"Sir, we need a plan of attack; we do not know what could happen," Rex said as General Skywalker casually walked toward the Sith Temple.
"It'll be fine," Anakin grinned, looking back at his worrying Captain.
"Skyguy, it's a Sith Temple," Ahsoka pointed out, "it could have traps or something."
"It's just some old artefact; it'll be fine, like I said," Anakin grinned again, quickening his pace as he noticed the entrance to the Temple.
"Could we have taken a squad with us?" Rex questioned.
"Nonsense, we have everything we need between the three of us! Right, Snips?"
"Yeah," Ahsoka sighed, shrugging over at Rex.
Rex was on the end of his nerves by the time that they had reached the centre of the Temple; they'd already had to make their way out of multiple different traps, many needing Rex to be picked up using The Force.
He could not help but tense up as he noticed the artefact they'd come for in front of them, surrounded by different runes that he could not understand.
"Rex, you'll have to collect it; we don't know what those runes mean except that the presence of The Force would trigger them," Anakin stated.
"Is this why I had to come, sir?" Rex sighed, looking over General Skywalker.
Anakin shrugged, "it was."
Rex sighed, "very well." Walking forwards cautiously, Rex got out the containment box. Setting the box on the floor, he grabbed the cube before placing it in the box. The second he closed the box, the floor rumbled before giving way beneath him. Holding the box, Rex tried to get as far as possible before falling, shortly to stop. Looking up, he saw that the Commander had grabbed him using The Force.
Anakin waited until Rex was back on his feet and had the box securely in his arms before he stated, "ready to go?"
Rex was thankful that his bucket stopped General Skywalker from seeing any of his expressions.
"Thank you, Knight Skywalker, Padawan Tano, Captain," Madame Nu stated, "this will help immensely by preventing the Sith from re-accessing this power."
"There were runes that I could not translate over the floor, Madame," Rex spoke up, "I managed to get most of it on my helmet recording; I can send you a copy."
"That would be greatly appreciated, Captain," Madame Nu nodded.
Rex groaned, rubbing his forehead against the headache that had formed while he attempted to send the recording. Looking down at his hands suddenly, he realised he'd worn straight through the materials of his gloves. Another thing to add to the list, he sighed to himself.
Looking at the transfer again, he stared at the bar as the numbers slowly crept up. "Great," he muttered, knowing it was going to take forever to send.
Grabbing his spare datapad, he set to work on the mass of reports he had to look over and sign. He was thankful that halfway through the first, his headache reduced to a more manageable level.
Rex paused, looking into the mirror. Slowly, he raised a hand to his head.
Where did the hair go?
Rex hid the wince beneath his breath as he walked into the mess hall.
Are they always this loud?
Muttering under his breath, Rex headed over and collected his ration packs before sitting down at the table furthest from the noise. Bitting down, he bit back the urge to spit out the rations.
Did they change the recipe? That was even more revolting than usual.
"Glad to be off that mudhole, right, Captain?" Fives grinned as they headed to the showers.
"Finally able to get clean after two weeks," Echo sighed.
Rex rolled his eyes, "it will be nice to get the grime off."
Silently, the three joined the rest of the vode in the showers.
Rex was enjoying being able to get the mud off when suddenly he felt someone grab his arm.
"CT-7567! Why are you not in the medbay?!"
Rex froze before turning to look at Kix. He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, "what?"
"Your skin has turned a yellowish colour; that is not healthy," Kix all but growled as he dragged Rex from the showers (after forcing him to get into his blacks again).
"So, what was all that?" Ahsoka asked.
Rex stopped himself from jumping as the Commander seemed to appear out of nowhere. "Kix being his usual self, wants me to check back in a week."
"Come on; we need to go before he realises I'm this close!" Ahsoka stated, dragging Rex as she quickened her pace.
Rex knew the troopers they went past were laughing as he was dragged around again.
"Have you eaten yet?" Ahsoka grinned, slowing the pace so that Rex could answer.
"Not yet," Rex stated warily.
"Come on then!"
Yet again, Rex paused at the mirror.
Were his ears pointed?
Reaching up, Rex checked.
They were.
Rex sighed, knowing that was another thing that Kix would notice on his check-up. Already, his skin had turned to that yellow-blond that his hair used to be. Oh, and his hair had yet to grow back.
"Look at this," Kix stated, showing a datapad, "this is a baseline clone; this was yours last week; this is you this week. Notice a difference?"
Rex stared at the list of letters blankly, "no?"
"Well, there is a difference, an increasing difference," Kix stated, "this DNA code in this week's results is completely not present in that of a baseline clone; it's not even in human baseline DNA."
"Explain more simply, please," Rex sighed.
"If I went off your DNA, I would not say that you are human!"
Rex's eyes went wide in shock. "What would you say I am, based on the DNA?"
"Some humanoid, I can not tell which currently," Kix stated more calmly, "I want to keep you under stricter supervision; if anything happens, you tell me."
Rex sighed but nodded nonetheless.
"Come on, Rex, it's been a while," Fives stated, coming to stand next to Rex in the training hall, "let's spar! Still think you can take both of us on?"
Rex grinned, "you don't even stand a chance."
They'd gathered a crowd by the time they were ready to start. Rex was in the centre, Fives in front of him and Echo was standing behind him.
Rex eyed Fives as the trooper charged at him, but moments before Fives arrived, he felt something behind him. Reaching back, he grabbed Echo by the arm and sent them flying over his shoulder. Rex stepped back, eyeing the groaning pile of ARC troopers.
"That's new," Fives muttered as he got to his feet. Looking over at Echo, he nodded, knowing that they would have to change their tactics now.
Rex made sure to keep himself light on his feet, ready for when the two troopers decided to run at him again. He smirked as the two troopers charged at him. It seems like they'd changed to the overwhelm tactic.
Fives stumbled as he felt his fist be grabbed before being spun around, so his arm and back were to Rex's chest. He gasped as he felt a fist go flying into his stomach before being pushed into Echo, sending them both to the floor again.
Echo's eyes widened as the punch he sent for the Captain's stomach instead landed in Fives' stomach. He wasn't prepared for when Fives was thrown onto him, sending them both to the floor again.
Rex grinned as yet again there was a pile of groaning ARC troopers in front of him. "Still think you can beat me, Fives?"
"What the kriff, what was all that?!" Fives asked as he got up to his feet again.
"I redirected your attacks, something you need to be careful of happening when you buddy up," Rex shrugged.
Fives huffed and rolled his eyes before charging at Rex before Echo was even on his feet.
Rex smirked, catching Fives' punch before sending his own into the ARC's stomach. He watched him gasp before kicking out, sending them both to the floor, rolling to make sure he had Fives pinned to the floor on his front.
Echo waited until Fives was pinned before he started his attack. He was not prepared for the Captain to be able to shift enough to place his foot on Fives' restrained arm so that he was able to grab the kick he sent at him. Echo grunted as he was unbalanced and sent to the floor.
"How are you doing this so well?" Echo asked from his position on the floor as Rex allowed Fives to stand again.
Rex shrugged, not too sure himself how he was doing it.
"You've got better, somehow," Fives groaned.
The crowd around them sniggered.
It seems like you can be using night vision so much that you can kill the energy in your bucket, as Torrent found out during a cave exploration. And their glow sticks were almost out, so they left those to emergencies.
Ahsoka watched Rex as he kept ducking. The thing is, he couldn't see, nor was he feeling for anything, so how he knew to duck, she didn't know.
"Duck," Rex stated, ducking down so that he could get through the lower ceiling.
"There is nothing there– Kriff!" Fives suddenly swore as he headbutted the low ceiling.
"I told you to duck," Rex sighed, rolling his eyes.
"How long do we have left of this darkness?" Fives sighed, resorting to staying crouched down if it wasn't that far.
"About another week," Rex stated.
Fives stood up before swearing as he smacked his head again.
Rex sighed, walking into the light again, only to hear everyone stop. Turning around, he saw them all staring at him in shock and confusion.
"Sir, when the kriff did you grow montrals?!"
"Rex! I told you to report to me when something else happens!" Kix growled as he stormed over to the confused Captain. Sighing, he pulled a mirror out of his belt pouch to show Rex. "You even seem to be starting to form head tails. I believe we can all see what your DNA is changing to now."
"You think my DNA is changing to that of a Togruta instead of a human?" Rex asked, seeing the confusion increase across the men's faces.
"As far as I can tell? That is exactly what is happening. However, this is way out of my skill level, so we'll have to get experts to check," Kix sighed, placing back the mirror back.
"We'll head to Coruscant," Anakin sighed.
"Wait, how do I get my top off?" Rex muttered once he got back to his room. Grumbling to himself about wasting a top, he grabbed his knife to cut the fabric and free himself. Doing so, he was closer to the material and realised there was no way of salvaging it anyway.
Reaching to the back of his storage, he grabbed one of the old-style, zip-up blacktops that would be able to fit over everything.
"Why are you heading back to Coruscant so soon?" Obi-Wan asked, over the holo comm, "did something happen?"
"Well–" Anakin started, not knowing how to explain it.
"General Skywalker, if it is urgent, as you make it out to be, you'll have to be quicker in explaining," Cody sighed, wishing he had his bucket on his head.
"Rex, you want to show them?" Anakin stated, looking over at Rex, where the man was avoiding being in view.
Rex sighed before stepping forwards and standing next to the General and Commander.
Cody went silent as he stared at his vod'ika.
"Has everyone changed, or only Rex?" Obi-Wan asked, raising an eyebrow.
"No, only Rex has shown any signs," Anakin stated.
"Has Rex been near something different?"
"It started after the visit to the Sith Temple, sir," Rex explained, "I was there to collect and store the artefact, as it had Force activated runes surrounding it."
"It seems like those runes were activated," Obi-Wan sighed, "speak to Madame Nu and Madame Che about it."
"Thanks again for cutting your break early," Anakin smiled sheepishly.
"It is no worries; checking out Rex is the priority right now," Obi-Wan stated.
It seems that now Rex understood what was happening, the transformation had picked up the pace.
The montrals had doubled in size over 24 hours, and the head tails now reached his collar. His shoulders had begun to broaden out, and a blue strip had started to appear, going from his underneath his cheekbones to the knuckle of his middle finger.
The annoying thing was he now had to duck when he walked through a doorway because of the size the montrals added. He also believed that his height, not including the montrals, had increased because he suddenly was not at eye-to-eye level with the others.
The Commander had explained the montrals and head tails for him. How males got more prominent and angular montrals but shorter head tails that reached their shoulders and rarely went any further. And about how he was probably subconsciously using echolocation in the caves.
A few days later, he realised that the head tails were already covering his chest. And they showed no signs of stopping just yet.
But as they grew, the blue patterns developed their colour better, revealing it to be the same shade as the 501st blue.
They were a day and a half flight away from Coruscant when he realised that he'd lost the hair of his eyebrows and that white markings had started to form. The next day, he saw that the white markings had become jaig eyes.
They'd just reached Coruscant when he saw that his eyes had become a bright yellow colour instead of their usual amber.
"I see," Madame Che stated, spotting Rex the moment he stepped out of the gunship, "follow me."
Rex glanced at the Commander (the General already running off to 'check on something') before walking after Madame Che.
"Madame Nu is meeting us within the healing halls; she believes she's figured out what happened," Madame Che stated.
"Sit here," Madame Che stated, pointing to the cot before pulling the curtain around them, "I've notified where we are for Madame Nu to be able to locate us. Please remove your upper garments."
Rex started to unclip his upper armour, laying it on the cot-side drawer before unzipping and taking off his top.
"Do you have any other markings elsewhere that are currently hidden?"
"No, Madame," Rex stated, shaking his head.
"I hope you have not started without me," Madame Nu stated, coming through the curtain.
"Just was asking him to reveal any other changes," Madame Che stated.
"Well, is there?" Madame Nu asked.
"No, Madame," Rex said again, shaking his head.
"I will proceed to check over you. Can I get a blood sample to test?"
Rex nodded, holding out his hand to Madame Che as Madame Nu walked around him, looking over him curiously.
"Thank you," Madame Che stated before starting the examination.
Rex grunted as his mouth was suddenly opened.
"You didn't mention developing fangs," Madame Che stated.
"I didn't know that they had," Rex explained, "they are all happening at different rates."
"What did they say?" Ahsoka asked once the two had left the room and she'd managed to sneak in.
"The changes are happening without damage or harm," Rex shrugged, "and that they are going to put me on a meat-based diet while I'm at the Temple for supervision."
"Come on; I'll take you to the cafeteria so that you can try some of my favourites!" Ahsoka chirped, dragging Rex from the bed.
"I don't think I'm allowed to leave yet," Rex stated, even as he allowed the Commander to pull him away.
"They would have gotten you into a medical gown if they didn't want you to leave," Ahsoka grinned, speeding up.
Rex stared down at the meat Ahsoka had placed in front of him. "I'm pretty sure that's still mooing."
"Yeah! Extra tasty!"
Rex looked at Ahsoka in doubt.
"Just try it; if you don't like it, we'll find one that you do," Ahsoka grinned.
Rex sighed, running his hand down his face before trying the steak. His eyes widened, head tipping in confusion as he stared down at the meat. "It's metallic in taste."
"Yep, that's the blood!" Ahsoka grinned, showing her fangs.
Rex looked over in slight worry before continuing to eat.
It seems now Rex was eating meat and taking in what a Togruta would typically have; the process came in leaps and bounds.
The montrals and head tails rapidly grew, going as far down as to his stomach, and become large and bulky above his head. His skin became more colourful, the white standing out more against the increase in colour—swirling blue and white patterns formed from his hips down to his toes. Somehow, his muscle bulked up further, his speed and strength in his arms increasing. His reflexes almost seemed to double overnight.
Suddenly, everything he saw seemed brighter, fuller; he would even go to say that he could see more. Things he'd need to have below his nose he could smell from the other side of the room. He could pick up the smell of individual items used to make something.
One negative, caffeine became toxic to him. It will kill him.
The caffeine withdrawal was horrible.
"It wasn't so bad," Ahsoka chuckled.
"I would rather be shot than go through that again," Rex grumbled, glaring at his de-caff caff.
It turns out, Togruta can not have anything with dairy. It could kill him.
Too much spice could kill him.
He can't have alcohol any higher than 10%; otherwise, he'll become ill or die.
Have honey; he'll get ill or die.
Have grapes or raisins? They'll release a toxin into his body that will kill him.
And oh, chocolate will kill him, mainly if he ate his favourite—dark chocolate.
Most of the rations contain something that could kill him now his transformation has come effectively to an end.
On the bright side, he could drink saltwater.
He's recommended to have saltwater as he can't have salt that is not dissolved into water unless he wants to get ill or die.
"Come on!" Ahsoka chirped, "the 212 and the 104 are on leave! I heard Wolfie and Cody are down at 79's!"
"Then why are we going this way?"
"You'll have to pay for your drinks unless we get you into Jedi robes, as you'll not pass as a vod anymore," Ahsoka grinned.
Rex just stopped himself from growling as he had to duck down to enter the bar. He allowed himself to be led to the bar and let Ahsoka order his drink, as he doesn't know which he's allowed anymore.
Cody grinned, watching as Rex and Tano walked over to them. He could see Wolfie frown as he noticed the two approaching them.
"Who's the male?" Wolfie whispered to Cody as the two approached.
"You'll see," Cody grinned.
"Told you it would work!" Ahsoka grinned, quickly walking over to Cody and Wolfie, "see, Rex, you had nothing to worry about!"
"That's Rex?!" Wolfie whispered, shocked over to Cody, "I knew you said he was different, but I didn't expect this!"
"What are you up to, Cody," Rex sighed, seeing the man's grin.
"Just seeing how Wolfie reacted to our changed vod'ika!" Cody grinned.
"So you didn't think about just telling him?" Rex sighed, sitting down before grunting as Ahsoka pushed him over so she could sit as well.
"Try it," Ahsoka grinned, pointing to the drink in Rex's hand.
"It's glowing red," Rex stated.
Cody and Wolfie shared a glance; the drink wasn't red; it was translucent.
"So? That means it's mixed correctly," Ahsoka shrugged.
Rex sighed before drinking some, his eyebrow raised. "What is it, and why does everything you get me to try to end up having a metallic taste?"
"The metallic taste settles the instincts better, especially as this would be the first time the instincts have come into contact with alcohol," Ahsoka explained, "and it tastes better."
"Please tell me it doesn't contain–"
"No, it does not have blood in it," Ahsoka stated, "it does, however, mimic the flavour of blood."
Rex sighed, rubbing the place he'd usually have eyebrows.
"What the kriff did I miss?" Wolfie swore.
"Language," Rex muttered automatically before answering, "my DNA rewriting itself."
"We had to collect a Sith artefact," Rex sighed, "it went as well as you could expect."
"How does this always happen to you?" Wolfie sighed.
"Some curse at this point," Rex muttered.
"Well," Cody grinned, holding his glass in the air, "to our changed vod'ika!" He proceeded to take a large drink, trying not to smirk as Rex glared at him.
Wolfie chuckled, raising his glass to the air before drinking as well.
Tup's eyes went wide as the Captain walked into the barracks. There was no trace of human in him anymore. And Rex was most definitely taller, proven when he had to duck to get through the doorways. "You're back!"
Rex sighed but chuckled at Tup's enthusiasm, "yes, I'm back. They deemed that the change had finished."
"Have they figured out how to fix it yet?" Fives asked, looking up from his card game.
"No," Rex sighed, "they're checking the archives at the moment to see whether they've dealt with something similar before."
"So you're potentially going to be stuck like this?" Echo asked, "could they try and take you away for studying?"
"General Skywalker has already promised that I will not be sent away to be studied," Rex reassured, "and they are working towards a cure or reversal of what this is."
"But they might not find one?" Echo furthered.
"You have to understand that there is a lot of uncertainty about this," Rex explained, "they are working on it. However, there is no guarantee that they'll find one, or whether they'll have to stop because of the war."
"Alright," Echo sighed with a nod.
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