before training.
Hoseok enters the kitchen thinks he is the last, He waves to his friends and finds that Jimin is not there.
J : how do you feel today hobi?
H : pretty good, I slept very well. I don't think I'm 100% I still cough a bit but let's say 95%.
The others laugh at this analysis and start to eat.
And while 6 of them soon finished their lunches, the 7th member still hasn't joined them.
Having spent the night coughing, Jimin might have only been able to sleep an hour or two at most this night.
He takes his head out of his cousin, after another crisis, but this time it's eyes remain fixed on the cushion. On a red spot.
As he puts his finger on the stain, someone knocks on his door.
So he hurriedly turns the cushion over, to remove the evidence of his condition.
The door opens revealing Namjoon's head.
N : Jiminie are you awake? You're going to be late.
J : yes yes, I will be there in 5 minutes.
N : hurry up to eat a bit before we leave.
Jimin then hurries to get up and get ready, leaning on furniture or walls on his way feeling dizzy several times.
He finally enters the kitchen. It settles between the youngest. And Taehyung leans towards him.
T : Jiminie are you feeling good, are you not looking good at all?
J : It's okay, don't worry I just didn't sleep very well.
Jk : you should have come to see us, I would have made you some hot milk.
Jimin smiles at him and starts to eat.
The manager arrives to drive them to the dance studio. The trip goes calmly and Jimin takes the opportunity to get some sleep. His head resting on Yoongi's shoulder.
Once at the studio, the boys put down their cases and start stretching. Jimin also begins. The coach gives them the dances of the day and they get into position and start dancing to the first music.
Jimin was becoming breathless in the middle of the first one.
So when the music stop he kneels on the ground.
E : gay what wrong with you today ! Let's do it again !
Without letting them answer he restarts the music.
Jimin feel like he was stable on his left side, what makes him lose his balance.
E : come on Jimin what wrong with you today ?
Jimin get up and :
J : Sorry, I just don't sleep well. Sorry.
The same thing happened but this time it was Hoseok who was pissed off. But he didn't say anything but Jimin now by the look he received
There do 3 more attempts but every time one of them made a mistake (especially Jimin).
Every time the music stops, he leans on his knees or sits on the ground.
E : Alright, took 5 minutes.
The coach was visibly annoyed, and he made it clear to them.
Jimin gets up from the floor, where he had collapsed and as he walks over to the sofa. He reaches out to lean on anything that might be within his reach, so he can stand. Unfortunately for him nothing was, so he fell on the ground.
His manager, who had observed Jimin since he enters his car, approaches him.
He sits him down, and gives him a bottle of water.
Jimin was still breathless, he brings the bottle to his mouth and swallows hard.
Sejin blows him.
M: Jimin, that's enough now. I will bring you back to rest. We can't let you wear yourself out like this.
Jimin only nods, before swallowing hard again.
Sejin then gently rides him to the car and escorts him back to the dorm, under the gaze of the other members and the staff.
Once at the door of their house. Sejin will open the door on Jimin's side and guide him inside.
SJ : Jimin do you want me to stay in case you need anything?
J : no it's going to be fine. Thanks, I'm just going to go to bed.
SJ : fine I'll leave you then, call me if you need something !
Jimin goes straight to his room. He is far too tired to do anything but sleep.
Jimin's temperature kept increasing, but his mind was too disturbed, making him think he was cold. Jimin sinks into the warm blanket, folding in on himself, but his slide starts to hurt again.
He tenses up due to the pain and the cold, this tension makes him cough and like that night, blood is coming out of his lungs.
But instead of reacting to his condition, his vision blurs, his room revolves around him faster and faster and darkness invades him.
Maybe he'll be able to rest a bit.
The boys come home at the end of training.
So they thought the dorm was going to be quiet.
But they hear a howl.
Their hearts beat faster, panic taking over.
They then run to Jimin's room. They thought he was asleep and he was, but in a sleep that was not at all restful.
Hoseok rushes to his side.
H : Jimin woke you up ! It's just a nightmare ! We are there.
As Taehyung pulls one of the locks of hair away from Jimin's eyes.
He looks scared at the others
T : He's hot !
Namjoon in turn poses, his hand on Jimin's forehead before looking at Yoongi.
They then say at the same time.
Y & N : Cold bath
they're nods and Yoongi comes out with Jin to prepare a bucket of ice cubes and Namjoon goes to the bathroom to prepare the bath water. But first he gives Jungkook who had followed him a thermometer.
N : we need number for later.
Jungkook then joined Jimin's bed who was breathing oddly now even though he seemed to have stopped his feverish dream.
39.8 °C (103.64 °F)
Jungkook returns to tell Namjoon.
N : well, start to take off his clothes, we have to hurry.
Jungkook nods and runs and tells Taehyung and Hoseok what we just told him.
They then take off his clothes and by taking off his top Jungkook throws the cousin to the ground.
Hoseok gets stuck on it until Taehyung snaps at him, wanting all attention to be on his soul mate.
T : Hobi can I know why you froze ?!
Jk: Are you okay? Are you going to be sick? (him more worried about his hyung)
H : l ... l .... look.
The two youngest then look at the bloody cushion. Much more than since the first spot last night.
Jin and Yoongi come home at the same time.
Y : What's happening to you? You are quite pale.
Jk : blood!
J : what?!?!?
Then he finally looks where the still freezing hobi gaze was.
They're going to throw the ice cubes in the bath.
Y : Namjoon I think we should call an ambulance after we put him in the bath.
Namjoon's face twists in incomprehension.
J : there is blood on his cousin nam! The priority now and to lower his temperature but if he is bleeding that is not a good sign.
The older ones join Jimin and the others. Namjoon lifts Jimin's upper body and rests him securely against his chest before carrying him of his bed, before placing him in the bath.
N : (whispers to him) It's gonna be alright Jimin.
Jimin struggles, he doesn't want to stay in the freezing water but Namjoon keeps him inside. Seeing him in difficulty Jungkook doesn't think and goes into the water all dress and takes Jimin in his arms to reassure him and especially to keep him in the water.
Jin had called the emergency and their manager who was now present.
Namjoon explained all of Jimin's symptoms to the emergency doctor before he put him on a stretcher and took him into the ambulance.
Jimin is taken to do various exams while the boys are brought to a waiting room, which has more of a meeting room but at least they are delighted to being isolated from other families' patients who wait crying only to increase their anxieties.
After a while of waiting, a man in a white coat enters.
D : Hello gentlemen, I'm doctor Roh-Yan. I am the doctor in charge of your friends. He suffers from pneumonia, given the damage to his lungs, I can say that it has been several weeks since he suffers from it. can you tell me what treatment he's taking?
N : to tell the truth, we didn't know he was so sick.
H : it's all my fault, he hid so that the attention was on me.
Jin rub his back.
The doctor rubs his chin and says to himself.
D : That explains the pleurisy.
Then he looks at the boys.
D: We will keep your friends under observation for the moment, his pneumonia produced what is called pleurisy. To put it simply, his lungs are inflamed. At the moment we are giving him antibiotics and painkillers by IV, hoping that this is enough to clear the infection and inflammation.
The members and their manager nod their heads.
D : He's sleeping now but you could go to see him. I ask a nurse to take you to him.
The members and Sejin followed the nurse to the room where Jimin is.
He settles all close to him.
Jimin begins to regain consciousness, but he has no idea where he was. He was reassured when he heard his friends.
H : it's my fault.
N : no it's not your fault, we don't see that he was in such a state.
Jimin felt guilty that Hoseok wanted him. So he pushes his body to wake up.
J : hmm
Jimin hold out his hand out to his face to take off the oxygen mask but Tae stops him.
T : no Jimin it's to help you, don't touch it.
Jimin looks up at him and smiles tiredly, and nods slowly.
Jimin looks for Hoseok and when he finds him. He said to him:
Jm : I'm sorry.
J : Jimin don't be sorry. But why didn't you tell us that you were sick? Since when are you sick?
JM : (coughs) eh Two days before Hobi hyung.
H : Jiminie, that means you've been feeling bad for a week and you're hiding it from us?
Jimin lowers his head and tears run down his cheeks
J : Jimin doesn't cry, we just want you to feel good and not hide from us when you feel ill.
N : We don't all have to know it, but at least tell one of us. Because given your condition you did not do anything to heal either.
Knowing what Jimin was feeling, Taehyung hugged him.
Jimin cried for a moment longer before falling asleep.
The antibiotics worked very well and Jimin was released a week later.
He was still under treatment and had to do an X-ray again the following week.
He was out of breath faster, his pleurisy being still present even if it was much reduced.
The boys once Jimin healed decided to make a pact, this pact obliging them to tell at least one person if there was sick, so the situation do not degenerate like that again.
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