Poor Draco Needs Someone to Care
Harry/Draco pairing if you squint ;) Here is the first one-shot. Enjoy!
Harry was walking down the halls of Hogwarts, listening to Hermione and Ron chatter on and on about gosh-knows-what. To be honest, he stopped paying attention a while ago. They had been chattering nonstop since classes got out, and he was distracted by the absence of a particular classmate. He figured they'd turn up during lunch, but they didn't.
"Isn't that right?" Someone asked, smacking his arm and jolting him out of his thoughts.
"Wha? Sorry... what was the question?" He asked, his voice monotone as they walked into the Gryffindor common area. He plopped down on one of the free couches, putting his head back with his eyes closed as he thought about a way to check on the missing classmate who was in a different house.
"Bloody hell!!! Harry!!! You're not even listening!!! What are you thinking about so hard?!" Ron exclaimed in frustration, throwing his hands in the air as he stood in front of the git who was pissing him off.
He blinked at Ron several times before registering what the enraged redhead was going on about. "Oh, sorry, Ron. I was just trying to figure out how to check on someone else in another house, without going into their house... um, or telling them who I am." He admitted, blushing at the last bit.
Ron's mouth dropped open, too stunned to speak or mention the psycho-analyzations racing through his mind at the speed of a bludger hurtling at him in the middle of a Quidditch game.
Hermione was the one to break the silence by clearing her throat. "So, who would this classmate be?" She asked, watching him closely for his reaction.
His cheeks turned an even deeper red. "Is it possible or not?" He asked, his voice strained as he tried not to give into the pressure to tell his two best friends in the entire world who it was that had him worried this much.
Hermione thought for a moment, pulled out her wand, and waved it in the air while uttering an invisible spell. Out popped a paper airplane, much like the ones he had seen around the Ministry when he had to go there. "Tell it where to go, and it will check on whoever you want. It understands all languages..." she hinted, hoping he would catch the hint and speak in Parseltongue.
He looked at her in confusion before understanding donned on him, and he told the plane where to go and who to check on in Parseltongue, looking relieved when it was over with, and he was thinking in English again. He watched the plane fly away, his leg bouncing in concern. "How long til we get an answer?" He asked, anxiety playing across his face.
Before Hermione could say a word, Ron butted in and had to be an arse. "Why do you care so much? What's it to you?" He snapped, storming off to their room, leaving a depressed Harry and an agitated Hermione.
"Don't listen to that arse; he's just jealous that you suddenly are interested in someone besides him," Hermione said, reaching out and rubbing his arm before retiring to her room, which left him all alone in the common area.
He sat there bouncing his leg for a couple of minutes, then decided to study for a bit, then almost had a heart attack when the paper airplane flew back into the common area. It showed the library, halfway between row S and row T. He got up immediately and ran down the hallway, stopping only when he got to the library, which generally was closed by now. Still, he was grateful it was open for extended hours to study.
He walked down the rows until he found row T, and way in the back corner, slumped over a table was a shadowy, hooded form. He moved forward, pulling the hood back to reveal bleach-blonde hair, and a sleeping teenager that was paler than normal but flushed at the same time.
"Malfoy?" He asked in a soft voice, not wanting to startle the Slytherin as he touched his shoulder with a light touch.
"Did you send the plane?" A kind female voice asked, causing him to whirl around in surprise, only to see Pansy: Draco's supposed girlfriend.
He nodded, slow movements, his hand gravitating towards his wand in case she reacted poorly to the plane... since he wasn't sure if it spoke or did anything in words.
Pansy shook her head, hands up in the air and twisted them nice and slow, front to back. "I'm not going to hurt you. I was wondering who cared enough to check on this idiot, who's been hiding in here for at least a couple hours." She explained, letting her hands fall to her sides with a shrug. It was plain to see, there was no fondness or love in her eyes or tone, this was all just a job given to her to complete until she was given something better to do.
"What's wrong with him?" He asked, his curiosity and concern getting the better of him, hoping the girl knew the answer.
"Don't know. He wasn't at class, lunch, or dinner. I heard from Kreecher that one of the other house elves brought him leftovers a long while ago, but no one has really seen him all day." She listed off before scooping up her books and smiling a look that looked more like a sneer. "He's all yours." She added, and left, waving goodbye.
He stared after her in confusion, not sure how to handle a sick person, especially since no one ever took care of him until the Weasleys' and Hermione came along. Now that he thought about it, he just didn't know how to take care of a sick platinum blonde teenager named Malfoy. He set his shoulders, pushed his glasses up on his nose, and shook Malfoy's shoulder again.
"Malfoy?" He asked in a clipped tone, harsher than he meant to, causing the blonde to sit straight upright and look around in confusion.
"Potter?" Malfoy spat each letter as venomously as a snake bite. He blinked a few times, running a shaky hand through his hair calming some of its unruliness from sleeping under a heavy hood. He looked out the window and cursed, shooting to his feet, just to sit back down and close his eyes with a groan that didn't sound at all like it was being overplayed.
Once Harry recovered from his 'snake bites', he watched Malfoy in silence, he almost reached out when he saw the teen sit back down again but stopped himself. "No one..." he started to say, but was cut off by Malfoy deciding to speak to him right then.
"I know we are alone. And I heard about the paper plane... what I don't get, Potter, is why? Why do you care enough to check on me... the enemy?" Draco asked, swallowing hard a couple times after asking, but he managed to hold Harry's gaze through all the questions and while waiting for the answers.
Harry blushed, not knowing that Draco liked how it looked on him. "Now you sound like Ron. To be honest, I don't know, just the idea that you could be hurt or in danger scared me." He admitted sheepishly, as he looked at the floor so he didn't see Draco smile at his words.
Draco stood up slower this time, not wanting a repeat of the intense dizzy sensation that had hit him the first time. He was only allowing himself to breathe small breaths until he was certain the dizzy feeling wasn't going to hit him again, but he didn't realize that he was so preoccupied with his head 'hopefully' not spinning that the dizzy feeling also messed up his already shaky stomach. He thought for a moment taking stock of how he felt, realizing he could feel that feeling of acidic liquid in the back of his throat, making him dash out of the library.
His mad dash was doing nothing for his very upset stomach, down the hall he ran and into the bathroom. He kind of hoped the 'wonder kid' followed him, but at the same time, he'd be an even easier target with his head stuck in a toilet. He got to a sink, gripping both sides tight, as his stomach swirled and whirled painfully, he gagged hard over the sink, but nothing came up.
Harry ran after Draco, of course he'd get caught by Professor Snape, in the halls rushing about.
"Have you seen Malfoy, Potter?" Professor Snape demanded, giving him the cold stare down that always made him squirm.
Harry steeled himself to lie. "No sir, I heard he hasn't been around all day... maybe he went home." He supplied, trying to sound hopeful for the idea.
"Doubtful," Professor Snape grumbled, as he moved to walk on his way then stopped and looked at Harry once more. "Potter, stop running in the halls!" He added in a firm no-nonsense tone. Once he earned a nod from Harry, he went on his grumpy way searching for Malfoy, and Harry kept running to catch up to the blonde.
Harry burst into the bathroom, as Malfoy gagged really hard again, still not bringing anything up but he could tell by the boy's hunched and shaky position over the sink... the poor teen was miserable. "Ma... Draco? Do you want to switch to the toilet, while I ward the bathroom?" He asked in a gentle but understanding voice.
Draco spit a long line of spit into the sink, before turning and looking at Harry. "Ward the bathroom? Thanks, P... Harry. I..." he couldn't finish what he was saying as he had to lean over the sink with a retch that hurt so much but only sent his stomach churning something awful.
Harry was quick to ward the bathroom, using the rudimentary wards he'd learned to block their sound in, and block people from entering. He had a feeling Draco didn't need anymore of an audience than he already had in him.
"There... all done." He said, walking to Draco's side quickly in concern, since the teen had gone dead quiet after the last retch. "You okay?" He asked, standing awkwardly behind the pureblood a few feet.
"I'm not gonna bite... unless you want me to." Draco teased, with a laugh when Harry's eyes went so big his glasses were no longer bigger than his eyes. As soon as he laughed, his back arched painfully, leaning over the sink with a very aggressive dry heave.
Harry recovered from his shock when he heard the dry heave, and jumped into action, closing the distance and was hesitant for a second but became steadfast in his movements. He rubbed gentle circles on the blonde's back, while grabbing a cup of water one handed and offered it to Draco.
As was expected, Draco rejected the cup of water.
"It will help you throw up. Your stomach will automatically reject it, after a certain amount and it will come up first followed by the rest of what's in your stomach." He explained, not bothering to offer an explanation of how or why he knew this information.
Draco nodded, feeling weak and drawn thin, accepting the water and drank it all in one fell swoop. He was immediately hit with the sensation that he couldn't swallow past the lump in his throat, the harder he tried the more he felt like gagging.
Once he was hit with the realization that he was in fact about puke, he looked at Harry In a panic, reaching out to him blindly for comfort. The first wave of chills inducing gags produced only sour flavored water. Still the feeling of the lump in his throat wasn't gone.
Harry didn't stop rubbing his back, but he did slip his free hand into Draco's searching hand a bit tentatively, as Draco squeezed it tighter with each painful heave. "That's it, Draco. Get it up." He encouraged, noticing that the Slytherin teen had sweat through his shirt, vest, and robes. Dehydration was imminent at this rate, and he had a feeling going to see Madame Pomfrey was out too.
He was silent as he let go of Draco's hand, causing the poor teen to recoil like he'd been slapped. He kept his movements slow and methodical, so as not to spook the feverish boy who was back to dry heaving in front of him. He pulled the robes off the boy's shoulders, earning a moan of relief, followed by a whimper, as the teen wrapped his free arm tight around his middle.
"Think you can hold back for a second, I want to remove your vest and loosen your shirt." He explained, as the sick teen was reduced to rough hiccuping.
"Buy me dinner first," Draco slurred, as he reached up and helped Harry pull his vest over his head and off of him. He tossed the vest on top of his robes that were lying in a heap on the floor, before staggering away from the sink and collapsing against the stall of the nearest toilet.
Harry's cheeks turned pink, as he pretended Draco hadn't just told him to take on a date just to help him feel better. "Not tonight," he said in a nonchalant tone that did not echo how fast his heart was beating. He sat down on the ground beside the sick teen, and almost jumped in surprise, when he felt the Slytherin prince's head fall to his shoulder. "Uh... Draco, you okay?" he asked, as he could feel the blonde hiccuping less and less.
Draco sighed as his hiccups stopped, but it was short lived, as his stomach groaned loudly. "No," he whimpered out, as he doubled over his stomach, trying so hard not to throw up again.
Harry was about to respond, when they both heard footsteps in the bathroom that was supposed to be warded. He frowned, wondering who on earth had gotten through his warding that Hermione had taught him.
Draco whimpered in a low sound, not wanting to attract the intruder's attention. "I thought you warded..." he said in low voice with a weak glare in the Gryffindor seeker's direction.
"I did... I have no idea who got through..." Harry hissed back, as he peaked around the corner of the stall to see none other than Professor Snape, who saw him immediately.
"Potter! I knew you vanished somewhere odd. Why are you in a warded bathroom and on the floor?" Prof. Snape demanded, not having noticed the sick teen yet.
Harry opened his mouth to respond, but was cut off by Draco lurching forward over the toilet with a powerful retch and an audible splash.
Prof. Snape looked at Harry in surprise, before walking closer to see who was vomiting. His mouth formed an 'O' when he saw Draco was the one vomiting. "I thought you said he left." he snapped at Harry, as he scowled in the boys' direction.
Harry didn't speak right away, as his hand found Draco shaking back again in slow circles. "At that time, I knew Draco had taken off. I didn't know where he was exactly." he defended himself, not interested in what the Professor's issue was.
"I left him in the library..." Draco gasped out, as he collapsed back against the wall and Harry. He was panting so hard, he kept gagging but only air and a bit of stomach acid came up and down the front of his shirt. "Damn..." he muttered under his breath.
Harry got up and wet some papertowels, before returning to wipe up the mess. "Slow breaths... in your nose, out your mouth." he said encouraging the sick boy. He watched in relief as Draco calmed down, no longer gagging on air.
Prof. Snape watched in silence, touched by Harry's actions towards Draco, and relieved that the poor boy was not rejecting his help. "I should take points from your house for lying to me, Potter." he said with a menacing tone.
Draco shot to his feet, only to fall backwards into his butt by the stall again. "Please, Prof, don't take points from him, all he did was help me..." he pleaded breathlessly.
"Be that as it may, I should technically be taking points from you too, Malfoy. For not telling me you were unwell." Prof. Snape countered, but frowned before turning to leave. "However since Potter has already seen to your needs, I don't believe it necessary to punish you... either of you." he relented, as he left the bathroom in a huff.
Harry and Draco stared after the Prof in disbelief. Harry turned to look at the sick teen beside him. "Do you feel well enough to go back to your house, or do you want to stay with me tonight so I can help you if you need it?" he asked, not wanting to force the teen into anything, even if his inner hope was that he would want to stay with him.
Draco leaned his head on Harry's shoulder, sighing in exhaustion. "I know I should say I am fine, but I don't trust myself to be alone." he admitted, as he was hit by an aggressive hiccup.
Harry nodded in understanding, inwardly relieved that Draco still wanted his help. "Come on then, there is a bathroom connected to the boys' dormitory." he explained, before standing up and helping the sick teen to his feet.
Draco sagged against Harry as soon as he was on his feet, but didn't ask to stop on the way to the Gryffindor House. He covered his ears when they got to the painting, which didn't resist opening the door even though he was a Slytherin. "Why didn't she stop us?" he asked, his voice weak and strained from the walk throught the halls.
Harry smiled, leading the way to his room and essentially to his bed, which had two sets of pajamas sitting on top of it. "Prof. Snape notified Prof. McGonagall to expect us to come here. So the Lady in the painting knew you were coming," he explained as he helped Draco strip and get into one of the pajamas before doing the same for himself.
He had the sick teen lay down, then moved to lay down beside him. He was surprised when Draco moved to lay his head on his chest with a soft sigh.
"Get some sleep, and wake me if you need me or feel sick," he said, pulling the blankets over them as he felt Draco starting to shiver.
"Thanks, Harry; I promise I will wake you," Draco said, snuggling deeper into Harry's chest and blankets.
"Sleep well," Harry said with a smile, not allowing himself to fall asleep until Draco's breathing evened out, signaling that he had fallen asleep.
Harry ended up having to care for Draco multiple times throughout the night and the following day, which led to a pissed Ron and a compassionate Hermione. What does that mean for Harry and Draco? Only time would tell if they came to be more or not....
Here is the first chapter of a new sickfic book. I hope you all enjoy it and are doing well! I am sorry for my absence but I hope to be around a bit more, it depends on if I have time while I am in school to become a therapist.
I love and have missed you all! <3 You know the drill: vote, comment, and request away. No fandom is off limits, but please know that if you ask for one I am not familiar with the characters may be a little or a lot out of character. (OOC) I will always try to make them as canon as possible!
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