Part 12
"We're dropping out of hyperspace now, strap in," said a young man. The young woman obliged without a word and strapped herself into the seat as the man did the same.
"Do you really think this is such a good idea? I mean both of us mysteriously going on leave at the same time?" Asked the woman.
"I don't know, and frankly I don't care anymore. I just want to be with you and her, my family."
Ahsoka was awoken by a knock on her door, but she didn't want to get up so she just rolled over a groaned. The knock came again, not moving or open wing her eyes Ahsoka mumbled an incoherent sentence. The knock came a third time, causing Ahsoka to groan again and roll out of the bed, wincing as she did. Her pains had become even worse and more frequent, she was likely to be giving birth any day now.
Upon reaching the door, she opened it and came face to face with Bialy. "Good morning Mistress Ahsoka," Bialy chimed in her usual cheerful attitude, "I hope I did not wake you, but Master Lux has something important he would like to show you."
Yeah you did wake me up, Ahsoka thought to herself, but she was not as mad anymore. No, she was more curious as to what Lux wanted to show her. "Well if it's that important why didn't he come get me?"
"I-I don't kn-know," Bialy stammered.
Ahsoka giggled. "Relax Bialy, I'm just messing with you. I know he's very busy. Where is he? I am curious to see what he has to show me."
"He is outside in the courtyard," Bialy replied. Ahsoka thanked Bialy with a bow, which the woman returned. It was now time for Ahsoka to make the walk to the courtyard. A couple months ago it would be an easy walk, she'd be there in less than a minute, but now, with the pregnancy being so far along and the pain being close to unbearable, she had to take it slow.
Upon finally reaching the courtyard, Ahsoka saw Lux facing away from her, but upon hearing her waddle up behind him, he turned around to face her with a smile. "Good morning beautiful."
"Well I don't feel very beautiful right now. Look at me I'm pregnant and can't even walk down the stairs without needing to stop to catch my breath," Ahsoka said sadly looking down to the ground
Lux strode over to his girlfriend and grabbed her chin lightly, bathing her head up so her eyes met his. "Listen to me Ahsoka Tano. No matter what you look like, whether you're pregnant or not, even if you just gained weight, nothing, nothing at all, could change the fact that you are the single most beautiful, gorgeous, amazing girl I have ever laid eyes on. There's no one else I'd rather be with. I love you."
Ahsoka immediately smiled and felt tears well up in her eyes, but she quickly wiped them away. "Oh Lux I don't know what I'd do without you. I love you too." Ahsoka proceeded to wrap her arms around Lux's neck and kiss him passionately. Lux wrapped his arms around Ahsoka's waist, pulling her in closer to him and deepening the kiss.
However, before the kiss could progress any further, a gagging sound was heard from behind them. This was quickly followed by the sound of someone being hit on the arm and said person giving off a muffled oww.
The two quickly parted in embarrassment for being caught. When Ahsoka turned around, she couldn't believe who it was. She ran, well not really, more like waddled at a semi-fast pace, to the man and woman wrapped them into a tight hug. The two returned the hug and for a moment everything felt right for them.
"Hey Snips."
"Master, wha-why are you here, and why is Padme here too and—" Ahsoka paused when she realized something about Padme, something kind of tough to miss. "OH MY FORCE PADME! When did this happen, how did this happen?!?!"
Padme and Anakin shared a small laugh. Padme started to speak, but Anakin beat her to it. "Well you see Ahsoka, when a man and a woman love each other very much—"
"Uhm Master?"
"Yes Snips?"
"I think I know this part already," she said motioning to her own stomach.
"Well then why did you ask if you already knew?" Anakin replied, to which Ahsoka just rolled her eyes.
"As for when," Padme cut in before Anakin could make another joke or say something stupid, "we think it was actually shortly after he returned from Onderon."
"So you're due in about the next month then?" Lux asked.
"That would be correct," Padme answered.
"So why are you here?" Ahsoka questioned.
"Well, Padme has been really stressed with work and everything. As you two probably know, being a senator is not an easy job."
"You can say that again," Lux remarked under his breath.
"And as she's progressed through her pregnancy, it's been even tougher for her to do her senatorial duties, and even tougher for her to cover up the identity of the father."
Padme cut in. "So basically I wanted to get away until I gave birth, but I didn't know where I wanted to go. However, I remembered you'd be due any day now and I knew I wanted to be there when you gave birth, and I wanted you to be there when I gave birth, so I figured, why not come to Onderon?"
"Well I'm very glad you're here Padme, it means a lot," Ahsoka said.
"Of course Ahsoka! I wouldn't miss it for anything."
"But how did Anakin get here? Is he going to be here for like a whole month too?" Ahsoka asked.
"Well, no probably not," Anakin replied. "I was only able to get a week off for a 'meditation retreat' as it is classified, at which point I will have to return to the Temple."
This caused Ahsoka to burst out in laughter. "You... meditating?"
Anakin rolled his eyes. "It was the only way I could let them come to Onderon for when you give birth."
"Okay but we both know you would've come anyways, whether the council let you or not."
"Yea, true, but Obi-Wan has been trying to get me to follow and obey the council more. He says that I may be close to becoming a Master, so I need to start giving them more respect."
Ahsoka nodded, that made sense to her. "Speaking of Obi-Wan, will he be joining, I know he'd want to be here too."
"Actually, yes, he is currently leading a little campaign on Utapau. Dooku has been killed and we found General Grievous there on Utapau. If we can take him down too, this whole war will finally be over."
"Wow, that's great news!" Lux interjected.
"Yea, so Obi-Wan will be joining us as soon as he finished up on Utapau, until then he gives his regards and passes on strength to you incase you give birth while he's not here," Anakin told Ahsoka.
"It'll be nice to see him. I haven't spoken to him since the rebellion here on Onderon. I feel kind of bad, but I couldn't just go to the Temple to see you guys when I was on Coruscant."
"Yeah he knows, he wishes he could've come with me to see you, but I mean it was breaking the rules and as a member of the council he didn't think that was the best idea, but I have been keeping him updated on everything going on."
"Good, I'm glad. Thank you."
There was a slightly awkward silence until Anakin facepalmed. "Oh my force, I almost forgot. There's someone else here that wants to see you."
"Who?" Ahsoka asked.
"Follow me," Anakin said as he motioned for the group to follow him to the landing platform.
Once there, a blue and white a astromech droid came into view. It made a loud whirring sound and sped over to the group and right up to Ahsoka. The togruta placed a hand on his head and knelt down down next to him. "Hey Artooie, I've missed you too." The astromech beeped in response.
"Yeah I guess he was excited to see you too, but that's not really who I was referring to," Anakin said with a smile.
Ahsoka and Lux both gave a confused look. "Who then?" They asked in unison.
However, before Anakin could give an answer, out stepped a tall man dressed in white armor with blue highlights. In his hand he held a helmet, but it wasn't his usual helmet. No, this one was painted Orange and had face markings like Ahsoka's.
"Commander," Rex said with a salute. Ahsoka walked over to him and reached for the helmet. She looked up at him as if to ask for permission, and he nodded in return. Ahsoka picked up the hemet and held it in her hands, giving it a look over.
"Rex... I-I don't know what to say, this is amazing."
"Well when Anakin told us he and Senator Amidala were coming to visit, we got to work right away to make this helmet for you. It's a way to remind you that us members of the 501st will always be here for you."
"Thank you Rex, I love it." Ahsoka wrapped her arms around Rex and brought him into a tight hug. The clone was surprised first as he had never seen Ahsoka demonstrate this level of physical affection before, to anyone, but he quickly returned the hug.
Once they parted, Lux spoke up. "Well now that we've all reunited and caught up some, let me show you to the rooms that you'll be staying in. I hope they are to your liking."
"I'm sure they're better than the cramped rooms we get at the Temple, and I know they're better than anything we've ever gotten on the battlefield, isn't that right Rex."
"Yeah, the sleeping arrangements aren't always ideal while I'm in war as you can probably imagine."
Lux chuckled. "Well I'm glad I can give you guys a bit of an upgrade over what you're used to. Follow me." Lux led the group back into the house and up the stairs to their rooms. "Master Skywalker, Senator Amidala, you will be staying in this room," Lux said gesturing to a room on his left.
"Lux, please. You've known me for years, please it's Padme and Anakin. No need for the formal titles," Padme spoke.
Lux nodded and continued. "Ahsoka sleeps in the room directly adjacent, and I am in the room at the end of the hall. Captain Rex, you're in the room here across the hall from Anakin."
"Thanks kid."
"So you and Ahsoka don't share a room? Why not?" Anakin curiously asked.
"Well, with her being pregnant, and an active sleeper, as I'm sure you know, we thought it would be a good idea to give her her own bed, at least until the baby is born," Lux replied. Anakin nodded in response.
Suddenly a low rumble was heard coming from Anakin's stomach. Padme rolled her eyes and Ahsoka and Rex started laughing. Ahsoka's stomach then rumbled even louder then Anakin's causing him to begin laughing as well. Lux clapped his hands together. "Well it sounds like everyone is hungry, let's go eat. I've had our chefs prepare a large lunch."
The group followed Lux and Ahsoka down the stairs to the dining room where a feast awaited them. Foods from all across the Galaxy were present, colo craw fish, roasted porg, nuna legs, meiloorun fruit and everything in between.
"My force!" Anakin exclaimed. "This looks amazing"
"Better than anything we ever got at the Temple, huh Master?" Ahsoka commented with a laugh.
"You got the right Snips."
Rex was just standing there staring. He had never seen good like this before. All he had ever eaten was the cafeteria food from Kamino and the barracks on Coruscant and ration packs on the battlefield.
"Captain Rex? Is everything okay?" Lux asked concerned.
This broke Rex from his trance. He shook his head to regain his consciousness before he responded. "Yeah kid... everything looks great. I've just never seen such food, us clones, we don't really get much in terms of food."
"Well, dig in, enjoy it," Lux encouraged.
Rex took one last look at the table before he took a seat and promptly began to stuff his face. "This... is... the best... food... I've... ever... tasted..." Rex said between bites. He was barely even chewing his food. Everyone at the table just burst out laughing at Rex's comedic reception of the feast.
Ahsoka looked around the room, and it all just felt right. Everyone who she loved, everyone who had always been there for her, save Masters Plo and Kenobi, was in the room. She smiled to herself, everything was perfect, and she just wanted it to be this way forever...
Told y'all this would be a lot longer of a chapter and much better then the last one. Well worth the wait I hope haha. As always, hope y'all enjoyed!
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