A message
Pov Dipper
It's been an amazing few weeks while almost a month since me and Bill started dating. We've been training doing assignments and doing everything.
Some teachers are getting suspicious of something because they're getting worried about the students outside of school, which really bothers me a bit. The teachers would usually tell us that we were in danger and to be careful, but this was secrecy and it was annoying me because every time I brought up the subject to Soul she'll change it.
I've been noticing a lot of things lately and ever since the tournament everything's been strange for me. I realize ever since the tournament all the teachers have been secretive and I just noticed.
Soul is teaching us about certain powers and their weakness. Soul even told is that her powers have a weakness. Soul said that this was a stupid lesson, but she have to teach it because apparently it was necessary for our education.
"Mind controlling is the only one that has an unknown weakness, but on the person that it's being used on if they have a strong enough will you can easily find it but if you can't then you're screwed." Soul said.
"Why isn't it possible to find a weakness for mind controlling?" Someone asked.
"To be completely honest with you little shits I have no clue." Soul said.
"If there's no weakness to the power then go for the person. You can go emotionally, mentally or physically." I said.
"That is an excellent point." Soul said.
"That's if you can't figure out the weakness, but you have to know the villain well to know what mentally and emotionally hurt. If it's physically do whatever you want." Soul said.
Soul is rambling about mentally and emotionally hurting someone because we already know how to physically hurt someone. Then she started talking about memory wiping, and she said it was very dangerous.
"What about memory?" Someone said.
"The hero itself is not dangerous it's just the side effects of their ability. It can cause some serious trauma and probably other things that I don't know." Soul said.
"Is there a chance of remembering what was wiped?" Andrew asked.
"There is a very low chance of them remembering." Soul said.
"The only way they can remember is if a certain person or event crosses their mind. The person or even has to be significant to the one's life and can bring back what's been erased." Mabel said.
"Good job Mabel." Soul said.
After that I started to doze off well more like daydream. I start to think about my memories and some of them were odd.
A few faces blurred out, voices changed, statements completely out of context and location. I start to wonder did something happen to me?
I mean don't get me wrong I enjoy my life as it is right now. I have friends, family and I'm in a great relationship. I'm just wondering was it a good thing that have to be gone or was it a bad thing?
I start to draw random things on my loose-leaf paper. I was drawing random things I remembered and from the looks of it I don't even know what they were.
I then start to draw people and my mine was telling me draw them as realistic as possible and I did. I drew two people a female in the male.
The male had clean wavy hair and female had messy curly and wavy hair. The drawing started to look like little kids, and I was confused.
I started to put the pieces together and realize that this was my early childhood memory, something that I may not remember as well, one of the messed-up memories.
The confusing part was that these two kids we're apparently close to me. I start to write down little descriptions of them because I wanted to remember more.
I didn't exactly remember their name, so I just put a big question mark next to them. After looking at the question marks I wrote instead 'Who are you?' next to them. I know that the female has mind based powers, but it isn't mind control or is it? She's knows how to make powders that can do almost anything. She's crazy and a little mad, but it's comforting for some odd reason.
The male had sound based powers, but he is smart enough to do something bigger with his powers. He's really hothead sometimes, but he's a sweetheart when it comes to things.
I looked at the drawings and I wanted to remember her name something but my mind was still blank. I kept thinking and nothing popped in my mind.
"Pinetree?" Bill said.
"Yeah." I said covering the drawings.
"Class is over." Bill said.
"It is?" I said.
"It's been over for a few minutes, you've been ignoring your sister the whole time?" Bill said.
"Really? I'm sorry." I said.
"She's outside of the classroom well we all are." Bill said.
"My bad." I said.
"Come on." Bill said.
"What time is it?" I said.
"It's eleven and that's when lunch starts." Bill said.
"Oh okay." I said.
"Is everything okay?" Bill asked
"Yes just thinking." I said.
"Well that's pretty deep thinking, let's go." Bill said.
I grabbed my phone and left everything else in Soul's classroom. I was daydreaming the whole time that's bad I wonder if I missed anything important.
The whole time during lunch we were just walking around and talking about random things. When I wasn't paying attention Bill picked me up, and I was scared.
Everyone laughed including me because it was pretty funny, but then you placed me down. When they weren't looking I kissed Bill quickly.
Lunch was about to be over, and we all walked back to Soul's class. When we entered the room it was a mess, and we all looked around.
"What happened?" I said.
"Soul is going to kill everyone." Andrew said.
"If it's a joke it's not funny." Star said.
"Why would someone do this?" Mabel said.
"Someone must have anger issues." Lady Widow said.
"I don't think someone from our class did this." Will said.
"We better tell Soul." Bill said.
"Tell me what?" Soul said.
"You might want to look in your classroom." Mabel said.
We moved away from the door and Soul dropped everything. We all took one more step back because we were ready for what's going to happen.
"We found your room like this." Will said.
"Oh someone is going to die." Soul said.
"Should we call someone?" Bill asked.
"I'm going to see if that little shit left anything behind." Soul said.
Soul told us that we had to help her fix up the room and to find something that was left behind by the person that did this. We're all fixing the desk and Soul found something interesting.
While fixing Mabel and my desk I realized that my notebook was missing. I looked around the area and it was gone, why would they want my notebook?
"It's a note." Andrew said.
"The person didn't leave anything behind, but the note." Lady Widow said.
"They took my journal?" I said.
"Why would they want your journal?" Mabel said.
"I don't know." I said.
"This is weird." Star said.
"What does the note say?" Will asked.
"I don't know I haven't read it yet." Soul said.
Soul opened the note and it was nicely written in red ink. I looked around and couldn't find my drawings either. This is very odd.
"The heroes and future heroes of Gravity falls, we are here to give you a small warning. You have something or let's say someone that we want. I don't mean to be harsh, but we are getting them, and we will fight. I'm telling you this now so you'll be ready when time comes. The sound was only the beginning of this fight. From Villain league." Soul read.
"We should tell the office about this." Andrew said.
"This could be very dangerous." Star said.
"There going to attack the school?" Lady Widow said.
"Why? Who do they need or want so bad?" Lady Widow said.
"I'm going to report this and figure out what's going on." Soul said.
"This worries me." I said.
"I don't like this feeling." Mabel said.
Soul full on raced out of the classroom and went reported it on the spot. The rest of us cleaned up the classroom and looked at each other in confusion.
" I'm still really confused about this." Mabel said.
"Why would they take Dipper's notebook?" Will said.
"It was just full of notes and some doodles." I said.
"I wander of they just want information about what we're doing." Andrew said.
"Why? That's so stupid." Lady Widow said.
"That's so true, why do they want his notebook." Star said.
We all then sat down near each other started to talk about the situation.
What do they want?
Pov Soul
I raced out of the classroom because this was the tenth one ever since the tournament. I went into the teachers lounge room and placed the note in the middle of the table.
"It happened again." I said.
"This can't be." Sournote said.
"Believe me I wish." I said.
"Thiss iss the tenth one." Snake said.
"I know, but it's becoming more clear now." I said.
"Their after the students." Lighter said.
"We need to make some adjustments to the school." I said.
"Why?" Flex said.
"This note said that they were going to attack the school grounds for them." I said.
"These notes don't tell us which students their after." Healer said.
"Healer they won't just give us clues about which students thereafter." Maybee said.
Flex grabbed the paper and flipped it to the other said. She snapped her fingers and looked at us.
"There'ss ssomething in the back." Snake said.
"Let me see it." Sournote said.
Snake gave the paper to Sournote as his face turns into confusion.
"What does it say?" Lighter asked.
"To the ones smart enough to look on the back then good job. We just want one thing from you and it's simple and it's to let is take the ones we want. We really don't want to fight, but if we have too then so be it. Have fun heroes." Sournote read.
"It's just saying the same thing." Flex said.
"We need to warn the students." I said.
"It's going to cause panic in the school." Healer said.
"He's right." Maybee said.
"I can't believe I'm saying it but you're right." Sournote said.
"We can't hide this from the students." I said.
"Soul it's our only option for the moment, once we get some more information than we'll tell them." Lighter said.
"We're putting their lives in danger." I said.
"What happens if their trying to mess with us? We might worry them for no reason at all." Flex said.
"Fine." I said.
"Who might they want from our classes?" Healer said.
"The sstrongesst." Snake said.
"That's true." Maybee said.
"The smartest kid as well." Sournote said.
"We can't just guess who their going to take." I said.
"We have to figure out a way to stop this whole thing or to see if this is a game." Flex said.
"She's right." Lighter said.
"I agree." I said.
"I'm going to talk to the office about this and the students can't know at all." Maybee said.
"They can't know." Healer said.
"What happenss if they sstart to get ssusspiciouss of uss?" Snake asked.
"Then change the subject." Sournote said.
"This worries me." I said.
"Why?" Flex asked.
"I don't know." I said.
"We better get going." Maybee said.
"If anyone gets more notes keep it until we meet again." Sournote said.
"Alright." We all said.
I walked out of the room with the most heart breaking feeling that something bad is going to happen.
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