show me your eyes |2|
D : Tae we just talked about it already. I told you it was a reflex.
T : No it's different this time and it's Yoongi who felt it.
Taehyung turns his gaze to Jimin.
T : Jimin squeeze the doctor's hand please, prove him you hear me
He does
D : It's just a coincidence. I just exa....
T : Jimin please can you do it again, baby please.
But instead Jimin tries to open his eyes, which is not lost on everyone in the room.
The doctor goes out and comes back accompanied by his team. The boys step back to let the medical team do their work.
D: Jimin that's great, open your eyes.
Jimin exhales loudly
Jimin ends up slowly opening his eyes.
Jimin looks around completely lost, then looks at what appears to be a doctor.
D: I am your doctor. You were in a coma for two months. Can you tell me your full name?
Jimin nods, he wants to speak but no sound comes out.
D: Slowly, don't hurry, it's like your body is restarting, so give it some time.
Jm: I.... He takes several breaths between each word. Park... Jimin.
D: Very good. I will ask you to follow the light with your eyes please.
He follows the light.
The doctor turns to the nurse,
D: correct eye tracking. Jimin can you push against my hand.
The doctor puts his hand on his and Jimin manages to lift them slowly
D: Ok. Motor skills decrease slightly but with physiotherapy he will fully regain his motor capacities.
Jimin now, can you tell me the names of the people here?
He looks at the members, he looks at them one by one.
Each person seems familiar to him, but the names are not yet accessible to him.
Jimin breathes harder, his heart beats faster, in the grip of anguish and the doctor understands that he will not make it today.
D: It's okay Jimin, you're doing really well. I'll let you rest now. We'll do it again later.
The doctor turns to the boys.
D: I can talk to you outside for a while.
The members then leave.
J: He doesn't remember us, that's it.
D: For me, he remembers, but the words are still blocked, it's normal. That's what I wanted to talk to you about. I am going to ask you to be patient and not rush him.
N: thank you doctor. I know visiting hours are about to end but can one of us stay?
D: Since he can wake up several times that night, I have no problem with that.
The boys come back into the bedroom and see that Jimin is sleeping.
N: So we have to decide who stays tonight !?
J: Jungkook do you want to stay? You didn't spend a lot of time with him.
Jungkook shakes his head, no, he didn't feel ready yet and especially didn't want to be alone here, not knowing what to do.
Y: Taehyung, I know you would like to stay tonight but since you stayed during the day. Do you mind if I stay ?
T: is that...
The leader cuts him off knowing that he wanted to refuse
N: Taehyung now that he is awake and will be coming home soon. Let Yoongi stay.
Taehyung makes a sad face but finally accepts.
After the 5 members say goodbye to jimin, yoongi takes a seat on the chair.
The oldest wakes up while the Moon is still high in the sky.
He is awakened by whispers, he turns his head to observe with barely open eyes Jimin awake.
Y: Hey Jimin! Are you awake, do you need something?
Jimin shakes his head no
Jm: I... I wanted
Jimin swallows painfully due to the dryness and irritation in his throat, this pain Yoongi understands it and hands him a glass of water.
Y: Here it will be easier.
Jimin take a sip I smile at him
Jm: Thank you, Yoongi.
The older man's eyes light up.
Y: you remember
Jm: my memory is still ... still ... a little....
He couldn't find his word. He rubs his forehead and Yoongi sees his frustration rising. Then he hastens to reassure him.
Y: It's okay, take your time.
Jm: my memory is a bit... Bl ... Blurry.
Y: It's only temporary, it will come back along with the words.
The two smile and continue talking for a moment before Jimin goes back to sleep followed by Yoongi.
Later in the morning while Yoongi was still with him, a doctor comes in but he is not the usual one.
This doctor asks him to do several exercises, at the beginning it was motor exercises that Jimin succeeded. Just after he takes cognitive exams, where Jimin has more trouble. The doctor shows no sympathy towards Jimin who is less and less reassured.
Yoongi sees his friend in his hand begins to shiver.
Y: I think we're going to take a break.
He speaks with a dry tone and a dark look.
D: When you get a doctorate you will tell me what to do. Come on let's resume, I asked you to tell me what happened before you passed out.
Jimin suddenly gazed into space.
His Hyung worried about the lack of reaction.
Then, he puts his hand on his shoulder, and says to him in a voice that wants to be soft and calm
Y: Jiminie? Sweetie can you hear me?
The doctor understands that he is having an epileptic fit.
D: shit
He leaves under the questioning gaze of the older.
Come a moment later to his usual doctor and a nurse.
Ns: Your friend is having an epileptic seizure, we are going to give him what he needs, he may sleep afterwards, it is totally normal.
D: My colleague must have pushed him a bit too much.
Y: it's not like I haven't ask him to stop
The other members joined Jimin and Yoongi who had warned them of the situation.
J: So what did the doctor say?
Y: He said Jimin didn't have epilepsy. Apparently that's just his brain's way of responding to emotional overload at the moment so he wants to make sure he got the right treatment for his seizures.
Jk: did he say when he can get out?
Y: next week if all goes well.
Jungkook was waiting in the car.
Can't wait for Jimin to finally get out of this place. He didn't like this place, but after seeing Jimin in such a state made him develop a real phobia.
Jin knocks on the car boot, knocking the maknae out of his thoughts.
He unlocks the doors and walks over to Tae who was pushing Jimin's chair.
Jimin smiled when he saw him. Due to this new phobia the two were not seen much.
Jungkook gives him a hug, before saying with a big smile.
Jk: come on, I'll help you get in the car.
Jm: it's gonna be ok kookie. I can ... do it
Jungkook still helps Jimin get up and get into the car.
The roads go calmly. Jimin opens the window to enjoy the air in his hair.
Taehyung, who was by his side, was smiling when he saw him do it, but his smile fade when he sees the scar.
Jm: you make a ... a head.
T: Sorry.
Jimin just takes his hand and strokes it.
Once there, Jungkook does the same and guides Jimin to the entrance.
J: Jimin are you okay ??
Jimin stared blankly for a few seconds.
Jm: uh yes just a fl... memories.
T: it's a good memory I hope.
Jimin nods.
He's always a little tired when he experiences a flashback.
Jk: do you want to go and rest in your bedroom or in the living room?
Jm: In the living room so I ... can St.... Stay ... stay with all ... you.
Jungkook does not leave him. He wanted to catch up the two month they were separated.
Taehyung is even more cuddly and protective than he already was.
Yoongi and Jimin spent time in the genius lab. He helps him with the music and Jimin tells him that he has some memories of what he told him.
Hoseok helps him with the dances he had missed at Jimin's over-repeated request.
Jin helps him follow his treatment and helps him regain his memory more than the others. The two spend a lot of time cooking together. Jimin asks him questions about periods that are still a bit unclear.
Jimin asked Namjoon to read him the book he read to him during his coma. But each time he fell asleep, which made them laugh. So they ended up making it a bedtime ritual
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