Part 10
Lux paced back and forth outside of the medical tent, still awaiting the news of Ahsoka's condition, whether she'd be okay or not. He had already contacted Anakin, who, despite the Council ordering otherwise, had dropped everything he was doing and was currently on his way to Onderon. Lux was glad he was able to come because he didn't know who else to trust with this information of Ahsoka's new powers. If the information fell into the wrong hands, the Separatists or Sith could attempt to use her to their advantage, he wasn't even sure he trusted the Council with the knowledge.
After about what felt like hours, but had really only been about twenty minutes, the doctor came out of the tent. Lux eagerly ran to her hoping to hear the news.
The doctor smiled at the young man. He had felt that way once before too, and knew the feelings going through the kid's head. "She'll be fine," he started. Lux breathed a large sigh of relief. "She is just very exhausted from whatever it was she did, and it drained almost all her energy. She is very weak and will likely need to be confined to bed rest for the next couple of days."
"Thank you doctor," Lux said with a curt nod.
The doctor returned the nod and began to walk away before stopping. "There was one other thing... you are aware she is pregnant right?"
"Yes sir, we are both aware of that."
"Alright well she's already over 2 months along, she really shouldn't have been fighting in this war. She needs to start taking it easy okay? One more outburst like that could really harm the child, hell I'm surprised it even made it through this war and whatever it was she did at the end. Maybe babies of force-wielders are just able to handle more, I'm not sure. Just make sure she takes it easy."
"I will doctor, thank you." And with that, the doctor left to tend to the rest of the wounded. Lux quickly made his way into the tent to see his beloved passed out on the makeshift bed. She was attached to a heartbeat monitor and an IV, but the doctors words had kept Lux from worrying.
He sat down in a chair next to the bed and grabbed Ahsoka's hand and kissed it softly. He just gazed upon her. She was so beautiful, so perfect in every way. Lux sat there wondering how lucky he was to have found someone like her, but also how foolish he was for almost loosing her. The more he thought about it, the harder it was to imagine a future without her by his side.
After admiring her for a few more moments, his eyes traveled down a bit to her stomach. A little bump could clearly be seen at this point, and Lux placed his hand on it and leaned in close.
"I can't wait to meet you little one. Your mother and I are very excited. I promise I will never let anything happen to you," Lux said talking to the baby in Ahsoka's stomach. After he was done he gave her stomach a little kiss.
As soon as he was done, he felt Ahsoka's hand clench his, and saw her squirm a bit. Her eyes fluttered open and fell on Lux. "Lux...?" She said weakly.
"Yes 'Soka, it's me," Lux replied.
"Wh-what happened?" Ahsoka asked sitting up more and rubbing her head.
"Well, I was kinda hoping you could tell me. You started glowing all white and floating. It was so amazing, but also scary because I didn't know what was happening." Ahsoka just looked at Lux, mouth agape. She had no recollection of this happening.
"I- I honestly don't know Lux. All I remember is helping King Dendup and Steela back to solid ground and the gunship firing at me. After that everything is kind of a blur until now."
"So you've not ever done something like this before?" Ahsoka shook her head. "That's odd. Wonder what it could be. Maybe the Council could have some insight."
"Lux, you know I left the Order, right?"
"What?!?! Why???"
Ahsoka giggled. "You really are dense aren't you."
"Lux i had to leave the Order. Attachment is forbidden, you know this."
"Wait... so you're choosing me, over all of that? Over your family? The clones? Your master?"
"Of course dummy, I love you."
"Ahsoka... I- I don't know what to say."
"You don't have to say anything, just show me," the togruta said as she grabbed Lux's shirt and pulled him towards her until their lips touched. It wasn't like any of the ones Lux had had with other girls, no this one wasn't rough and out of sync. No, this kiss was different. The amount of emotion that flowed through each of them in that moment can't even be put into words. All their love for each other, their longing to be with the other, came out in the form of a sweet, tender kiss.
"Ahem," a voice came from behind them. The two quickly parted, Lux blushing deep red and Ahsoka's leaky darkening.
"Uhm... hi master. Lux was just uh checking up on me."
"Mhmmm cuz it totally didn't look like you two were sucking face."
Ahsoka rolled her eyes. "What are you doing here?"
"Well, young Mr. Bonteri told me you passed out during battle, so I came to check on you."
"But I'm not part of the Order anymore. The Council probably isn't happy you're here right now, are they?"
"Oh not at all," Anakin said with a chuckle. "But that never stopped us before, now did it."
"True." For a moment there was a silence. "Thank you for coming Master."
"Ahsoka, I'm not your master anymore, you don't have to call me that."
"You'll always be my master, no matter what."
Anakin's lips formed into a big smile. "And you'll always be my padawan." The two embraced each other in a tight hug.
Lux cleared his throat to break up the moment. "Master Skywalker, there is another reason I called you here."
"Oh? And what might that be?"
"Well... the reason why Ahsoka passed out actually. She was saving Steela from falling from a cliff when a downed ship fired at her. She was unable to hold the bullet in place and bring Steela back up, but suddenly she started glowing white and floating and was able to bring Steela back to solid ground and send the bullet back at the ship. She then proceeded to pass out."
Anakin just listened in astonishment. Nothing he had ever read or seen was anything like what Lux was describing. He took a few moments to think before responding. "And who all knows of this?"
"Just me, you, Ahsoka, Steela, King Dendup, the doctor and a few soldiers. I didn't want to inform the Council or anyone else because I didn't know what it was. I didn't want the Separatists or Sith or even the Council to try to exploit her for this."
"Smart kid," Anakin commented. He thought for a few more minutes before something clicked.
"Ahsoka... do you remember Mortis?"
Ahsoka gasped. "I thought we agreed to never mention that again?"
"What? What's happening? Who or why is Mortis and why do you not want to talk about it?" Lux questioned.
"Mortis was like a world made entirely by the force, for the force. Time there was slowed. We were there for days in Mortis time, but in reality it only lasted mere seconds. There we met 3 beings: the Daughter, or the embodiment of the light and everything good; the Son, or the embodiment of the dark and everything evil; and the Father, or the balance between the two," Ahsoka replied trying her best to put the crazy world into words. She herself was still not completely sure what it was.
Lux nodded his head. "I understood very little of that, but you two continue."
"Anyways, obviously you do remember, but do you remember how the Father had me transfer the Daughter's life force to you to save your life?"
Lux gasped. "What??? You almost died???"
"Lux, hush, please. I'll explain everything to you later okay?" Lux nodded in response. "Yes, I do remember that, or at least you and Obi-Wan telling me."
"Well... what if it not only transferred her life force to you, but also her powers?"
Now Ahsoka gasped. "So what you're saying is... I am now the Daughter? I am now the embodiment of the light??"
"I don't know, but that would explain what you did. If you think about it, the Daughter would have been able to do what you did with ease, but since it was your bodies first time, it couldn't handle it, and so you passed out. I don't know, you know Obi-Wan is the smart one. If he were here he'd probably have a better explanation."
"No, Anakin, we can't tell him."
"Why not?"
"Because, like Lux said I don't want to be exploited by the Council, or captured and exploited by the Sith or Separatists. I want to be able to live a life in peace with my child and Lux."
Anakin nodded. "I understand Ahsoka. So this does not leave this room okay? No one other than us and the people who saw it are to know."
"Understood," Lux replied.
"Got it Skyguy."
"Good. Well that settles that, how's the baby doing?"
"Honestly I kinda forgot it was in there," Ahsoka replied.
"The doctor said the baby was fine, but that Ahsoka should start taking it easy," Lux answered for her.
"I agree. I wouldn't want anything to happen to my godchild."
"Hey, who's to say that you're going to be The godfather?"
"I mean it's just the obvious choice really," Anakin replied running a hand through his hair.
"You're impossible," Ahsoka said rolling her eyes.
"Well, you're stuck with me Snips, whether you're officially my Palawan or not, I'm not going anywhere anytime soon."
Ahsoka smiled, as he had just quoted her almost word for word from the first time they met. "Thank you, Anakin."
"Now, I have some things to attend to. The Council has asked me to aide the rebels in eradicating the last of the Separatist occupation and make sure the transition of power goes smoothly, so I should be here for a few more days. I'll check in on you two later. No funny business while I'm gone, got it?"
The two teens nodded in response, and Anakin ducked out of the tent. Once he was gone, Lux moved himself onto the bed with Ahsoka. She wrapped her arms around his arm and placed her head on his shoulder. He gently kissed her lekku, and the two just enjoyed each others company, slowly drifting off into dreamland.
Sorry guys, this did take a little longer than I had hoped to get out, but school and everything has been picking up lately so ya, at least it wasn't 120 days like the last time 💀.
This chapter is dedicated to bombad_clankens Parker, thank you for everything you have done for me, you truly are an amazing friend and I couldn't ask for someone better in my life. I hope everything went well tonight, and you'll all be in my prayers tonight and always ❤️
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