Slender Brothers
(has some triggers namly some dumbed down trafficking
Offender: *walking in the park with his girlfriend Grace*
Grace: *cuddles*
Offender: *smiling* i love you sweetie
Ex Boyfriend: *aims a sniper rifle at offenders shoulder*
Grace: *kisses*
Offender: *kisses back*
Ex Boyfriend: *fires A toxic virus dart right in offenders Arm*
Offender: Ow! *rubs his arm*
Grace: *worried* lets go back home!
/a few days later/
Offender: *sitting down on dr.smileys slab* *coughs*
Grace: *worried*
Dr.Smiley: *gives a check up* Green Dots everywhere *feels forehead* fever sore throat and stuffed and runny sinuses and *snaps*
Offender: *groans*
Dr.smiley: and a headache. hes got the toxic flu. should be gone in about 3 or 5 days.
Offender: *leans on Grace*
Grace: *helps Offender To bed*
/a few minutes later/
Offender: *Asleep*
Grace: *frowns and goes to get thermometer and tissues*
Offender: *sleeping*
Grace: *nudges his shoulder* sweetie open your mouth....
Offender: *opens his mouth a little*
Grace: *sticks Thermometer in his mouth*
Offender: *keeps it in his mouth*
Grace: *later removes it* *looks at thermometer*
Thermometer: 106.7
Grace: *frowns* sweetie thats a bad fever! ill tell your brothers just relax
Offender: *nods yawning then falls asleep*
Grace: *goes down stairs*
Trender: Hows Offender?
Grace: hes Sick in bed. a fever of 106.7.
Splendor: ill make some Chicken noodle soup!
Trender: ill get him a nice blanket!
Tender: ill get Some medicine and cough drops!
Grace: *smiles* thanks but hes contagious!
Slender: We'll be careful Grace.
Grace: *Smiles* good!
Tender: *quietly comes in* brother..... i got medicine....
Offender: .....? *needs help getting up*
Tender: *helps him sit up* take it?
Offender: mmmmm............... *opens his mouth a little*
Tender: *places the spoonful of medicine in his mouth*
Offender: *Sallows*
Tender: splendor made chicken noodle soup when your ready....
Offender: *Smiles* *his stomach growls*
Tender: ill get the bowl of chicken noodle soup! /later/
Splendor: *comes in with a tv tray*
Offender: *slowly eats* *sniffles and then sneezes in splendors face* *sniffles and blows his nose in tissues*
Splendor: *wipes his face off then sneezes on his brother slender*
Slender: Splendor cover your nose! you could spread the virus offender has!
Splendor: sorry Little bro!
Offender: *yawns and rests after finishing his chicken noodle soup* z z z z z z z
Splendor: sweet dreams bro!
Offender: *Sleeping*
Jeff: uhhh slender?
Slender: Yes?
Jeff: bens in labor. *points to ben*
Ben: *breathing deeply in obvious pain* hurry....
Slender: ill teleport you to dr.smiley. *teleports them their*
Splendor: im going to play with Sally!
Grace: *lets offender cuddle up to her*
/the next day/
Ben: *pasted out from labor*
Jeff: *holding twins* *smiles*
Offender: *eating another bowl of chicken noodle soup*
Grace: happy?
Offender: *smiles and nods then cuddles up to grace*
grace: okay want me to feed u?
Offender: *nods and opens his mouth*
Grace: *Feeds offender his chicken noodle soup*
Offender: *eats*
/a few days later/
Offender: *watching the incredibles 2 in family room with his girl friend a blanket covering him Comfortably*
Grace: *smiles* Enjoying the movie?
Offender: *cuddles* yeah...
Slender: *sneezes loudly* Ugh...... gad ur feeling betta.
Tender: *takes Slender to a bed next to splendor*
Splendor: *sleeping* *has only a cold*
Slender: *sniffles but his nose is too plugged up to do much of anything*
Tender: *turns on a humidifier to help with their Clogged nose areas*
Slender: *smiles weakly* tank you... *has a full blown case of the flu*
Tender: *lovingly rubs his head* ill buy some soup and sick supply! *teleports away*
Slender: *Rests* /at the pharmacy/
Tender: *is buying sick people supplies*
Bella: hi!
Tender: Hello!
Bella: what are you getting?
Tender: stuff for my sick brothers! im caring for them!
Bella: Oh! good! be careful it can be contagious!
Tender: I will dont worry! *buying tissues soup medicine and flu supply's*
/back at the mansion/
Ej: *cooking for masky for him to give it to his master*
Slender: *in bed blowing his nose into a tissue*
Masky: *walks up stairs to slenders room* Slendy i made oatmeal
Slender: tanks. *has trouble sitting up*
Masky: *helps slender sit up* i can help feed you sir *has a huge crush on his boss*
Slender: *opens his mouth nodding*
Masky: *feeds His boss the soup*
Slender: *eats and smiles happily* mmmmm........
Masky: like it sir?
Slender: yes masky.
Masky: *smiles brightly*
Slender: *about to sneeze*
Masky: *gives slender a tissue*
Slender: *sneezes on maskys mask*
Masky: *removes the mask becoming Tim*
Tim: i wipe this off sir! /a few days later/
Masky: *has a cold but his body isnt really suffering* *pollen floats in though the door* *sneezes into his mask and a few thousand germs escape with out his knowledge*
EJ: *has breathed in the germs* dude watch your mouth!
Masky: Its just pollen allergies. /another few days later/
EJ; *in bed with a demons version of the stomach flu* ugh....... *sneezes sticky black tar*
Toby: *has his proxie mask on* Hey buddy! *sits next to him on the bed* how ya feelin?
Ej: *his voice is weak and hoarse* not........good...........
Dr.Smiley: *takes his temperature* dont talk Jack it'll just damage your vocal cords. *looks at thermometer* 103. a 8 degree cold fever.
Ej: *crawls deeper into his blanket fort*
Toby: *looks though the top* ej?
Ej: *sniffles*
Toby: i brought tissues!
Ej: *his head pops out* *Blows his nose filling the tissue with the sticky tar*
Toby: *wipes EJ's face then throws away tissue*
EJ: *smiles weakly at toby*
Toby: want liquid Kidneys? i can put some in a blender for you... *stokes his cheek*
Ej: *nods and purrs*
Toby: okay sweetie.... *kisses his forehead and walks away*
Ej: *smiles then coughs*
Toby: *puts two or three whole kidneys into a blender*
Jeff: ew. Ejs got the stomach flu again?
Toby: yeah.... *puts the frothy Liquid kidneys in a no-spill sippy cup*
Splendor: *feeling a lot better* i made him soup! *puts Some chicken noodle soup in bowl*
Toby: Thanks Splendy!
Splendor: oh its no problem! *his stomach growls and feels extremely dizzy* i need some slender sustenance... be right back!
/at a Trafficking area/
Mafia boss: *trying to defend himself from Splendor* FALL!
Splendor: *Shot in the chest and arm* AH! you arent Escaping! *Grabs him with tenticules*
Mafia Boss: *Stabs it and cuts it off*
Splendor: *eventually eats the Mafia boss's soul then goes home*
/back at the mansion/
Splendor: *Falls on floor*
Tender: BIG BROTHER!! *picks him up* *frowns*
Splendor: *Winces*
Tender: you need to be careful! your going to enter your Mating season! your Weaker during it! *removes the few bullets in his brother and wraps his Chest in bandages and puts his brothers arm in a cast*
Splendor: *pout*
/with EJ 3 or 4 days later/
Ej: *drinks the kidneys feeling a lot better*
Toby: *kisses ej* love u
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