Chapter 3: The Confession
Nico's P.O.V
Something was wrong with Percy. First off he doesn't usually run away when I try to talk to him. That sounds more like something Leo would do. Second off he never plays with his food. He always scarfs it down like nobodys business. And third off there's no way I can be the only one who can see this change in Percy. He's way weirder then usual. I wasn't really sure what to do. He ran away out of no where before I could even begin to say anything. Did Annabeth notice this? Probably. I should probably talk to him but I'm guessing he ran away from me for a reason so I guess he needs a break. Maybe I should talk to Annabeth instead.
I walked toward the Athena table and spotted Annabeth chatting with her table mates and laughing. I crept up behind her because I'm just creepy like that and tapped her shoulder. She jumped in suprise and turned to me with a raised eyebrow.
"Don't scare me like that Nico!".
"I need to talk to's about Percy". Annabeths face turned grim and we went somewhere less crowded.
"Look, he's been acting different lately" I explained. She nodded. "Yeah, I've noticed, we need to do something about this". "Well do you have any ideas". "Yeah and we should get all the seven included". With that Annabeth and I formed a plan to find out what Percy could be hiding. We agreed to simply storm into Percy's cabin (all eight of us) lock the door and make sure he can't escape so he can give us some answers. The seven was in on it and made sure to do it at a time when Percy's in his cabin alone. We made sure to keep a close eye on his cabin and when we noticed he was in there we'd all bust in.
Eventually Percy was in his cabin alone and we all stormed in without warning. Percy stared at us wide eyed as Piper and Annabeth locked and blocked the door and Jason and I made sure the windows were securely locked and left Frank and Hazel to block them. Percy stared at us like he just saw a ghost. "We need some answers Percy, you've been acting different" I said. Percy looked speechless. ", I don't know what you guys are talking about" Percy said and it was clear to all of us that he was lying. "Percy, we're your friends, we won't judge you, you can tell us" Annabeth said, looking concerned. Percy looked down as if he was unable to look at us. He gulped and took a deep breath. "I only feel like telling Nico so can the rest of you leave?" Percy said. Everyone looked either hurt or worried but left leaving just me. "Why do you only want to tell me?". "Because I feel like you'd understand what I'm going through and I know you wouldn't tell anyone else". Percy looked nervous and still wouldn't look me in the eye."I-I....I have a crush on Jason". I was speechless. I could never imagine Percy having a crush on a guy, let alone anyone besides Annabeth. I could see why Percy was so nervous. He wasn't sure what to do with these emotions he was feeling and was stuck acting like he still loved someone he didn't. I almost wanted to hug him. Almost. "Percy....I had no idea". "You have to promise not to tell anybody, please" he said. I nodded my head. "I promise". I was telling the truth, yet at the same time I knew he'd still be acting the same if I didn't take any action. How was I supposed to help him though? Jason might not love him and it would just crush him yet I can't let him continue wearing a mask. I know what it's like and it only leads to serious depression. So what should I do? I just can't let him continue pretending. It would hurt me to see him like that. But if I told everyone I'd only be breaking my promise and I can't do that. It seems like I'm the only one he trusts right now.
I opened the door to Percy's cabin and noticed the seven wasn't outside his door. They probably all left. I looked back at Percy who looked slightly sad as he looked down at his lap. I know what he was experiencing. A type of depression you must hide for the sake of others because you know the person you love will never love you back. I turned around and hugged Percy. I'm not big on human touching or interaction for that matter but I knew Percy needed a friend and I knew how he felt. Alone and lost. At first he tensed up in shock but eventually he hugged back. His body was shaking and I felt my shoulder become wet from his tears but I didn't care. I was just glade I could be the shoulder he can cry on. I was alone for most my life after Bianca died but I now know that I should have been at least trying to have more trust in my friends. Percy was shaking and I told him it would be okay and slightly wiped his tears.
"Thank you Nico" he said softly. "I want you to know you're not alone, not like I was". Percy frowned and hugged me one last time. "If you need anything feel free to ask me Percy, I'll be here" I said before leaving. I felt strangely angry at Jason. That dumb, stupid oblivious idiot. I wish he could get some brain cells and realize he's the reason Percy's in tears. I walked away with clenched fists and disappeared into the shadows feeling like punching that stupid blue eyed idiots face.
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