sick little sister
Andy : mom where's the children's medicine, Mrs Davis : I had to throw it away why, Andy : molly has a terrible cough and fever I'm going to have to run to the market and get some, Mrs Davis : ok dear be careful, Andy : I will, " Andy drove five miles down the road to the little scarlet market that sold everything probably even kitchen sinks" Andy. : Hello Tina , Tina : oh hello Andy how can I help you darling, Andy. : Well Mrs Tina I need children cough syrup and a can of chicken soup, Tina : I'll get those real quick, Andy : thank you, Tina : Molly's sick isn't she, Andy. : Yes , Tina : considering it's raining cats and dogs outside I didn't think anyone would be out today, Andy : well I've been taking care of her since 2 this morning , Tina : oh dear , Andy. : She's been constantly coughing so hard but thank you for this what do I owe you, Tina. : Not a thing dear just get back home to your sister, Andy : thank you Mrs Tina, Tina. : Your welcome dear, " as Andy pulled in his driveway and got in the house it poured the rain hard on the roof tiles on the house" , molly : bubba , Andy : I'm here molly I need you to take this medicine for me ok , " molly took the medince in a pity looking way since it was bubble gum and since touch of the stomach bug messes with your tase it didn't take good " , Andy : " fluffs up her pillow " there we go now you can rest a little bit more relaxed , Andy : are you hungry molly, molly : mhm" molly shook her head no not wanting to lose her lunch for the 4th time " , Andy : I got you some more water to sip on ok, molly : ok , Andy : you'll feel better soon it'll be ok, molly : snuggles her brother and falls asleep"
Sneak peek
Andy: morning molly how do you feel
Molly : better thanks for dealing with me those 3 days
Andy: of course molly your my sister I would do it cause I care
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