Molly; Andy! * Hugs her big brother*, Andy: hello molly* hugs molly* hehe I'm missed you too molly, molly: I missed you more.... how's college, Andy: it's ok it's a start , Mrs Davis: that's good I'm excited for dinner tonight we're going to your all's favorite restaurant tonight as a treat for your visit you know but that won't be till later this afternoon, Andy : I know, molly : Andy can I show you my art, Andy : of course come on show me, molly : I drew a cabin , Andy: * smiles* it's lovely molly I'm proud of you heh I wouldn't be able to draw this good, molly: thanks bub , Andy: your welcome* runs his finger over her Cheek* , molly : buster missed you too didn't you buster , buster : ruff , Andy : hello boy heh , molly: a Andy can I talk to you about something, Andy : of course molly you know you can talk to me about anything, molly : well- , Mrs Davis: kids come here a minute, molly:... Uhh I guess we better go see what she needs , Andy : yeah hey we'll talk after ok, molly: mhm, Mrs Davis: I want you to dress good tonight since Andy your meeting Molly's boy friend tonight, Andy : yeah that's fin-... Hold on I'm sorry but did you say boyfriend!?, Molly : y yeah that's what I was trying to tell you, Andy : no absolutely not , Mrs Davis: it's means a lot to her honey besides she's save , Andy : how old even is this kid?!, Molly : 15 , Andy : no no no this has to be a joke right.... molly?, Molly : no ... I I know it's a big age difference but I -, Andy : no it's not that why didn't you tell me you were dating, molly : I didn't want to stress u out, Andy : I'd be more stressed out knowing my baby sister is going out with a 15 year old boy that I don't know and even if she's safe or not, molly : heh I know , Andy : then you should know no matter what I'm still going to worry about you even if you aren't dating cause your my baby sister and I love you so much, molly I love you too, Mrs Davis : this is so sweet we should probably be going , Andy : yeah , molly : promise not to scare him, Andy : I'm not promising u that ... But I'll be nice long as he respects you and mom, molly: ok bub , Jamie: uhh molls who's the boy with you!, Molly: my big brother remember I told your not only meeting her your meeting my brother, Jamie: heh eh hello mister ?, Andy : Andy so ... Your my little sister's boyfriend...., Jamie: yep hehe .....
Sneak peek for chapter five
Molly: morning Andy ...
Andy:* coughs* h hey
Molly: are you ok
Andy: y yeah I just don't feel too well this morning that's all
Molly: I'll make you some juice
Andy: n no no I'm fine really* coughs*
Molly: your cough sounds bad I'm going to get you juice and medicine
Andy: oh boy
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