Part 5
After Anakin and Obi-Wan gave a brief introduction to what was going to happen, the group split up. Some went to help Rex carry supplies from their entry point back to the base, while others got the base prepared. This gave Ahsoka a chance to catch up with Lux.
"Lux, it's good to see you again." She wanted to talk about the pregnancy, but this was no the time seeing as they were surrounded by lots of people. She would wait until later when they were alone.
"It's good to see you too Ahsoka," he replied.
"I didn't realize you had such strong ties to Onderon."
"Onderon is my home. My mother represented it in the Senate."
"Your voice is strong, like hers was," Steela said butting in. Ahsoka shot her a quick side glance saying "fuck off", but she didn't seem to see it.
"Have you reconsidered joining the Republic Senate?" Ahsoka asked.
"Even if we do take back Onderon, it won't change how I feel. I'm not fighting for the Republic." Ahsoka looked down, dismayed. She had hoped he would change his mind after all of this, and join the Republic so they could spend more time together.
Ahsoka changed her demeanor quickly, however. She didn't want anyone to know her feelings, except of course Lux and Anakin. "Well, what matters now is, we need each other's help just like we did on Carlac.
"Carlac? What happened on Carlac?" Steela questioned. Ahsoka smiled a bit to herself, one because she was remembering what had happened there, and two because of how flustered Steela seemed to be at the mention of the planet and the two of them spending time together.
"Ahsoka is the reason I'm here and not with Death Watch," Lux said turning to face Ahsoka with a smile.
"Really?" Steela said crossing her arms.
"What he means is..." Ahsoka started before Lux cut her off.
"She saved me from a huge mistake." With that, Lux turned to smile at Ahsoka, a smile which she returned, and he walked off. Leaving the two females alone.
"Lux obviously thinks highly of you," Steela stated closing the gap between the two.
"I guess so," Ahsoka replied.
"Lets hope that respect is well founded," Steela said distastefully before walking off. Ahsoka watched her go and looked down shaking her head. She hadn't even known the girl for a day, but she already did not like her.
Once all the supplies had been brought back to the base, training began. The entire band of rebels, along with Ahsoka, Anakin, Obi-Wan and Rex stood standing around a Separatist Armored Assault Tank.
"The pilot in the front hatch controls the tank, the shells and the short range blasters. The commander in the top hatch controls the turret and the main cannon," Ahsoka explained. "You have to take out both chambers, otherwise the tank will remain operational."
Ahsoka turned and nodded at Rex who began the demonstration. He hopped onto the front hatch and opened it, tossing a droid popper inside. Next he swung up using the main cannon and tossed another popper inside the top hatch before dismounting from the vehicle. After a few moments, an electromagnetic pulse was sent through the ship, disabling it. The rebels looked on in shock at the display they had just seen.
"Everyone divide up into teams of two, and we'll practice an assault on both hatches." The rebels obeyed and fell into line. Saw and Lux were up first.
Lux shot a glance at Saw. "I'll take the top," he said confidently.
Ahsoka rolled her eyes and scoffed at his arrogance. "Showoff," she muttered under her breath.
"Let's see what you're made of, Bonteri," Saw responded giving him a jaw in the ribs. Rex tossed each of them a droid popper. Saw pushed Lux out of the way and headed for the front hatch. Lux followed after him and jumped up to the main cannon, but slipped and fell right back down, taking Saw out with him. The two tumbled to the ground and landed in a heap.
"Sorry 'bout that," Lux apologized offering his hand to help Saw up.
Saw just slapped his hand away in anger. "You're a terrible soldier Bonteri."
Obi-Wan turned to Anakin after seeing this. "I'm not sure if they're more interested in fighting the droids or each other," he said stroking his beard.
"They'll learn," Anakin responded. "We just need time to train them properly."
"Keep your eyes on the quick learners. In this fight, time is not on our side."
The next group had just began their assault on the tank. "Come on! Hustle!" Rex shouted at them as they placed the poppers in each hatch. "Go, go, go, go, go!" He said urging them off of the tank before the charges went off.
The training continued for a while, Rex and Saw shouting words of... encouragement, with the former offering pointers from time to time. Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Ahsoka stood off to the side observing.
Ahsoka noticed Saw turn around, and followed his gaze to see Lux sitting on a rock, allowing Steela to tend to his injuries from earlier. He had a few cuts and scrapes, nothing major, but she was wiping him down with a bacta patch for precaution. Ahsoka felt anger and jealousy bubble up in her, she should be the one doing that, but instead all she could do was watch as she slowly lost her grip on the man she loved.
Before Ahsoka's emotions could reach a tipping point, however, she felt a hand come down on her shoulder. She looked back to see the face of her master, he gave her a look that told her what she needed to know without even saying any words. She nodded and turned back to face Lux and Steela just as Saw made his way up to them.
"You sure you're up for this?" Saw shot.
"Saw," Steela started annoyed.
"It was an accident," Lux shot back immediately.
"You would've had us both killed!" Saw shouted. Lux stood up, looking like he was about ready to throw a punch Saw's way until Steela got between the two.
"Just stop it!" She urged.
"Sit down, boy," Saw spat jabbing a finger at Lux's chest. "This isn't the Senate. You've got no talent for this."
As Ahsoka watched the scene unfold, she could feel anger rising up inside ehr again. However, this time it was not because of Steela, but because of what Saw was saying. How dare he talk to Lux like that, he was trying his best to help in anyway he could, and Saw was just berating him.
"It's going to take a lot more than muscle to defeat the Separatists," Lux said calmly but firmly. Spoken like a true politician, Ahsoka thought with a giggle.
"Politics have failed us. We have no choice," Saw said turning around and crossing his arms.
"We always have a choice."
"Then make yours." Saw turned back around and took a step closer towards Lux; however, Steela intervened once again.
"Look, if we're going to succeed you'll need to be exceptional with words and actions. There will be a time for both," Steela said placing a hand on each of their shoulders. She was doing her best to try to defuse the situation, and it seemed to work just enough. Saw shrugged off her hand and walked away.
"Sorry about him," Steela said jabbing her finger at Saw.
"It's fine," Lux responded. "He can be a jerk sometimes, but he means well." Steela nodded and walked off, leaving Lux sitting alone on a rock. Ahsoka saw this as her chance to finally get the opportunity to talk to him.
He was facing away from her when she made her way over to him. She slowly sat on the rock next to him, and as soon as he noticed her presence, he scooted over to give her more room. Ahsoka smiled slightly at him as he did this, always a gentleman.
The two sat in silence for a bit before Lux spoke. "It really is beautiful isn't it?" Lux asked.
Ahsoka looked around at the forest. It certainly was a sight to behold compared to the endless concrete of Coruscant, but she thought it paled in comparison to her home of Shili. "I suppose so, yeah," was her response.
Lux turned to look at her in the eyes. Ahsoka got lost in his eyes that could never seem to decide on a color. Sometimes they seemed a shade of grey, other times a very light blue, or even green sometimes.
"I'm glad you're here Ahsoka... I've missed you," he spoke softly
Ahsoka's heart fluttered the way he said her name. A large smile made its way across her face. "I've missed you too Lux, more than I realized." This caused Lux to smile as well.
Ahsoka paused for a moment, trying to think of her next words carefully. "Lux there's... something I need to tell you..." Ahsoka said hesitantly.
Lux immediately sat upright and looked her dead in the eyes. "You know you can tell me anything."
Ahsoka bit her lip and nodded. She opened her mouth to speak, but was interrupted by a shout from Rex. "Alright that's enough of this, you guys seem to have it down. We'll move onto the next phase of your training now!"
Ahsoka cursed under her breath in togruti. Lux was still looking at her expectantly. "I guess it will have to wait... sorry Lux," she said with a weak smile.
"That's okay Ahsoka. I'm eager to hear what you have to say and to catch up," Lux responded with a smile. Hopped off the rock and turned to Ahsoka and offered his hand to her. She giggled a bit but accepted as he helped her down off the rock.
Unbeknownst to the teenagers, a certain Jedi Knight had witnessed the entire exchange. He smiled to himself as he saw the two run off towards the part of the base they'd be training at next.
"Ah young love," he muttered to himself shaking his head.
"Yes," Obi-Wan said placing a hand on Anakin's shoulder, causing him to jump a bit in surprise. "Reminds me a bit of a certain padawan and senator."
"Yeah it reminds me of you and Satine too," Anakin said with a smirk before running off.
"Wait! No! Anakin!" Obi-Wan shouted chasing after his former padawan.
Sorry this took so long! Playoff hockey started up and I've been watching from like noon till midnight then hopping one COD with the boys, so I haven't had a ton of time to write. This was originally gonna be 1000/2000+ words longer, but that meant it would've been a while longer before I posted, and I'm gonna be out of town this weekend so you guys deserved an update before I left. I'll just put the remaining stuff from this chappy into the next one.
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