Hold on a moment |4|
When Jimin got realised from the hospital. The doctor gave him a beeper in the form of a watch,
It will warning him when a heart will be ready for him.
this watch also recorded his heart rate and it sends a notification to Jin and Yoongi when something wrong happens.
It's been a month now and he still waiting for his transplant, but unfortunately during this time he does not have the right or the energy to do a lot of activities.
Today is a new training day.
And Jin tries to convince, once again, Jimin to stay peacefully in the dormitory.
J: come on, stay here to rest.
Jm: no hyungs I don't want to be sidelined even if I can't dance, let me watch you.
As always jimin wants to follow them and no one will be able to convince him otherwise.
Arrived at the parking lot of the studio,
they must climb the stairs that lead to the elevator for the studio's floors.
Before their take the stairs, it was a good way to warm up.
But to prevent Jimin from making too much effort, they now take the elevator.
Now just following the boys up those few steps asks a lot of her.
Taehyung puts his arm behind Jimin's back and helps him up the stairs, then keeps him close to him in the elevator.
Jimin hates having to depend on others.
But he appreciates that he doesn't have to ask, the members always know when he needs help.
Arriving at the studio, now part of their routine, Taehyung lays Jimin down on the sofa while yoongi and Jungkook bring him a pillow and blanket.
Jm: you wake me up once you finish the stretch.
Yoongi smiles at him.
Y: as always.
He rubs his head.
Y: go to sleep little angel.
The 6 are starting to stretch.
The second younger, unable to hold back his questioning, begins.
T: how much longer before he is his new heart. His condition worsens day by day
J: A month, a week, a day. We just have to be patient and continue to support him.
Jungkook starts to make a weird face as he gets lost in thought.
H: what are you thinking kook.
Jungkook starts hesitant, but decides to externalize his fears.
Jk: I ... ok. So I read that there are some people who after having been operated and well their ... maybe doesn't like the same things as before.
And if jimin doesn't like us afterwards and if he doesn't like to dance anymore...
A tear of worry flows without him being able to hold it back.
Hoseok takes him in his arms
H: it's about jimin we talk about, the stage is his life, he loves it too much, his whole body loves to dance, he loves us a lot, he loves you a lot. So he won't abandon us not today nor tomorrow.
N: I read that too, but their often talk about food or the very small, insignificant thing and it is not scientifically proven.
After a collective reassurance, the boys resume training without forgetting to wake up Jimin who watches them attentively.
Once back in the dormitory, Jimin decides to make them some snack while they take their shower.
Jimin starts to take the flour out of the cupboard,
turns to the fridge, takes the milk,
he puts it all on the counter.
He goes to take the bowl,
but his body does not really agree with the small round trips,
Jimin feels his head suddenly spinning.
He then crouched down, holding the cupboard handle.
And whisper to himself
Jm: ok it will pass.
But his heart does not calm down,
He continues to hold on to the handle with his eyes closed trying to catch his breath.
Jm: come on, they're going to be finished that nothing will be ready.
Jimin gets up despite his unease and begins to mix the ingredients together.
He doesn't know that his watch notification has already been sent.
The dough ready Jimin decided to take a 1-minute break and sat down on the kitchen floor with his head resting on the cupboard.
Jin and Yoongi storm out of their rooms at the same time.
J & y: Jimin!?!
He nods and hurries downstairs.
Jimin opens his eyes.
Why he screams
Jm: In the hyung kitchen.
Jin and Yoongi run up to him and squat down to his level, one on each side placing their hands symmetrically on the younger's knees and shoulders.
J: Are you okay, do you need the medicine?
Jm: don't freak out like that, I just need 5 minutes.
Jimin wanted to be reassuring and not yet to be a source of concern.
Y: what are you doing in the kitchen ??
Half reproach, half concern.
Jm: I wanted to bake you cookies.
Both melt in front of his kindness.
J: thank you chim.
Jimin's emotions begin to fight for dominance.
Jm: but don't thank me, I didn't even cook them
I'm just a burden for you.
You still have to do it for me hyungs,
What did I do to get this? Hyung? Why is this happening to me?
I can't take it anymore, hyungs. I can't stand being tired all the time, I can't wait anymore. To wait for the beeper to ring or for death to come.
It's despair that wins the battle.
Jimin looks at them with tearful eyes, the watch flashing indicating that his heart is not beating within standards.
Yoongi takes him in his arms.
Y: we too, Jimin, are scared. We are afraid for you. We will never let you go, you know that.
He feels jimin move his head against his chest.
Y: you will never be a burden on us and good luck to the one who wants to take you away from us.
Jin felt it was time to relax the atmosphere.
J: have you seen how many times Jungkook and Namjoon go to the gym from now on, good luck whoever hurts us.
The three start to laugh. They really needed it.
The 3 stay there at the time before resuming the preparation of cookies.
Yoongi sits down Jimin who insists on continuing to help them.
J: No, we are the ones helping you, not the other way, we are your apprentice cooks.
Again a smile on his face. The boys were delighted to see him like that.
Jimin enters the living room and sees Hoseok alone so he takes advantage.
Jm: hobi I have a favor for you.
H; yes whatever you want.
Jm: you can come with me to the studio, I would like to dance a little.
H: not that please, you know you can't Jiminie. I'm sorry, but you just have to wait a little longer before you can dance again.
Jimin lowers his head disappointed. He will go find another way.
H: Jimin...
Jimin leaves without listening to his friend.
He knew it was dangerous in his condition but he wanted to.
The desire to dance rise in him day by day.
Waiting means not doing what he likes.
Jimin settles down at his desk. He takes his notepaper and begins to write.
He gets up, places his watch on his desk next to the letter and takes his bag and slowly so as not to be heard.
He walks into the studio after take a taxi, he began by stretching slowly. His heart kept pace.
He started the music and began to let go of every note, every vibration.
He jumps,
being his arms,
almost flies away.
He takes advantage of every second.
Forgetting his problems,
his fears,
his doubts.
The 6 members are in the kitchen.
J: someone called Jimin to eat.
Jungkook gets up and run upstairs.
He's running again on the stairs but these times more in panic,
H: slowly on the stairs, you will fall.
He arrives in front of the eyes of the others, his face distorted with fear, shows her in one hand, paper in the other.
The watch rang.
Jin turns around at the noise.
J: there is a heart for you ??
But seeing Jungkook alone he continued.
J: Where is he ??
H: oh no.
J: kook where is Jimin?
H: he's at the studio.
Yoongi gets up while everyone else wonders, no longer understanding the situation.
J: Yoongi what are you doing? And hobi what are you talking about? Kook where's Jimin?
Y: Okay Everyone in the car NOW!
Everyone gets up under Yoongi's order.
Once everything is installed Namjoon pierces the silence that was installed
N: Hyung, please explain to us?
J: yes I would like to kn...
Yoongi cut him.
Y: He's gone dancing.
Since he's been waiting for his new heart so 3 months now
He keeps asking me when he could dance.
For a while I managed to keep him busy or stop him when he was doing it but not this time though.
H: he asked me at the beginning of the afternoon. I should have known.
Jin got a call from the doctor and Jin explains everything to him.
D: I understand that it can be very difficult for him. But unfortunately you have to hurry, because if he is not present at the hospital to start preparing him in 1 hour. I'm afraid the heart will go to the next person on the list.
J: we bring him back before thank you doctor.
Jin looks at Yoongi through the rearview mirror.
J: we have less than an hour before the heart is given to someone else.
Yoongi then presses the accelerator slightly beyond the limitation.
Once there, the boys don't wait for the engine to stop and jump out of the car to find Jimin.
Jimin was lying on the ground with his right arm over his eyes.
Jin took his free hand, but jimin had no reaction.
J: Jimin a heart and ready for you.
Jm: I know
Jin jumped and looked at the others who shrug their shoulders.
J: how
While jimin doesn't move but speak again.
Jm: I heard the news flash that there had been a big bus accident involving young people of our age yesterday.
N: oh jimin
Jm; someone has to die so I can live hyung.
Y: but you can do nothing about it
Jm: I don't care let me die, someone else will have the heart. Anyway...
Taehyung who hadn't moved from the beginning, go and grabs him by the shoulders forcing him to sit down and forcing him to look at his tearful face.
T: you realize what you are saying.
Yes a person must die for you to live, but this person and his family give you a huge gift.
You realize that this person's mother allows you to have a part of her child in you.
You see all the sacrifice and generosity it takes to do this.
Jimin raises his hand and comes to wipe the tears of his soul mate.
Jm: don't cry for me
T: I will always cry for you.
Jm: I'm sorry
Teahyung hugged him.
T: don't apologize I admit that it must not be a simple decision for you either.
Jk: not that this touching hug doesn't reach me, but I think we should go.
Jimin gets up, but almost falls, jungkook catches him and sign him to get on his back. In view of the efforts he had to put in to dance, no one questions him
Arrives at the car. Jimin wonders.
Jm: has anyone read the letter?
Jk: ah ! I have it.
Jm: no, actually keep it, read it if something goes wrong.
T: no, don't do it again.
Jm: tae I'm sorry, but it's not a safe operation.
Rm: tae Jimin is right.
Yoongi who was holding Jimin's hand feels him tense
T : but...
Yoongi then intervenes
Y: Tae please.
Taehyung looks at him and Yoongi shakes his head and the younger one realizes that now is not the time.
D: All right, all the exams are clear, so we can now take you to the operating room and the team is ready.
Jimin nods yes and the stretcher bearers who accompanied the doctor, unplug his bed, remove the brake and start pushing him out of the room.
Jm: NO! wait, i'm not ready, wait.
Jimin turns to the boys.
Namjoon comes closer to him and hugs him.
N: Jiminie, you will never be ready, but it's time, it's alright you're gonna be okay.
You can go, we don't move, our hearts are with you okay.
We don't move, we waited for you.
Jimin nods, his confidence picking up a bit. He is still on the verge of tears, but does not let them fall when he sees the two youngest in tears.
He stretches his hand towards them,
Namjoon pushes himself to make room for them.
Jm: everything is going to be fine, I'm not going to let it go.
Jk: we know, you can't leave us, we still have too much to do.
A smile spreads over the three faces, the youngest do not resist and hug Jimin.
Jm: I love you, you know that?
Jk & T us too.
T: no goodbye, you know I can't live without you.
Jm: me neither. you are all my reason of living here, so I'll be back as soon as it's over.
Jimin looks up at Jin.
Who nods understands his gaze.
J: come on boys, let's let it go.
He in turn takes jimin in his arms before blowing his ear.
J: don't worry, we're taking care of them, focus on getting back to us.
Jm: promised.
J : I love you.
H: My turn
Hoseok jumps on him and hugs him.
H: come back to us soon ok, I love you angel.
Jm: as fast as I can hyung, thanks for everything.
Yoongi approaches in turn.
He takes his hand and keep his eyes on their hand but Jimin take him in his arms.
Jm: I'm sorry, I shouldn't have left like that when you ...
Y: I understand don't worry,
Jm: thank you hyung.
Y: no thanks jiminie, you know.
Yoongi withdraws and returns to next to the others.
Everyone smiles at him before looking at themself.
Hobi raises his arm.
H: 1 2 3
Ot6 : Fighting !!!!
And on that, jimin can only see the lights from the ceiling of the hallway, a hallway that seems endless to him.
Stretcher bearers helped him place him on the cold and uncomfortable intervention table.
Tons of people show up without him remembering their names.
Nur : So Jimin let's start, I'll put the mask on your face.
He nods and then the oxygen mask is put on his face.
Nur : everything will happen in your infusion, you just have to think of something pleasant, okay?
Again he nods.
Nur: think of a memory, people you like, can you do that?
Jm: yes,
Nu: very well we start to injecting the product it's will feel a little weird in your arm, continue to breathe well as you do. You are doing very well.
His head starts to spin his eyes get heavy.
Nur: you can close your eyes when you feel it, stay in this good thought
Jimin wants to tell her that he thinks of a memory he has with the members.
That they are all eating, drinking, laughing. His mind is fondly remembered as his operation begins and his heart stops to be replaced by another.
Sorry. I don't post a lot.
I try but all the new story a make don't please me so I keep them hiding.
If you have requested please ask for it.
Hope you are all fine.
Have a good week,
Be safe.
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