Part 2
This is the new stuff not in the one-shot book.
"PREGNANT!?!?" Anakin shouted. "This... this must be a mistake. Ahsoka would never—" He stopped as he realized what had happened. LUX BONTERI! He thought. He will wish he died on Carlac when I'm down with him!
"Can I see her?" Anakin asked more calmly.
"Yes of coruse," the healer responded. She led Anakin back to the room where Ahsoka was located. "She's right in there."
"Thank you." Anakin walked in and saw Ahsoka asleep. She looked much better, which was good. He placed his hand on her head and realized her fever was gone, which was another good sign. Looking at the rest of her body, he landed on her stomach and immediately remembered what he had just been told.
He was fuming again, and wanted so badly to shake her awake and scold her, but held himself back. She was still sick and needed her rest. Instead, he sat in a chair in the corner, glaring at his sleeping padawan with his arms crossed.
He didn't have to wait long for her to wake up. She started stirring and woke up. Ahsoka sat up and stretched her arms out. Looking to her left she saw Anakin sitting there, glaring at her. "What's wrong Skyguy?"
Anakin just sat there, not moving or ending his glare. "Care to tell me what happened on Carlac?"
Ahsoka cocked her head to the side giving him a confused glance. "What do you mean Master? I told you Lux took me there, met Death Watch, we almost died, and then I saved the day per usual," she answered with a giggle.
"No Ahsoka. I want to know everything. You mentioned something while you were feverish."
Ahsoka gulped, looking down. She knew what he was referring to. "W-well... when we first got there, I introduced myself as Lux's betrothed because I didn't want them to know I was a Jedi." She paused and looked at Anakin who nodded for her to continue. "When we got there, they gave us a tent for ourselves. I started berating Lux telling him what an idiot he was for trusting Death Watch. I kept going on a tangent, not realizing that they were about to enter the tent. Lux kissed me to shut me up so they wouldn't hear."
"Master it was just to shut me up. You know how I get."
"Okay, then what's this about you kissing him two more times?" Anakin accused.
"I... uhhh..."
"Do tell me Snips. Did he kiss you twice more to shut you up, or were there other reasons for the other two times?"
Ahsoka sighed. She knew she wasn't getting out of there without telling him the whole truth, and he'd know if she tried to lie. "Okay fine. I enjoyed the first kiss. In fact I enjoyed it so much that when he got back to the tent later that night, I kissed him again. Then he kissed me again. Then-" Ahsoka stopped before going any further. Her Master didn't know what happened next, and he definitely did NOT need to find out. "Then that was it," she finished.
"Is that all?" Anakin asked raising an eyebrow.
"Yes. That was all that happened," Ahsoka lied.
"Are you sure nothing else happened?"
"Yes. Positive."
"Hmmm... that's interesting," Anakin said finally standing up from the chair. He walked over and grabbed some files from a table. "I'll ask you once more Snips. Nothing else happened, and you're sure of it."
Ahsoka bit her lip. Her master obviously knew somehow, but she was going to do everything possible to deny it. "Nope, nothing else. We just kissed a few times that's all."
Anakin sighed and walked over to her, throwing the files at her. She glanced up to him, then back to the papers, picking them up to read them.
Patient Report:
Ahsoka Tano
Case 7567
Subject came in with a high fever and head ache. We were told she vomited a few times right as she woke up. She was asleep upon arrival, so we were unable to question the patient herself, but her master told us everything we needed to know.
Preliminary scans showed nothing
Follow up revealed that the patient has a bad cold
Instructions for cure:
Bed rest for a day or two along with cold medication and she should be fine.
The page ended there, and Ahsoka sighed relieved. Anakin must've just been messing with her. "That's good, it's just a cold."
"That's not all Ahsoka. There's another page."
Ahsoka looked panicked as she slowly turned the page to reveal another report.
Patient Report (Document 2):
Ahsoka Tano
Case 7567
The finding of the cold explained the fever and head aches, but we were not certain that it answered the question of the vomiting.
Our first thought was food poisoning, but tests for that came back negative
Tests for a stomach bug were also negative
Various other tests came back negative as well
One final test was performed and it was found that the patient is pregnant, only a few days in.
Ahsoka read the last line and went full panic mode. There was no way she could be pregnant! They had been safe! This had to be just a horrible joke being played on her by Anakin.
She slowly looked up at her Master. "Th-this is a joke right? You're playing a joke on me again right Master?" Ahsoka asked frantically.
Anakin shook his head. "I'm afraid not Snips. It appears you and Mr. Bonteri went a bit far on Carlac huh?" He wasn't yelling at her, which scared the young girl even more. She knew he was mad, but he wasn't yelling which was never a good sign.
He sighed. "I'm disappointed in you. Kissing and having feelings for him? Okay even though I don't approve of it, I can live with it and we can hide that from the Council fairly easily. But what you did was too far. I never thought you'd do something so... so irresponsible Snips. You're not only risking your future as a Jedi, but mine as well."
Ahsoka couldn't bare to look her Master in the eyes. Tears threatened to fall from her eyes. She had failed him, and she wouldn't be surprised if he reported her to the Council and got her kicked out. "I'm sorry," she said weakly.
"I just- ARGH! Why did you have to go and do something so STUPID and IRRESPONSIBLE!" He yelled at her. "I-I don't want to lose you Ahsoka. I don't know what I'd do if you got expelled." A single tear fell down Anakin's face.
"I'm sorry Master. I-I don't know what came over me. He's just so... I'm just... I don't know," Ahsoka was still looking down and away from her Master.
Anakin walked over to the cot and sat next to her, placing a hand on her shoulder. Ahsoka finally looked up at her master, and he could see the tears that stained her face. He brought her into a comforting hug, and she allowed it. Burying her face in his robes again, she let out the tears.
"It's okay taziunt." Anakin soothed, using her native tongue in an attempt to calm the crying girl.
Ahsoka looked up at him. "Anakin, wh-what're we going to do? The Council will find out and I will be expelled! I'll be ripped from my family and friends, I'll be taken away from you."
Anakin looked at the girl, wanting to tell her that it would all work out, but he couldn't. To be honest he wasn't sure it would all work out. "I... I don't know Snips, but I promise you one thing: I will help get you through this."
Ahsoka smiled at her master and hugged him again. "Thank you Anakin."
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