(Band of Brothers) Dick Needs to Not Lead When Sick
Please keep in mind I have never seen this show, so if they are completely OOC, I apologize immensely! This was requested by the wonderful: Ablack2022. Hopefully, you enjoy this!
Everyone had retired for the night before, as was customary the day before pulling an all-nighter training scenario. They were due at the training field at twenty hundred hours and the training session would last until zero eight hundred hours unless it ran over which did happen from time to time.
Major Richard "Dick" Winters was laying on his side, in his tent trying to shake the feeling of dread coming over him. He had noticed a sense of just yuck in his system around dinner time, but he had chosen to ignore it since he wasn't feverish or in pain. Now roughly three hours later, he felt kind of queasy but nothing too bad, he figured it was just nerves. He was not a fan of overnight training sessions, especially when it was pouring down rain which it was. He just hoped with every fiber of his being that it wouldn't be raining the following night.
He shuddered, legitimately feeling like the cold outside was in his bones, as he fought to warm himself up without being exposed to the cold air. It didn't take long for shivers to wrack his frame, even as he tried to not move, for fear of becoming even colder. After a little while of shivering, he could feel his eyes growing heavy, and he fell into a miserable sleep.
He was only asleep for about an hour when he felt his stomach rolling in discomfort. He opened his eyes with a weak groan, as he took stock of what was going on in his stomach and the rest of his body. The queasiness was more present, as was a feeling of pressure in his lower abdomen. He tried rubbing slow circles on his stomach and lower abdomen, but the lightest of pressure caused him to break out in a cold sweat, which, of course, only made him shiver harder.
He barely had a moment to think, before a sense of urgency washed over him, sending him scrambling from his tent and away from the encampment, as he really didn't want to be heard. Once he was hidden from prying eyes, dropped his trousers just in time for his bowels to start the agonizing emptying process. He tried to ignore how nauseous he felt, but something he'd eaten must have been bad... He couldn't afford to be getting sick right now, his men needed him to be at his best.
He waited for ages for his body to stop emptying, feeling freezing cold as the night plugged along without him. He could feel how numb his legs were getting from squatting, but he was relieved to finally feel like he could clean himself up and head back to his tent. He sank down to sleep, only able to sleep for about an hour, before having to up and run again.
It continued like this all night, before finally stopping around dawn, which he was relieved to get some actual sleep. He slept through breakfast and lunch, before waking up feeling worse than he had when he went to sleep. He found his canteen lying in the far corner of his tent, still full from the night before. He mentally face-palmed, realizing he was probably dehydrated from all the diarrhea the night before.
He took a few long sips of his water, trying to ignore how heavy the water felt in his stomach. He looked up to see where the sun was in the sky, seeing it was past lunch, so he got himself ready for the training exercise that night, before he took off at a slow jog, nodding to the men he passed, but not stopping even once to talk to any of them. He jogged for a short time until his stomach started churning from the constant movement, and he ducked behind a tree to catch his breath. Trying to breathe only caused more nausea, and before he could try to stop it, his stomach heaved causing all the water he had drunk earlier to splatter the ground in front of him.
He looked up to see that the sun was setting, which meant he needed to head back to camp to prep his team for the training exercise. He started walking back, taking his time so as not to upset his stomach further. He could tell this training exercise was going to be even more hellish than normal. He got back to camp right in time for everyone to be suited up and get ready for their overnight training exercise.
He cleared his throat before addressing everyone in his command. "Alright boys you know what to do, make me proud," he said after explaining the exercise to everyone. He gathered his gun, ammo, and pack to start sneaking across the dark field.
He led the men across the field, before selecting the area he wanted them to dig a practice trench. He backed out of the way, bringing a hand to his mouth as he was coughing to hide the gags that kept erupting from his agitated stomach. He pulled out his canteen, trying to drink away the gags, which of course wasn't helping his stomach at all.
He encouraged the men on and on for hours, suppressing gags with each hard breath that left his body. They finally decided to take a break behind their trench, to eat something and hydrate before continuing their training exercise. He sat a little ways away, not wanting to be so close to them while they were eating, as the smells were too overwhelming.
"Has anyone seen Dick eat anything?" Nix asked one of the other men before a few of them shook their heads.
"No, he wasn't at any of the eating times all day." One man said, looking back at their fearless leader in concern.
Nix nodded, before standing up and walking over to Dick in a low crouch to avoid being visible above the top of the trench. "Here, the men said you haven't eaten anything," he said offering, some dry bread and a tin of bully beef that he had already opened.
Dick's eyes widened as he shook his head, resisting the urge to clamp a hand over his mouth.
"Dick, you gotta eat... otherwise you won't have any energy." Nix insisted, putting the open can right in front of Dick's face.
Dick's face paled as he jumped up and ran to the wooded area a ways away, and ducked behind the trees, as he tried not to be sick. He took a deep breath, doubled over, and vomited all the water he had drank throughout the training time, and while 'ignoring' everyone eating. Since he hadn't eaten since the day before, the next thing he brought up was pure bile, followed by a few dry heaves. He leaned against the tree, trying to catch his breath, the gags having finally tapered off.
He walked back over to the trenches, a bit startled when he saw everyone looking at him. "Did...?" he started to ask in a raspy voice, sounding shredded by the vomiting.
Nix nodded, shooting a glare at the rest of the company. "Why didn't you say you were sick?" he asked in concern.
"The men... We needed to prepare..." Dick said in a broken voice, shivers running up and down his frame.
Nix watched the man struggle for a moment, before turning to the company. "Alright, Dick is not doing so hot, let's take him back to camp and call this training exercise postponed," he said, taking charge before Winters could reject the offer.
Dick looked at Nix and the men in surprise, as they gathered up their backpacks, guns, and ammo. "We can finish..." he offered, even if the idea made his stomach churn again.
"You're so pale you could blend in with the moon," Nix said with a laugh, that didn't quite reach his eyes.
Dick sighed, as he reached for his own things, but Nix cleared his throat and stopped him from picking the heavy items up or having to bend over.
"You look like you're going to keel over, so we got your stuff." Nix added, taking Dick's bag on top of his own. Another man grabbed his gun and Dick's, and another man took the ammo.
"I am fine." Dick objected, swallowing hard, before turning away to gag up more bile and stomach acid.
"Oh, you're totally fine," Nix said sarcastically, putting a careful arm around the Major to guide him back to the camp.
Nix led the sick Major back to camp, with the men helping him to make the long trek back, even slower with the multiple stops to allow Dick a moment to gag up more bile and stomach acid. He took Dick to his tent, taking good care of him until he was no longer sick. He even helped set up the next overnight training session, making sure that no one was under the weather before they left.
Hey all, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I have changed my mind, I am going to work on this sickfic book, but I am also going to write a book that is specifically 9-1-1 and 9-1-1: Lone Star. So keep an eye out for that new book in the future.
As always: vote, comment, and request away. I love you all! <3
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