Long one -3600-
Request chimmy_kookoo
Today they had a meeting with bang pd nim. During the meeting he's going to present them a new Idol in Hybe. He's nam his Chin.
All the members are already in the conference room with Sejin. Bang pd nim enter the room follow by two other people.
B: boys, this is Chin and his manager.
Chin walks over to the boys, then shakes hands and bows down to each member except Jimin, who he just greets with a slight nod.
Jimin surprised at this lack of respect,
but since no one else said anything. He tells himself that since being the last in the row it's can be tiring.
Chin and his manager sits in front of BTS while Pd Nim sits at the end of the table.
B: well let's start, I don't want to waste your time guys. I would like you to collaborate all together to help him debut.
He looks at namjoon.
B: obviously, it will be up to you to choose the best option, whether it is a duo; a trio or at 8, but I want one of your names in his first album.
Namjoon nods, it's not a usual request from him. So he must really care about this boy, Namjoon thought.
B: well I'll let you think about it all together, Sejin will keep me posted on your final decision.
The two main composers, Namjoon and Yoongi ask questions to the young singer, to know his type of music, his tone of voice, what he would like as a duo.
Y: a ballade would be good considering what you want to do for your first album.
N: yes why not an acoustic one, with one of our vocalists.
C: I would love that.
After listening to demos, and analyzing his voice well, suga continues to advise
Y: given your type of voice, if you want something emotional why not Jimin I think it's...
Chin cuts him off to answer sharply .
C: No, certainly not.
Jimin responds immediately do not understand the reaction of the youngest
Jm: sorry
Chin, realizing that he was being too demonstrative of his real thought, resumes wanting to make up for it.
C: Don't get me wrong, but I have always preferred Jin and if I have to do a duet with a vocalist I think Jin is the best option.
Jimin felt hurt at the sight of him, but didn't want to upset Jin.
Jm: for sure you can't be better accompanied than with our handsome Jin.
Chin looks at him with no sympathy.
The discussion continues, under Jimin's empty eye.
Jimin does not feel welcome in this room and after a long minute, he ends up leaning towards Jin who was on his right.
Jm: I go to the bathroom, I come back.
J: you can't wait until we're done soon, don't be rude.
Jm: Jin I have five minutes. We've been here for two hours and I have nothing to do except listen to you.
Jin get bored by being turned away from his future collaboration.
J: good, but be quiet and stop bothering us all the time.
Namjoon as a good leader, seeing a distraction is created intervenes.
N: is everything okay?
J: yes, he must be disappointed not to do the collaboration.
Jimin takes refuge in one of the studios to dance and free his mind.
He does not see the hour pass.
And as he finishes a music, he leans in to stretch his muscles, but the studio door swings open.
Jimin looks at him completely confused and gets up from where he was
Jm: Jin?
J: roh don't start to do the ignoring with me!
The other five members enter just as angry as Jin.
Jm: But Jin, what are you talking about? Why are you like that?
N: you deny everything you just did ! It really amazes me about you, that you react like that, I'm disappointed!
Jimin starts to get impatient, not understanding what his Hyungs are talking about.
Jm: But I didn't do anything, it's because I didn't come back to the meeting, anyway except to stay seated I was useless.
H: Jimin, Chin told us what you told him.
Jimin's eyes widened.
Jm: What, but what did he tell you? I've never seen that one alone.
J: Jimin, I raised you better than that. You are completely disrespectful.
Jm: I'm the disrespectful one while this kid didn't even say hello to me correctly, but I'm the disrespectful one. And I agree My Parents! Raised me well.
He had insisted that it was his parents, yes his Hyung there helped a lot. But he knew what he owed to his parents.
J: Just because he didn't choose you, don't give you the right to belittle him.
Jm: but when ? , I didn't see him alone.
N: Jimin stop I saw how you behaved after he didn't accept that it was...
Jm: ME, but you...
Jimin breaths, not managing to make his voice follow his thought.
Jm: anyway it's never me, I know it and that's fine with me. But I repeat, I did not speak to him.
Jk: at the same time you have to ask yourself the right questions if you are never chosen for collabs and duets, there is a reason.
Jimin felt the dagger sink deep into his heart. Arguing with his elders was one thing, but having the younger one join in was another.
Tears began to flow.
Jm: Jungkook...
T: What were you expecting, that after what you told him he was going to cancel everything and leave the agency very nicely.
N: you don't wort that I keep talking to you, you want to keep playing it like that, rather than facing reality very well. We're leaving.
All of them turn around and leave.
Jimin in tears
Jm: But I really didn't tell him, he lied to you. I don't know why but...
Jimin paralyzes and can only look at him,
Jk: me too am younger and yet you didn't tell me the same thing, you changed Jimin.
N: we will be with Pd min, you are not invited there. Except if you want to apologize.
Jimin is left there, alone, lost, confused.
What could he have told them?
Why doesn't he want to do a collab with him? Yoongi thinks it's a good idea though?
Jungkook is right?
I am only drag them down.
Questions and confusion continued to plagued his mind.
He curled up in the middle of the room, his face full of tears. He was staring at his reflection
Smiling Chin was leaning against the door of the dance studio. His plan was working wonderfully.
He had just turned everyone against Jimin.
And given the state jimin was, he was finally going to be able to take away from him what he envied the most.
Jimin sat down where he had been left.
Chin walks in and carefully closes the door behind him to not be disturbed.
Chin walks close to Jimin still with a smile on his face.
C: Oh Jimin, you are here? Why are you all alone?
Jimin looks up, angry.
Jm: Get out.
Chin takes a false disappointed face.
C: let's see that's no way to speak, such a beautiful face and voice shouldn't speak like that.
Chin hold out his hands to stroke his face. But Jimin pulls back in disgust and surprised at the gesture.
Jm: I can know what you are trying to do. Why did you say anything to my band member?
C: Out of jealousy.
Jimin surprise at his sudden honesty.
Jm : what? What for ?
Chin come closer to him, and puts his hand on his throat, caressing his Adam's apple.
Jimin completely paralyzed by his aura does not dare to move.
C: you know I've always loved your voice, it's so unique, so majestic. I practiced a lot, I paid countless teachers to had your voice, but I never made it.
Jimin swallows, his breath tight, His voice trembles with fear.
J: What do you want?
Chin smiles at him and pulls out the long, slender blade he had in his back pocket. He comes to put the blade where he previously had his hand, raising Jimin's head.
C: What I want? I only want your voice, that's all.
Jm: But... but you know it's not possible.
C: that's why you won't get it either.
Jimin starts to shake, feeling the danger rising.
Jimin is about to scream and move back. But the blade resting on his neck suddenly moves.
Chin takes his chin in hand forcing Jimin to look at him, still a smile on his face. He moves closer to Jimin's ear and whispers to him.
C: now no one will ever hear your voice again.
Chin caress his cheeks look at the blood sink a moment and finally leaves.
Jimin crying fall on the parquet.
He put pressure on his neck to reduce the bleeding.
He tries to grab his phone from his pocket.
He knew he doesn't have much time but his phone slips from his hands, and he slips into unconscious.
Jungkook blamed himself for the remark he made to Jimin.
As they come out of their meeting with Pd min.
Jk: you don't think we were a little too hard on Jimin. Sejin is right, it's his word against Chin's.
Y: it's true that we don't even know this Chin and personally the way he refused my proposal struck me, it's weird.
N: I don't know, we'll see once we get back to the dorm, a good calm discussion imposes anyway.
Jungkook wanting to apologize as soon as possible.
Jk: I'm going to look for him, I saw on the app that he's still here.
H: I don't think he left the dance studio.
Jk: we meet you at the cars.
The boys nod and split.
Jungkook finally on the floor of the dance studios gets out of the elevator.
He can't wait to finally apologize and really listen to Jimin.
As he arrives towards the door, he crosses paths with Chin.
Jk: Chin? What are you doing here? Are you lost?
C: yes, it's stupid I'm looking for the elevators.
Jk: continue, it's down the hall.
Jungkook lets him pass and looking at his back he sees red on his back pocket of his jeans.
Jk: Chin you have a red stain on your pants.
C: oh damn, I did a live or I did some painting. Thank you.
Jungkook waves goodbye to him.
Jungkook finally opens the door that separates him from Jimin.
His eyes widen, his mouth opens letting out a breath of despair.
Then he becomes aware of reality.
Of Jimin lying in his blood, choking in his own blood.
He runs towards him and puts his hand on his neck,
Jk: Jimin opens your eyes! Jimin! Jimin!
Jimin weakly opens his eyes to close them immediately.
Jk: no no no! but what have we done ?!
Jungkook's gaze falls on Jimin's phone. He takes it in hand knowing that he must act quickly, very quickly.
He then immediately calls for help. Explaining to them the state of his friend and where he is.
Jk: Jimin hang on, I'm begging you, I'm sorry. Please don't leave me. Not like that, I need you. Jimin. i didnt knew Jimin, I should belived in you. Jimin ... Jimin...
Jungkook lets his tears fall, Jimin's blood continues to flow through his fingers.
The door behind him opens again to let Hoseok in.
H: jungkook you have... OH! NO Jimin but what the hell... who did this?
T: why you...
Hoseok, yoongi and Teahyung not seeing Jungkook join them had decided to go get him fearing an argument between him and Jimin.
But they didn't expect to find Jungkook crying desperately trying to wake Jimin up, and trying to keep Jimin's blood in its place.
Y: but who did that to him? Jungkook did you call for help?
Jk: yes... I'm sorry... we should never have let him, Hyungs he... he will ...
H: we're horrible.
No one knows what to say or what to do. Fortunately the sirens are heard, and the paramedics enter the room, accompanied by security and the police.
Paramedic: we take him, quickly! The operating room are already warned?
A 2: yes they are. Let's move, quickly.
And just like that Jimin was bring away from the others.
Jungkook wants to follow him, but one of the policemen stops him.
P: sorry, but you stay here, you are our only witness.
P2: or suspect.
Yoongi can't contain his anger.
Y: sorry ?! What did you say ? You really think we would be able to hurt Jimin.
P2: until proven otherwise, you cannot see him. And you don't move from here until the situation clears up.
The three boys follow the police and security towards the office where the recording of the surveillance cameras are located. Office were Sejin, Jin and Namjoon are already waiting for them.
N: Jungkook what all that blood, security told us to come over.
J: where is Jimin? What did he do this time?
Yoongi glares at him, Jungkook doesn't even have the strength to answer, his stare is just freeze to his bloodied hand.
H: It's Jimin's blood.
Jin face drop, when he feels himself struck by reality.
J: what?
P 2: later ! we must first watch the surveillance videos.
The video starts.
They can see the six members leaving Jimin crying, but alive.
Then they see Chin come in and shut the door. Finally, they see Chin come out and before he closes the door, they can see him putting a knife in the back pocket and Jimin in the door frame.
N: what a scum
Namjoon is about to leave the room, but is stopped by Sejin.
Sj: Namjoon no.
N: but he put us against Jimin and he did that to him.
P: you insinuated that it is premeditated.
Sj: surely.
Jimin is lying in a bed in intensive care.
Breathing only with the help of his tracheostomy.
Jimin's operation was very long, and the surgeon told the boy that Jimin was very lucky to be alive.
It's been two days since he got out of his operation. His was on critical situation, so the medical time only lifted the anesthesia today.
Jungkook was sitting next to Jimin waiting for him to wake up. Unfortunately not all members could visit him at the same time.
Jungkook negotiated with the members to be the first to speak to Jimin.
Jimin after another good hour ended up gently opening his eyes.
Jungkook gets up from the chair to lean over next to Jimin.
Jk: Jimin you hear me.
Jimin nods weakly, but cringes in pain.
Jk: slowly, don't hurt yourself.
Jimin opens his mouth to speak, but no sound comes out.
Jk: don't try to talk, the doctors said it wasn't possible with the tracheostomy.
Jimin frowns.
Jk: Jimin I'm extremely sorry, it's all my fault.
Jimin squeeze his hand and shakes his head, but the pain is visible again.
Jk: I'm going to get your doctor, don't move.
Jimin tries to call him, but no sound comes out. Jungkook leave. Jimin finds himself alone again, he don't like it.
The door opens again and worry can be reads in Jimin's eyes.
The doctor returns accompanied by all the members he had exceptionally let them in all at once. (well he had given in more than accepted)
D: Hello Jimin, I'm Jay your doctor. You remember what happened.
Jimin shiver and very gently nods his head.
D: Well, do you know where you are?
Jimin responds in the same way.
D: The police wanted you to answer this question as soon as you woke up. Can you tell me who did this to you?
Jimin mimic writing, wanting a paper.
The doctor hands him the file he had in his hands and his pen. Jimin begins to write with a weak hand, but determined hand, Chin's name.
D: It's very good.
Jimin, I don't have any good news.
Tension builds in the room. The members know what he is going to tell him, but they still don't want to believe it.
D: I'm sorry Jimin, but your vocal cords were damaged, unfortunately we performed a partial cordectomy on your left vocal cord. All this seems to you surely very abstract but...
Jimin starts to cry, understanding perfectly what this wanted to imply.
He had succeeded in taking it.
Chin had got what he wanted.
N: you can leave us.
D: Of course but I'll leave you an hour and after you had to let him rest.
Namjoon nods.
Y: as if after that he would manage to rest.
Namjoon glares at him, but Yoongi ignores him and approaches the bed like everyone else.
Teahyung lands next to Jimin and strokes his left arm wanting to be comforting.
T: Chim, I'm...
Jimin stops him by rummaging in his pants pocket.
Knowing his password, Jimin unlocks the phone and types in the note.
Jm: I don't blame you.
The boys smile sadly.
T: you should.
Jm: no i'm fine, i'm going to be fine.
T: Jimin doesn't say that, we all know that's not true. Stop wanting to be strong when we've all messed up. Everything is our fault, all your efforts have been taken away from ...
Teahyung starts to cry. Jimin grabs his hand.
At this point, some people are trying to find out how to apologize or even what to say, but it is Jimin who breaks the silence.
Jm: how do we do if I can't sing anymore.
N: let's not think about that. You have to get better first.
Namjoon didn't want to think about it, although discussions with pd nim have already been made. The only answer Namjoon gave was that Jimin would never leave the group.
Jin comes a little closer, he had to express himself, otherwise the guilt will eat him.
J: Jiminie, I also wanted to apologize.
H: we're all so sorry about what happened.
Jimin knew them and knew it wasn't their fault, but the situation was difficult, especially given the condition he was in.
Jm: it's going to take a while, but I think I can forgive you.
N: Jimin?
Jimin turns his gaze to him.
N: I feel cruelly guilty, I would prefer it's append to me. We don't deserve your pardon but I will do every thing in me power to help you.
Jimin saw that he was all sincere in their apology. He was going to need time to rebuild and everyone was aware of that.
Jungkook resumes calmly and comforting,
Jk: I will help you too, no matter how long it takes you to sing again, I will help you.
Everyone nods.
Y: of course, I will always be at your lessons as I always have been. And we always have this song to finish.
For the first time since the accident Yoongi wanted to hope.
Jm: it's impossible, he got what he wanted.
Jungkook frowns he thought he knew who he was talking about, but he didn't want to believe it
Jk: how's that?
Jm: he wanted my voice, he got it.
Anger returns to the hearts of the members.
H: what a bastard.
Jin looks at him.
N: no, I agree.
J: with your talent Jimin nothing can stop you. You didn't know how to sing when you arrived and persevering as you are, it's only going to affect you like a simple sore throat.
Jin hoped Jimin would laugh, but it was too early for him to agree. There was still too much of the unknown.
Jm: you have to be realistic, I will never speak again.
N: no, that's wrong, you ...
A nurse comes in, interrupting them.
Nurse: I'm sorry, but I have to give him his painkiller, he might sleep after that.
J: we'll let you rest.
Nurse: you can stay until he falls asleep.
J: thank you, in fact I have a question.
The nurse smiles at him and nods urging him to continue.
J: will Jimin be able to speak again, and singing.
She looks at Jimin and smiles at him.
Nurse: I know it's still scary, but I promise you, wive time and patience you will sign again. Your voice may not be the same, but it will be similar.
T: you will be okay as always, I believe in you.
Jimin smiles softly at his brothers.
A lonely tear runs down his cheek as he begins to feel the fatigue wash over him.
Jungkook comes to remove his tear. Jimin types something and shows it to Jungkook
Jm: stay with me, I don't want to be alone please.
He looks at the nurse showing her the note.
Nurse: okay, but only one of you.
The members kiss Jimin on the forehead, whispering apologies and comforting words to him. Only Jungkook remains in the room.
Jimin eventually fell asleep with Jungkook's left hand in his, as Jungkook's right hand stroked his arm gently.
Jk: No one will still your wings. I promise.
Hope you like it's.
Have all a nice week. I will repeat myself but be safe
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