Turn him
Pov Victor
It was the middle of the night and I couldn't sleep at all. I was getting worried about Mason.
When we brought his memory back, he was still hero. I don't know what to do. I just want my friend back.
I felt someone's hand on my shoulder and it was Hatter with Trickster behind her. I looked at them as they both smiled at me.
"Voice you should be sleeping." Trickster said.
"What about you too?" I said.
"I was asleep and I saw you out here." Hatter said.
"I woke up because Hatter did." Trickster said.
"You should go to bed Voice." Hatter told me.
"I can't sleep." I said.
"You're thinking too much about this situation Voice." Trickster said.
"..." I didn't answer.
"Plan C." Hatter said.
"What?" I said.
"What's the big C?" Trickster said.
"We turn him by force." Hatter said.
"Do you have this cool little mind trick?" Trickster said.
"Isn't that dangerous for you Hatter?" I said.
"No." Hatter said.
"Their has to be a side effect to this." I said.
"It's simple mind control." Hatter said.
"No mean to rain on your parade, but you can't control his mind forever." Trickster said.
"He's right." I said.
"At first we mind control and then I'll find something to make it permanent." Hatter said.
"What if he wakes up before you find this solution." I asked
"He has the collar, he can't hurt us." Hatter said.
"He was trained by Mark, think again." I said.
"We need to lock all the weapons that aren't locked up." Hatter said.
"I'm on it." Trickster said.
I see him leave and Hatter places her arm around my shoulder. I look at her and she smiles at me.
"Come on Voice let's go inside and talk." Hatter said.
"Alright." I said.
We walked back inside and sat down on the couch. I looked at Hatter and she smiled at me once more.
"This is going to work Voice, don't worry anymore." Hatter said.
"Alright." I said.
"Why are you kids up?" Superstition said.
"You should be asleep." Hex said.
"Leave them alone." Copy said.
"Is everyone awake?" Hatter mumbled.
"Basically." Tiki said.
"Shut the fuck up!" Bend shouted.
"Sorry." We all shouted.
We all made a soft chuckle and looked at each other.
"Are you kids going to answer the question?" Superstition asked.
"I couldn't sleep." I said.
"Same." Hatter lied.
"You kids need your sleep, you still young." Hex said.
"We're eighteen." Hatter and I said.
"You still need your sleep." Copy said.
"Then you guys go to bed and we'll follow." Hatter said.
"We're older than you." Tiki said.
"Why aren't you guys asleep?" I asked.
"We heard the door open and close." Superstition said.
"We thought someone sneaked in." Hex said.
"We're in the abandon side of town." Hatter said.
"Still." Copy said.
"What are we going to do with Shadow." Tiki asked.
"We're going to mind control him and then come up with a more permanent solution." I said.
"His father would be so disappointed." Superstition said.
"He would be." Hatter said.
"Know everyone to bed." Hex said.
"Fine." We groaned.
Hatter and I went to out rooms. I was sitting down on my bed and I was looking at the walls. I slowly drifted off to sleep.
Third person
Everyone soon went back to sleep but Hatter. Hatter went under her bed and opened a box.
It was full of injectors that she's made over the years. They all had a special purpose. She took out two of them and they both had labels on then.
"I'm sorry Victor, but you need to let go of the past." Hatter said.
"Sorry Mason, but a hero is all that you'll be." Hatter said.
Since her mind based powers she was able to make these. It would run through your blood stream and enter your brain.
She opened her door and went into Voices room. She quickly injected Voice, but surprisingly he didn't wake up.
She closed the door and went over to where they were keeping Dipper. She opened the door and walked up to his bed.
Hatter froze as she saw his eyes slowly open. Dipper was walking up from his long slumber.
"H-Hatter...." Dipper mumbled.
"Shhh... " Hatter said.
"H-Hatter wait-"
Hatter injected him and Dippers eyes glowed.
"S-Stop it...." Dipper couldn't move.
"You can't walk up yet." Hatter said.
"I-It hurts...." Dipper said.
"You'll die soon enough Mason, you know it." Hatter said.
"I know, t-that's why I need to keep fighting." Dipper said.
"Just like Mark, he was always a fighter." Hatter said.
Dipper placed his hand on hers and Hatter looked at Dipper.
"I-I'm sorry...." Dipper said.
Dippers eyes slowly shut and Hatter looked at Dipper. She placed his hand back where it was and smiled.
She left the room and went to hers. She looked at the wall and smiled, she was crazy.
M. Hatter
"The more power you have the sooner you'll die Mason." Hatter smiled.
"I'm so sorry Voice, but we're villains and he's a hero."
"Nothing can change that." She laughed.
"I can turn them insane.....that's my weapon." Hatter said.
Hatter stood back up and started to dance around. She giggled and smiled as she let her insanity take over.
"The heroes will see, they'll see it all." Hatter smiled.
"The blood, the scream, the voices." Hatter said.
"A life for a life."
Hatter heard a knock on the door and it was Bend. She opened the door and saw Hatter.
"Hatter?" Bend said.
"Yes Bend?" She smiled.
"It's okay." Bend told her.
Hatter looked at her in confusion and smiled some more.
"Bend let's just think about everything." Hatter said.
"Just get some rest please, you need it." Bend said leaving.
The door closed and Hatter couldn't help but laugh. She kept looking at the wall as she laid down on her bed.
"We'll turn him or kill him."
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