L4D Hunter (hunter x Zoey)
Hunter: *has a fever* *coughs infront of zoey*
Zoey: *about to shoot*
Hunter: *doesnt have energy to fight back*
Zoey: are you going to run?
Hunter: awr..... *holds his head*
Zoey: *feels hunters head* you have a bad fever... *picks up the hunter*
Hunter: *cuddles into zoeys cool touch* awr.....
Louis: Zoey what the heck?
Zoey: he has a fever feel.
Bill: *feels* yeah this hunter has a bad fever and not from the green flu. Hes surviving with us. Sion wheres the next safe room? *Francis was killed*
Sion: should be a few feet ahead.
Another hunter; *about to attack Zoey*
Hunter; *even though weakened from his fever swipes at hunter causing a few cuts*
Other hunter: *growls*
Bill: *hits it over the head with a big mallet*
Other Hunter: *dead*
Zoey: i hope the safe area has stuff we can help the sick hunter with.
Bill: Sion whats the next safe room?
Sion; its a restaurant with working electricity.
Zoey; thats perfect! Thanks sion!
Sion: welcome!
Bill: now lets make our way there.
Louis: hey i see another group. *waves to coach*
Coach: who? *looks hey another group of survivors!
Ellis: *sees the sick hunter* he doesnt look healthy. More then normal hunters
Nick: come on you guys we need to get to the restaurant.
/there at the restaurant/
Hunter: *whimper*
Rochelle: this is more like a cafe. Comfy things and-
Sally: *stubs her toe* OW MOTHER *the hammer lands on her tounge* OW TAT WAS NY TONGUE!
Zoey: even more survivors? Or ones like sion? *checks on the roof* hey!
Serena: hey. *sees a boomer on the roof* HEIDI!!!!
Heidi: *a 10 year old* *jumps at boomer and shreds him*
Zoey: wow are all of you infected?
Wendy: half infected. We're all half sisters. We share a father but our mothers differ.
Tina: *shy*
Rochelle: is she a witch?
Serena: no her moms was a tank. Wendy's the witch. Im a spitter sallys a smoker and heidis a hunter and Claire is a Cell
Rochelle: whats a "cell"
Tina: a special infected with all the powers... but full intelligence...
Zoey: thats terrifying. Where is she?
Claire: me? Names Claire. Ive been helping dig down. And clear buildings. *spits grenade at abandoned building and its gone along with several hundred thousand common infected
Sally: Ow. Fk! Tat landed on ni tounge!
Claire: *slashes it off*
Sally: thanks. *goes back to work* im going to make this place safe as fk. Claire hows the underground?
Claire: good but i need something more sturdy than infected bones. We got any hunter bones?
Wendy: i saw some hunters outside.
Claire: thanks. *goes*
Rochelle: i can get our group to help you out!
Serena: thanks!
/back down/
Rochelle: hey coach can you help The girls wire a mini gun? shes half infected
Serena:i use bones and my acid spit to make acid rounds.
Coach: cool never seen a half infected!
Wendy: were technically half sisters but we share a father.
Nick: so your father banged 6 infected. HOW DID HE BANG A TANK!?
Tina: i dont know..... but Serena's the oldest..... im the youngest....
/back with zoey/
Hunter: *whimpers on the sofa* *coughs harshly*
Zoey: *places a ice pack on hunters head* whats your name?
Hunter: *shreds the word "ark" into the floor* *relief from overheating*
Zoey: well ark im sorry but i need to remove your sweatshirt. Its holding in heat... *removes it and places a nice thin cool tank top on him*
Hunter: *sighs on relief due to the air cooling him down and feeling wonderful*
Coach: *got a fan set up* that should help our feverish hunter!
/a few hour later
Hunter: *sleeps under a thin blanket* *zzzzzzzz*
Claire: he should rest if hes sick. *has a large amount of hunter bones*
Rochelle: what ya doing Claire?
Claire: ive made a underground base. Hunter bones are stronger then steel.
Ark: *cuddles upto zoey* awr..... *sneezes* *sniffle*,
Zoey: *puts a tissue to arks nose* blow
Ark: *blows his nose then whimpers laying close to zoey*
Zoey: *rubs arks head*
Ark: *purrrrr*
Sion: *places new ice pack on arks head*
Ark: *sighs happily*
Zoey: *pets ark lovingly*
Ark: *cuddles up happily*
Coach: i made some soup for our hunter friend
Zoey: thanks Coach! ark.... time for food!
Ark: *opens his mouth a little* awr........
Zoey: *feeds him*
Ark: *eats slowly*
Zoey: *smiles* Feel better arkie?
Ark: *coughs* awr.....
Zoey: *cradles ark and feeds him*
Coach: let me guess hes going to live with us?
Zoey: yep!
Coach: Okay! he is kinda cute. *pets Ark*
Ark: *weak purrs*
Rochelle: *finds a thermometer* found a thermometer
Zoey: *puts it in Arks mouth*
Ark: *keeps it in there*
/a few min/
Zoey: *removes and looks* 104 degrees. *places a new ice pack on arks forehead*
Ark: *happy sigh*
Zoey: *puts medicine In arks mouth*
Ark: *sallows then gags*
Zoey: *helps him sallow*
Ark: *sallows the Medicine again* Awr........ *yawns*
Zoey: *strokes Arks head Gently*
Ark: *Falls asleep*
Zoey: *smiles* *shushes everyone* *whispers hes finally asleep*
Francis: *whispers hes kind of cute when sleep*
Louis: *puts a Blanket over them*
Ark: *Cuddles into blanket*
Zoey: *smiles* /a hour later/
Zoey: *sleeping as well*
/a few days later/
Coach: *with the Sisters*
Turret: *Shoots a Boomer*
Coach: We got it!
Serena: *high five*
Coach: *makes dinner for when everyone wakes up*
Nick: whats for dinner?
Coach: Meatloaf!
Ellis: cool!
Coach: *cooking*
/at dinner/
Ark: *slowly eats meatloaf*
Zoey: *eats*
Everyone: *eating*
/the next day/
Ark: *gags* *runs and throws up into toilet*
Zoey: *rubs his back*
Ark: *cuddles up to zoey after he finshes throwing up*
Zoey: *goes and Gets some cold & Flu medicine* Guys Ark just Threw up!
Coach: *carrys him to bed*
Rochelle: *places a bowl next to bed*
Zoey: *puts Medicine in arks mouth*
Ark: *takes then sleeps*
/a few days later/
Ark: *Happy popping back to life*
Zoey: *Smiles* its nice that hes feeling better!
Coach: agreed. Ive Grown to like him after caring for him!
Rochelle: hes like a little brother when you befriend him!
Ark: *cuddles up to Zoey*
Zoey: i think he likes me!
Rochelle: girl you think? you cared for him for the whole week girl!
Zoey: i guess so.... *blushes* he seems to be a permanent survivor with us now!
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