Part 11
A few months had passed since the rebels had freed Onderon. In that time, Onderon had made its transition into the Republic, becoming the 24,373rd system to join. King Dendup had asked Lux to be the senator for Onderon, the same position his mother held in the Separatist Senate when they had lived on Raxus. Lux graciously accepted the offer, eager to continue his mother's legacy to attempt to bring peace to the universe. With the new job, he received a luxury penthouse apartment in Upper Coruscant, as well as a large home back on Onderon. Whenever they were in the apartment on Coruscant, they could expect a visit from a certain Jedi Knight and Senator. In fact, Anakin and Padme had finally told Ahsoka and Lux about their secret marriage, though it surprised neither of them.
Currently, the young togruta was laid up in her bed back on Onderon. She had grown a considerable amount since the end of the rebellion, and would likely be giving birth sometime in the coming days or weeks. It had taken some convincing from Lux, and Anakin for that matter, to get Ahsoka to stay in bed and take it easy during the last weeks of her pregnancy, as the usually energetic, independent young woman wanted to continue to do things for herself and stay active. Lux had made sure to cancel or reschedule any meetings he had so that he could be with Ahsoka to help her with the pregnancy, and also to make sure he was with her when she went into labor.
"Good morning beautiful," a voice came from the door. Ahsoka knew who the voice belonged to even before she could move her head towards the door to see him.
"Hey Lux," she replied.
"How are you feeling? Are you alright? Everything okay?" Lux questioned as he made his way over to the bed and sat on the edge, grabbing Ahsoka's hand in his.
"Yes Lux, everything is fine. Stop worrying so much," Ahsoka said rolling her eyes a bit.
"Sorry, I just want to make sure everything is going okay."
Ahsoka sat up and kissed him on the cheek. "Thank you Lux, but I fought in a galactic war, I think I'm going to be okay."
"Okay, if you say so..."
There was a silence for a bit, not an awkward silence, but a calm, comforting silence. The two love birds just sat in silence enjoying each other's company.
Suddenly there was a gentle knock on the door. "Come in," Lux called.
A woman pushed opened the door slowly, and ups on entering the room she spoke, "Master Lux, Mistress Ahsoka, breakfast is ready."
"Thank you Bialy," Lux thanked. The woman bowed and left. Lux turned to Ahsoka, "Come on, let's go get breakfast." He stood up and offered his hand to Ahsoka. She started to roll over and winced. "'Soka are you okay???" Lux asked worriedly.
"Yes, yes I'm fine Lux. Just cramps is all," Ahsoka responded through gritted teeth as she took Lux's hand to help her stand up.
"If you want to stay in bed I can bring you your breakfast and you can eat it in bed. I don't want you hurting or overexerting yourself."
Ahsoka rolled her eyes, Lux and his over protectiveness. "Lux seriously in fine. I can make it downstairs."
"Okay okay, sorry," Lux apologized. Suddenly Ahsoka's stomach growled loudly, causing Lux to chuckle a bit. "Come on, let's go get some breakfast." The two walked hand and hand down to the dinning room, Lux making sure not to go too fast so that Ahsoka wouldn't hurt herself.
Upon reaching the table in the dining room, the two were welcomed by a large breakfast prepared by their cooks. As soon as the two sat down, they began to dig into the delicious food. No words were exchanged during this time, as both were starving and focused on their food.
Upon finishing his food, Lux looked up at Ahsoka who was still stuffing her face and smiled. Shortly after, she noticed and stopped. "What're you looking at?" She asked, mouth full of food.
Lux laughed. "Oh nothing," he replied. Ahsoka shrugged and went back to stuffing her face. Lux just sat there quietly and watched his girlfriend eat.
As soon as she finished, Lux helped her back up to the room and laid her down on the bed. He began to walk away, but Ahsoka grabbed his hand and pulled him onto the bed.
"Ahsoka, you know I have work to do, I can't just lay around all day like you," he teased.
"Well I'm not just laying here by myself all day so you're staying," she replied tightening her grip on him.
"Fine, ten minutes then I seriously have to get up and do some work."
Ahsoka smiled with joy and pulled him close, snuggling up to him. Lux gladly obliged and wrapped his arms around her waist. The couple just laid there and held each other until they eventually drifted off to sleep.
Sorry this chapter is short, it's basically a filler chapter. The next couple chapters are where the action is really going to start picking up. Anyways as always, I hope you guys enjoyed this new chapter, and start to expect more regular updates now that school is over!
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