Always protect him !
Namjoon POV
I woke up earlier today, the RAP Line had a meeting with our managers before going to practice with everyone else. I got ready and went down to the kitchen.
RM: Hung why are you up so already ? We could have prepared it ourselves!
JIN: I know you will have eaten the first thing that came to your hand. And considering the day ahead, I'm glad to know that you had a good lunch.
The other two rappers enter the kitchen but a small shadow follows them.
Jimin: hmm that smells good hyung.
Jin: Can I know why you are not sleeping?
Hoseok: Jiminie just replaced my alarm clock. He smiles and hugs Jimin.
Jimin: He just took too long to turn off his alarm.
We ate quietly, Suga, J-hope and I left for our reunion.
We went over several details for the concert, and for different topics.
At the end, the managers wanted to talk to me alone, the other two members didn't say anything because as a leader it happened often.
Man 1; Namjoon we're going to double security for the next upcoming events.
I said nothing let him finish.
Man 2: Lately a group of antis sends us here and on the networks, threats. For the moment we manage to hide everything whether it is from you or the army but they are more and more frequent with the start of the tour. That's why we wanted to tell you about it and know if you wanted to share it with the other or not.
I was the one filtering the information for the group. But if I went to do it properly I need more information.
RM: Before making my decision. I would like more details on the type of threat.
Who is targeted? The whole group ? Anyone in particular? What kind of threat is that? On reputation? Worst ?
Jin pov
After the rappers left, Jimin helped me tidy up and finish preparing everything for the youngsters and for lunch during training. Once finished we just sat on the sofa. I put his head on my legs form him rest a bit.
I turn the TV on. Tae and Kook joined us after their eaten.
And to my amazement, we see the rest of the members coming back.
I motioned to them not to make noise.
namjoon looks a little sadly at Jimin and says in a whisper: is better if he stays asleep, come to the kitchen we have to talk.
Jin: do I have to wake up jimin?
Nam: "no, just you"
I nod. Grab a pillow and put it under his head. And I join him under the questioning gaze of Taehyung and kookie. His attitude does not bode well.
Jin : why are you already back? Why do we talk without the youngest?
I was going to continue my questions when he interrupts me
RM: Jin sits
I do so.
RM: I'm not sure if tell them is a good idea.
Jin: Tell them what?
RM: The managers told me that there were threats against them. And they fear for their safety during the next event.
Everyone was in shock, he had apparently not told Yoongie and Hoseok.
I was more worried: "What do you mean for their security, what are threats! yoongie comes to put his hand on my shoulder.
And Namjoon continues, "Well, they're threatening to hurt them. They published several things. "
Nobody says anything until J-hope speaks, "And you think it's better if we don't tell them?
RM: But I don't want them to worry. All measures will be taken for our safety.
We had continued to talk, before it was time to leave for practice.
I was reassured to see that there was more guard than usual. But I saw Jimin's face close and even worry.
Once in the room, Jimin approaches me and namjoon
Jimin: Nam! Why is there more security than usual?
Simple question and yet so dreaded.
namjoon's eyes widened not quite knowing what to say to a simple "uhh" exit on his own.
Jimin: Stop, I'm not stupid ! I can see that something is happening! You've been hiding to talk since this morning! Don't lie to me hyung please!
Faced with the growing dispute, one of the managers joined us.
Manager 1: it's just that there is our safety and that of the building nothing abnormal jimin you don't have to worry.
jimin remained skeptical but didn't want to argue. He brings his hand to his forehead while looking at the ground, sighs and looks at us again.
Jimin: no precisely, the fact that you lie to me worries me! I can see that something going on. Yoongie got on defense just like the two of you and hope hasn't given me a smile since returning from the meeting. He pauses hoping for an answer but ends up continuing. Is it because of the threats? So this is serious, do you really think they're going to try something?
He knows !! Did he hear us? He...
RM: how do you know! Whereas before this morning I didn't know anything!
Jimin: Well, it's on the networks and army keeps asking to protect us and asking to block accounts.
The manager leaves the room, taking out his phone. While all the other members were now by our side
RM: Jimin I'm sorry. I just wanted to protect you, V, and kooke. I didn't want you to worry. But why didn't you tell me about them when you saw them on the networks.
Jimin: But you said it yourself hyung! We must not believe everything we read on the networks
But now that they are taking action it seems more real.
V: But at least now you can be sure that we are safe
Time-lapse / end of concert
Jimin POV
We were tired but delighted with our performances. We were all gathered in the couch in the lodges. We have to wait for the crowd to disperse.
Man: Ok boys! It's time for you to go and rest, well done for today.
We get up to go out one by one. Taehyung and I are the last. I let him go before me.
But as I watch him approach the car, I see a man dressed in black slip behind the security. And i so him ready to shoot my best friend! No ! It's cannot be happening now. I run over him, not listening to my bodyguards, and throw myself on Tae.
I hear the gunshot and then screams.
I pull him away, and taking Tae's face in my hands.
J: Tae look at me! Are you okay ?!
He doesn't say anything, then comes to remove one of the hands he had put on my back. To watch her. He lifts his tearful eyes to mine.
V: Jimin, you ... you ...
I didn't hear the rest of his sentence, all going black and I felt myself fall.
Taehyung POV
Jimin hugs me, it's sudden and unexpected.
But I hear a thud.
What is happening ?
I see the guards knocking a man down.
I put my arms behind his back.
He's wet.
I look at my hand then,
it is full of blood.
The other courses towards us.
I look up at Jimin.
V: Jimin, you ... you're bleeding.
I feel his body grow heavy in my arms, I accompany him to the ground without ever letting go.
V: No... No... Jimin! Jiminie wake up !! Why ARE YOU DOING THIS !! NO !!
I can't stop my tears from falling.
The others are finally at my level with their on security.
Bg 1: we take them inside
They take Jimin from my arms and another pull me towards the building.
The one who was carrying Jimin, lays him on the sofa before walking away, I throw myself on my knees at his side to hold his hand.
He's so cold.
I put my hand on his wound. I look Jin
V: Hyung why it doesn't stop.
I am pushed again away from him. But seeing that it is the medical team I don't say anything and plunge into Jungkook's arms who was just behind me. Other hands come to rub my back.
Man: They will take him to the hospital but you go to the hotel, it's more careful.
Jungkook: No way !, we're not going to leave him !!
Yoongie: He was supposed to be safe here too!
Man: boys please !
RM: no, we accompany him, it will be easier to protect us all in the same place, no?
The manager rolls his eyes: Alright, I won't change your mind so get in the van.
V: no !! Can I stay with him? nim? Please ? It's my fault ! I don't want to leave him by himself please.
The manager turns to one of the paramedic who nod to him.
Man: okay but don't stop them from doing their job.
I get up to stand next to Jimin who has just been placed on a stretcher.
I hold his hand, but I have to let go to get into the ambulance.
S1: go put yourself in the background and you do not move no matter what happened.
I'm setting up. I have jimin's head right in front of my knees. Then I stroke his hair. I bend down to whisper in his ear.
V: Jimin I'm here. I won't let go, okay. So fight. Come back to me, come back to us.
S1: Taehyung, that it?
V: yes sir.
S1: Do you know Jimin's blood type? It would help us
V: yes, he is A... He will be okay, right?
S1 smiles at me : we'll do everything for it.
We stop and the door open.
I rush to follow him.
They make him enter a glass room, I stay near.
The beep of his heart slowed down.
The doors open with the entry and exit of people in white.
Med: quickly the ... ..
I see them take out a defibrillator, then a woman comes to close the drapes.
V: nooo !!!! I collapse on the ground
Jin: Taehyung !!!!
He crouches down and hugs me.
I cry but I say to him between me sobs: He is in there but his heart.... His... he...
The doors open cutting me off and I hear his heart beat, I sigh.
But we see the doctor pull up Jimin's bed.
A nurse stands near us: We have to take him to the operating room, I'll take you to a quieter room to wait for him.
She brings us to an isolated room, the manager thanks her. I will keep you posted.
Jin made me lie down on one of the armchairs, he put my head on his legs and played with my hair. But I continue to cry in silence.
3 hours later
The room was quiet, only sobs was heard.
Then the sound of the door opening breaks the silence. We all stand up.
Med: Are you Jimin's friends?
We nod
Med: He lost a lot of blood, but luckily the bullet didn't do any major damage. He should recover without any problem, he will just need rest for a few months.
jungkook in a timid way, he talks to namjoon: hyung we can see him.
Namjoon turns to the doctor: can we go see him.
Med: he's sleeping but you could go to his room.
Our manager stays outside with the doctor to ask him questions. As we landed next to Jimin.
After a while Jimin wakes up and looks at me. He starts to smile at me. Before closing his eyes, always with a smile on your face.
J-hope comes to give him a kiss on the forehead, reassured to see him smile: rest little angel.
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