Sour note
Pov Dipper
The next few days everything was going well for me because nothing went bad every sine the mall thing. I'm so happy that I made a new friend. In the morning Star kept on bothering me about Bill. I told her that we just talked to each other and that was it.
Star just smiled and laugh when I told her my answer and she didn't want to believe me when I said it was just a friendly conversion. Star and Bill know that I'm shy and they know that I don't use my powers.
Soul is doing sneak attacks on me because she's desperate to find out what is my power. The sad but funny part is that she keeps on getting me when I know she's coming. She summoned ghost and spirits and I just rolled my eyes and walked threw them.
The good thing for me as well that my bandages are gone now, but I have this mark on my arm now. It turns black when I use my powers and sometimes hurts, but I'm fine with that because it's a small message.
She hid in a trash can and tried to scare me, but she ended up scaring Star and she got shocked instead of my dark powers. Mabel just looked at me.
"You can't hide them forever." Mabel said.
"I know I can't, but that won't stop me from trying." I smiled.
"This is way girls like you so much. You're so cute." Mabel said.
"Haha very funny Mabel." I said.
"Soul isn't going to give up." Mabel said.
"I know she won't but I like her determination on it." I said.
"Dipper your sister is right you know? She's not going to stop until you tell her your power." Star said walking behind me.
"Star understands." Mabel said.
"Pinetree can make a star." Bill said pulling up a chair and sitting next to me.
"REALLY!" Star smiled.
"How does he know?" Mabel said.
"He saw me and I wasn't paying attention, when he said hey I got embarrassed and it faded." I said playing with my sleeve.
"Can I see the star?" Star asked.
"I-I don't really know." I said.
"Please?" Star said.
"Fine." I said.
I started to make a star for Star and she was really excited to see this master piece. I can change the color of the star which is amazing. My eyes start to turn a white as I made the star. I made it into a electric blue color for Star. Mabel and I are the only ones that can hold the star because of our powers. I felt this sting on my arm and I know the mark was turning black.
My eye started to turn black and I stopped before it was too late. Mabel smiled at me and gave me it's okay look and looked at her hand. Mabel's power can weakens mines because shes light and in anytime I can't control my power she makes a small light. The star was made and Star had a huge smile on her face.
"Oh my gosh! It's a star, I'm a Star!" Star giggled.
"It's blue?" Bill said.
"Oh! I can turn it into random colors." I said.
"That's so cool." Star said.
"The bad thing is that sometimes he gets tired after doing this." Mabel said
"Sometimes." I said.
"Can I touch it?" Star said.
"Want your hand to be burnt off?" I said.
"Never mind." Star said.
"Mabel hold it for a quick second." I said.
I gave the star to Mabel and see kept on tossing it to herself and Star looked at Mabel.
"How come she isn't burning." Star asked.
"Her powers are based off light and the star is light so." I said.
"You powers are based off light Pinetree?" Bill asked.
"No, I don't have my sisters powers." I said.
"So how?" Bill said.
"My powers aren't as connected with Mabel's but just a pinch of it is." I said.
"Man." Star said.
"If you can figure my powers out then be my guest." I said.
"That's too much work." Bill said.
"Same." Star said.
"Soul still isn't going to give up." Mabel said.
"I'll let her have her fun." I said.
Mabel gave me the star back and it turned black and faded away. Soul finally came into the room after leaving the room in a half an hour ago. Soul came in with Maybee and Flex with some papers.
"Hello class." Soul said.
"Hello." We all said.
"We have some exciting news for everyone from this class and from the other classes." Maybee said.
"Five weeks from today we're going to have a small tourment. This will be very important because all the great heroes will be there." Flex said.
"Is there a prize?" Someone asked.
"Heroes will come up to you and have a private conversation with you about your future." Maybee said.
"Oh my gosh."
"That's amazing."
"Meeting a actual hero."
I wasn't as impressed for some reason. We get to see heroes everyday because it's a villian and hero society.
The worse things for up coming heroes is that we don't know the danger until we actually faced it.
"Today until the day of the tourment you'll be training and improving your own power." Soul said.
"There will be boot camps during and after school." Maybee said.
"You'll start today and during the tourment you have to wear your hero outfit to show if you made a good choice or not." Flex said.
"Now go to the locker rooms and change into your gym uniforms!" Soul shouted.
We all quickly got up and raced to the locker rooms. We changed and went outside. Now we saw Soul, Lighter, Sour note and Snake.
There classes were all outside and we all looked at each other.
"Alright students!" Sour note yelled.
"Today we're doing a very special boot camp and it will be random challenges for each fight." Lighter said.
"Now sstudentss we will have sspecial guessss ssomeday'ss and we can't wasste their time." Snake said.
"Understood!" Everyone yelled.
"This week it is all about strategy." Soul said.
"Second week is all about improving your abilities and making them stronger then they already are." Sour note said.
"Third week is to work out your body strength." Lighter smiled.
"The fourth and fifth week iss about challengess and tessting your limitss." Snake said.
"Now each teacher will switch every week week so today I'll take Lighters class." Soul said.
"I'll take snakes." Lighter said.
"I'll take Soul." Sour note said.
We went into different areas of the outside and we were close to Soul and lighters class. Sour note looked at everyone of us and took a small step back for some reason.
"I'm not treating you any different from my other class." Sour note said.
"We are going to learn different techniques and learn how to come up with a quick strategy." Sour note.
"Thinking on our feet?" Star shouted.
"Yes!" Sour note pointed at yes.
"You could have just said that." Bill said.
"Shut it. Now I'll push you to your limit today and after school for the ones that want to be prepared." Sour note said.
He started to give us random situations and made us come up with random plans. We would actually be told to do that situation and Sour note will make that whole thing come true. Mabel and Star did a great job with theirs.
"Will come on!" Bill shouted.
"Shut up Bill!" he shouted.
"Stop annoying your brother." Star said.
"He's your brother?" Mabel asked.
"Yeah Shooting star." Bill said.
"I-I can tell, you two look a lot alike but you two are different. You're sometimes too cocky and by my feeling he's not as cocky as you." I said.
"Just by looking at him?" Star said.
"Well we're learning about strategy aren't we? We have to see what their weak points and try to hit them when we can." I said.
"How does that go with strategy?" Bill asked.
"Remember when I fought Lighter and Sour note at the same time?" I said.
"Yeah." Mabel said.
"Lighter always looks to the light when she throws a fireball to the right. When Sour note is about to make sound wave his eyes look left quickly and his right hand flinches." I said.
"That can't be." Star said.
"Look carefully." I said.
"When Will is about to use his powers his right foot moves to the left back." I said.
They looked carefully and then all their eyes widen to see that I was right. When you know when their about to attack you can come up with a quick plan to block or fight.
"It's true!" Star shouted.
"Yeah if you can figure it out then your all good." I said.
"You always have crazy tricks up your sleeve bro." Mabel said.
"Other Cipher you're up!" Sour note said.
"Wish me luck Pinetree." Bill smiled at me and then left.
"Good luck." I smiled.
Bill went to Sour note and Star called over Will. He walked over and smiled at all of us.
"You did so good." Mabel said.
"Thanks." Will said.
"Will this is Mabel and Dipper." Star said.
"I'm Will." Will said.
"Dipper is really smart! When your about to use your powers you move your right foot left and then back." Star said.
"I do?" Will said.
"Yeah." I said.
"I didn't really notice." Will said.
"Everyone has one." Star said.
"That's amazing." Will said.
"Dipper thinks about everything." Mabel said.
"Not all the time." I said.
"Sure." Star said.
"Okay I do." I said.
"What's my brothers!" Will said.
We all started to look at Bill and I was trying to find his. I kept on looking at him carefully I was trying to read him like a magazine. I was focusing on his body language and facial expression and I finally found it.
"His finger and that stupid smirk of his." I said.
"What?" Star and Will said.
"I see the finger but the smile?" Mabel said.
"It's a certain smirk that he does, it's not his cocky or flirtatious smirk." I said.
"Flirtatious?" Star smiled.
"Shut up." I said.
"His index finger moves up slightly when he's about to use his powers." Mabel said.
"I can see." Will said.
"The smile he does is just different." I said.
"There's different smiles for Bill? They all look the same to me." Will said.
"Just look at it and the expression in his eyes can also give you the hint of the smile he makes." I said.
"Do you do this with everyone?" Mabel said.
"Mabel you blink twice before you use your powers, Star you move your left foot moves up and then quickly blink." I said.
"It was answered." Will said.
"I don't I'm get lazy sometimes." I said.
"Same." Will said.
"Laziness is a blessing and a curse." Star said.
"Amen sister." Mabel said.
We all laughed and smiled when Mabel said that. We heard a thud and it was Bill hitting his back against a tree.
"You were doing so well." Sour note said.
"Got distracted." Bill said.
"I loved your plan, but next time focus." Sour note said.
"Alright." Bill said.
Bill went back, Will and Star looked at Bill with a surprise look while me and Mabel were confused.
"You never get distracted." Will said.
"It wasn't a big deal." Bill said.
"It kind of is?" Star said.
"Are you okay? That was a loud thud." I said.
"Y-Yeah I'm fine." Bill said.
"Good I got worried." I said.
"So cute." Bill said under his breathe.
"Other Pines your up!" Sour note said.
"C-Coming!" I said.
I ran up to Sour note and he looked at me.
"Anything I should know before I start?" Sour note asked.
"I don't my powers so don't go easy on me." I smiled.
"Wait what?" Sour note said.
"I don't use my powers so don't hold back?" I said.
"Soul!" Sour note yelled.
"WHAT!" Soul yelled back.
"Is this kid serious about no powers!" Sour note said.
I can tell he already forgot that I fought him before.
"YEAH!" Soul said.
"REALLY!?" Sour note said.
"Really?" Sour note said.
"She's been trying so hard and I feel bad." I said.
"She's been trying for weeks." Mabel said.
"It's true." Star said.
"You can try, but I'm not going to snap." I said.
"Alright." Sour note said.
"Okay." I said.
"But really?" Sour note said.
"Sorry but yes." I said.
"Okay." Sour note said,
Everyone went quiet because they knew how serious this was for me. They would all mumble that I wouldn't last but guess what, I did! I avoid all his moves and he was surprised that I did. Their was antiphase and that's when two sound waves cancel each other out when they are positioned a certain way. Theirs science behind it but that's too much work to explain.
The tree behind me I stood perfectly still and he made a sound wave. I was in the middle of the antiphase and that means my ears are safe.
"How?" Sour note said.
"One." I said.
"A little more power then." Sour note said.
"Two." I said.
"Soul was right you are committed." Sour note said.
He started to boost up the volume and everyone covered their ears.
"Three." I said.
When the loud sound wave hit the tree I moved out of the way and the lower tone of the sound wave got cancelled but it didn't make a antiphase. It went threw the lower tone because the stronger the waves get the higher it was and it cancelled out the weaker wave.
Sour note flew back and I ran over to him and helped him up. The look on his face was priceless to some of the teachers and I kind of got scared for some reason.
"I'm so sorry." I said.
"How did you?" Sour note said getting up.
"It's a antiphase."
"What?" Sour note said.
"Antiphase is noise-cancellation and it's when the speaker emits a sound wave with the same amplitude but with inverted phase also known as antiphase to the original sound. The waves combines to form a new wave, in a process called interference, and effectively cancel each other out, an effect which is called destructive interference." I said.
"Science isn't my strong point." Sour note said.
I went back to the rest and they all looked at me. I made a soft smile and Mabel just playful punched me.
"You're such a nerd." Mabel said.
"I just used my head Mabel. I at least pay attention in class." I said.
"Wait we learned about this?" Star said.
"It was three days ago." I signed.
"It was?" Will said.
"Yes." I said.
"I don't remember." Mabel said.
"I remember Soul giving us a long lecture." Bill said.
"You guys need to listen more." I said.
Sour note started to give a small lecture and different way we could have dealt with each situation. He even talked about my way and was struggling with the science behind it and the it gave up. Will is the opposite of Bill and it's cool to me.
"See ya later Dipper." Will smiled leaving.
"Later." I said.
We all started to walk back to the locker room and a group of females came up to me and they were all from different classes.
"I saw what you did to sour note, it was so cool." The first one said.
"Thanks." I said.
"I can't believe you don't use your powers." The second one said.
"I really don't like using my powers as much as others do, it's just a label to me." I said.
"So true." The third one said.
"Glad that you agree." I said.
"Are you taken?" The fourth one asked me.
"I'm single, but I'm out of the closet." I said.
"Really?" The first girl got it.
"Sorry, but it was nice meeting you." I said.
"Alright." The second one said.
"Bye ladies." I smiled.
"So cute!" The third and fourth girl said.
I felt and Mabel looked at me.
"They wanted to know if you were single?" Mabel asked me.
"Single as a pringle." I smiled.
"Did you say love is love so they'll get the memo?" Mabel asked.
"Closet." I said.
"Man, that was my second guess." Mabel said.
Third Person
During the Dipper and Sour note fight Star, Will and Mabel looked at Bill.
"You stuttered." Mabel said.
"No I didn't." Bill said looking at away.
"Oh no, don't give me that shit." Star said.
"I'm not giving up shit." Bill said.
"You never get distracted and stutter, what's up with you today?" Will said.
"Nothing." Bill said.
"I've never heard you stuttered." Mabel said.
"Bill." Star said.
"What Star?" Bill said.
"You know what Dipper told us about the how we can tell what you're about to do?" Will said.
"Yeah." Bill said.
"You move your index finger and your goofy smirk with the look in your eyes." Mabel said.
"Really?" Bill said.
"He said that theirs these different smirks you have and he can tell clearly." Star said.
"Stop fucking with me." Bill said.
"It actually took his a long time to find out yours, he finally found it before you got distracted." Mabel said.
"You guys distracted me." Bill said.
"We did?" Will said.
"Yeah." Bill said.
"Don't believe it because you ignore us all the time."Star said.
"Oh look he won." Bill pointed out.
"He did!"
Bill didn't want to say that he got distracted or stuttered because he doesn't do any of those things. Bill got distracted when he heard Dipper laugh and he took a quick peek and saw his smile.
He just loved how cute Dipper was sometimes, all the time really. Bill was still in the closet about everything and the only ones that know is Star, Will, Andrew and Lady Widow. He wanted to leave in the closet for a bit more.
During that amazing week Sour note was also going what Soul was doing. Sour note was trying his hardest to make Dipper snap and use his powers. Soul told Sour note that it was going to be a challenge to make that kid snap.
Everyone went to the after school boot camp but Dipper. Dipper was training by himself at home, at the gym, in the woods and other places. It would also improve his power by hiding in pitch black caves and learn how to control his powers.
It worked but he had to bring his pills because he would start to get those nasty side effects that he hated. Some kids would see Dipper around and they would be confuse why he didn't go to the boot camps after school.
Mabel would always find Dipper sitting in the dark with his pride flag above his head. Mabel knows how much training Dipper does every day after school and sometimes it's difficult.
Dipper would sometimes over work himself and faint once he entered the house and she would have to drag him on to the couch. Mabel doesn't know what he does when it brings him to faint and she didn't want to know.
Star, Bill and Will would ask what he did and Dipper would just smile and say.
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