Pov Bill
Every day for the past week we've been trying to get to Soul, trying to get to any hero. No one will listen to us.
Sami and Maria can't do a thing because it doesn't involve them. They won't give them any details, not a single one because they are a part of this town.
All the god-damn heroes are inside the school building! We can't get to any of them without being kicked out after a second being there.
No one will listen to us, they all think that we're just stupid kids and we just want attention. Sami and Maria told us to stop before we get into trouble.
I won't stop, I can't stop because it hurts when I do. I know that Pinetree is out there somewhere probably suffering and I can't help him, hold him, I can't comfort him.
Maria thinks that they haven't been able to rescue him was because they still can't find them.
Why can't they listen?
Whenever someone tries to get information they shut them down. I'm not trying to compare real life to movies, but at this point it feels like we're in one.
When someone comes with important information something valuable to the case they shut them down, they don't listen to them because they're too young or insane.
It's just not fair.
"We're trying again." Mabel said.
"Honey you have to stop." Maria said to Mabel.
"We're not giving up." Star said.
"I know that you guys care for him a lot, but we can't do anything." Sami said.
"Their not going to listen and they have a point." Lady Widow said.
"We're not giving up." Andrew said.
"Please, something bad going to happen if you keep trying, they won't hesitate to arrest you." Maria said.
"It's not our fault that their making it difficult for us to talk to them." Will said.
"I know you guys are trying to get involved trying to find Dipper, but at this rate." Sami said.
"We tried being polite about this, I'm doing it my way now." I said.
I walked out the door and I see them following me. I ran down the stairs and race to the school. I was stopped and I looked at them.
"Bill what are you thinking?" Mabel asked.
"If I can't get to them in a police and dignifying manner then I'll fight my through." I said.
"We have to back up a little, that's going to get you arrested." Star said.
"We've tried playing nice we asked, was snuck in without using our powers not trying to be disruptive!? Time is ticking! We don't have a choice and if they won't help us then I'll find someone who will." I said.
"We all know that time's running. This is serious Bill, I'm going to agree with Sam and Maria on this one, you're going to get arrested." Lady Widow said.
"As long as you don't hurt anyone I won't." I said.
"We can't break into private property even though we've done that multiple times, but using our powers to break in a case like this will gets you in prison." Andrew said.
"I don't care!" I shouted.
"I just want him back." I mumbled.
"I'm sorry, but I won't let you do this." Will said.
Will grabbed me with his powers and I couldn't move. I kept struggling but I couldn't leave.
"Stop resisting Bill my other hand is making you weak, while the other is holding you." Will said.
"Let go of me!" I said.
"We're taking you back to Mabel's place and tying you to a chair until you calm down." Will said.
I can kept struggling, I kept yelling and shouting at them to let me go but they didn't listen. I saw Maria and Sami looking at me tied up in a chair.
"Why do kids think of the most strangest ways calm down a person?" Sami said.
"He's going to keep running away and we can't lock him in a room he'll figure out how to get out, so tying him up was the best choice." Will said.
"This isn't going to hold!" I said.
"I made the rope unbreakable." Will said.
"I feel like I'm a hostage!" I shouted.
"Basically he is." Andrew said.
"No." Will said.
"He is because he's not here under his own will." Lady Widow said.
"You guys aren't making the situation better." Will said.
"She is right." Maria said.
"I know." Will said.
"We just need to think of a different plan to get to them." Star said.
"She's right." Mabel said.
"Don't you see, they're never going to listen until we make them listen. We're just kids to them they won't listen because we're too ignorant, we're too young, we're too foolish enough. Soul taught me over the years that if they don't listen then take them. I'm going get out of this chair and make them listen!" I said.
They all looked at me and the room was in complete silence. Mabel and ties me and I look at her.
"I'm in." Mabel said.
"Same." Andrew said.
"Can we quote Soul on that?" Star asked.
"If we have too." I said.
"I'm in." Star smiled.
"Alright." Lady Widow said.
"You guys are stupid, but I'm in." Will said.
"We can't let you do this." Maria said.
"Mom we have too." Mabel said.
"I'm sorry but I'm not letting you kids do this." Sami said.
"Please don't ground after this." Mabel said.
I do not approve of this. We tied them to the chairs and I know Mabel's going to get ground after this.
"Mabel Pines remove this rope!" Maria said.
"Why do I feel so proud, but so disappointed at the same time?" Sami said.
"One day we can all have a really good laugh after this, please don't ground me." Mabel said.
"Kids get back here!" Maria shouted
"Sorry." We all said after closing the door.
We all raced out of the apartment complex and went to the school as fast as possible. We all feel guilty about tying them up, but we had no choice.
We were in school grounds and we saw double security. Will was a bit nervous about this because he was afraid of the police getting involved and arresting us.
We kept telling him that it won't happen, but I had that feeling too. I brushed off the feeling and looked at Mabel.
"Can you blind them with the Sun?" I asked not sure if she can do it or not.
"Of course I can, I can hold the sun of my hands." Mabel said.
"Really?" Star said.
"Yes." Mabel said.
"When they're blind we run past as quick as we can." I said.
Mabel blinded them and we all rushed to the front doors. We stopped and realized that they doubled in the alarm system in the school as well.
I'm mainly question about the money budget of the school, how much do we have?
"I got this!" Star said.
Star took out all the energy from the alarm systems. We started to rush pass them as start placed the energy back from this once we passed them.
"Wait." Will said.
"Theirs more people." Andrew said.
"Great." Star said.
I used my powers to distract them into going into a different hallway. Once they left we raced to the other hallway. Lady Widow stopped us and said.
"Where are we even going?"
"We don't know where they are." Mabel said.
"We didn't think this plan through, but it's working so far." Star said.
"At this point we would have been kicked out." Andrew said.
"They would probably be in the conference room." Will said.
"I know where that is." I said.
We decide to take the stairs because it was two flights up. We race though the hallways, until we bumped into security.
"What are you kids doing in here?" He groaned.
"You See.... " Mabel said.
"Run!" Star said.
We searched want to be opposite direction of where we wanted to go. We ran down one flight of stairs and went in a circle.
Lady Widow used her metal based powers to turn her fist into metal. We went down another flight of stairs. We closed the door and Lady Widow grabbed the metal railing and locked them in.
We use the other stairs that was meant for students. We ran back upstairs into the hallway that we used to be in.
We didn't have that much time because they're probably calling for backup. We finally made it to the room.
We looked at the door and opened it. We saw Soul, Lighter, Flex, Snake, Healer, Maybee and Sournote. Where are principles?
"What are you kids doing here?" Sournote said.
"How did you get past the alarms and security?" Maybee asked.
"In the high school handbook it says as long as the student are in school grounds they're allowed to use the powers." Star said.
"You harmed them?" Healer said.
"No!" We all said.
"You all shouldn't be here, you all have to leave now." Snake said.
"Were not leaving." Lady Widow said.
"I'm sorry kids but you don't have a choice." Flex said.
"We're not leaving, we need to-" Mabel was cut off.
"I'm sorry kids but we're going to force you." Lighter said.
Sournote and Maybee starts to push us out of the room. I used my powers to stop them and they all look at me.
"Listen!" I shouted.
"For a solid week we have been trying to get to you. We've tried to enter this room politely and not be disruptive to you. For a solid week we've been trying to help, we've been trying to get you guys to listen. I'm not going to go pack until you listen to what we have to say or to what I have to say in general." My voice was breaking.
"You guys have been ignoring us, you've been hiding in here for a solid week. None of you are willing to listen to us because we're apparently too young to understand this." I said.
"Get to the point." Soul groaned.
"You think we're too young, you think that we're foolish and blind to help out in a case like this. I can see that you have nothing so far about this case. I see all the villains that were part of this and the person who got captured." I pointed out.
They were all silent.
"If you were to listen to us earlier this all would have been solved. They would have been arrested, he would be safe." I said.
"You don't know what you're talking about, you don't know what you're dealing with. Leave it to the professionals." Sournote said.
"So what if we're not professionals?" Will said.
"So what if we've never dealt with this type of thing before?" Andrew said.
"So what if we're young to help out with something serious?" Lady Widow said.
"So what if you think that we can't do this type of this?" Star said.
"You guys are probably afraid that we know something that you don't!" Mabel said.
"You guys never listen." I said.
"Just go home." Maybee said.
"Soul." We all said.
"You said to us that if they don't listen then make them." Star said.
"I'm listening." Soul said.
"If you're going to talk, then talk somewhere else we don't need you pestering us." Flex said.
"We have nothing, I'm giving them a chance." Healer said.
"You two can go, but I'm staying." Flex said.
"Same." Snake said.
"I'm sorry." Lighter said.
"Soul, Healer I'm in." Maybee said.
The three heroes walk out with us. We got them to listen. They told us that we needed to head back to Mabel's place because it was probably safer.
We open the door and we all completely forgot that we tied Maria and Sami up.
"Shit." We all said.
"What we're you thinking?!" Soul said.
"Hey Chris!" Sami smiled.
"Hey Sami!" Maybee said.
"Maria what's going on?" Healer said.
"I have the power to ground all of you." Maria said.
Will and I untied Sami and Maria and we all apologized. We had to explain why they were tied up.
"Funny story right?" Star said.
"A little." Maybee confessed.
"So what's the plan?" Healer asked.
"Soul remember that shadow thing that Dipper treats like he's own children." Mabel said.
"Yes their called wanders." Soul said.
"Mason is very unstable and without the proper treatment he's very powerful." Maria said.
"Since those those things feed off his powers they can track him down." Sami said.
"So you're saying that if Soul summons one of them, they can track down him in a matter of seconds." Healer said.
"Yes because his energy source is very high and they'll be able to sense the source and want to feed off him." Sami said.
"That seems simple enough." Maybee said.
"We still need to figure out a way to arrest the villains as well." Soul said.
"That's were you're wrong." Star said.
"What?" Healer said.
"Maria has the power with her arrows to put people in a deep sleep." Lady Widow said.
"When they all get out Maria can shot her arrows at them." Andrew said.
"That would give you guys enough time to collar them and arrest them." Will said.
"That's an amazing plan." Soul said.
"One flaw." Maria said.
"The police department said that we can't get involved without special recognition." Sami said.
"We got you covered, as long as your with one of us your safe." Healer said.
"But you don't have your bow." Maybee said.
"Who ever said I didn't." Maria said.
"You didn't bring it with you." Sami said.
"I didn't see you now." I said.
"It's in Mabel's room hidden." Maria said.
"Mom." Mabel said.
"You didn't know about it until now." Maria said.
"When did you come up with this plan?" Soul asked.
"We made the plan in three days." I said.
"We'll tell the police department about the plan and we can get this done and over with by tomorrow." Healer said.
"That quick?" Star said.
"Yes." Maybee said.
"It's all thanks to you guys, we should have listened before." Soul said.
"You should really thank Bill." Lady widow said.
"Why me? It was a group effort." I said.
"You kept fighting, even when we tied you to the chair." Will said.
"What's up with you and tying people to chairs." Soul said.
"Never mind that." Andrew said.
"We better go and we'll you a call when it's starting." Maybee said.
They all think us and left. I was so happy.
"You're finally coming home."
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