Molly : I'm so glad you're home Andy, Andy : I know and I'm glad to be home, molly : let's go outside , Andy : ok come on, " the two head outside to play and relax in the autumn sun" , Andy : catch buster, " buster slowly goes after the ball" , Andy : maybe we should let you lay down boy , " Andy pets Buster's head gently" , Andy : what is she giggling at hopefully she's staying out of trouble heh me knowing molly there's bout a 50 % chance that's invalid, molly: pretty porcupine, Andy : m molly don't touch it! " Runs towards his baby sister" , " screaming", Mrs Davis : molly calm down he'll be ok the doctors are helping him the best they can, molly : hic" it's my fault he got hurt, Mrs Davis : now molly dear that's not true your brother pushed you out of the way he was protecting you , molly : but the quills went in his knee mom, "Mrs Davis wipes away her daughter's dreary tears " , Mrs Davis : molly dear your brother loves you very much he wouldn't want it to be you I promise you that, Dr feather: you may see him he is unconscious but that's due to knock out medicine, Mrs Davis : thank you feather, Dr feather: anytime Mrs Davis, molly : mom he looks so miserable and in pain if I hadn't offered to go outside this wouldn't of happened, Mrs Davis : molly please calm down he'll be ok, Andy : m molly, molly : bubba , Andy : w what happened, Mrs Davis : you got attacked by a porcupine-, Andy : m MOLLY where's molly is she ok, Mrs Davis : Hun she's fine see , molly : Andy , Andy : thank goodness " holds his hand to his sister cheek" I'm so glad you're safe , molly : what about you you got severely injured Andy and it was my fault, Andy : h hey no no don't talk like that it wasn't your fault molly I'd rather it had happened to me than it be you my knee will be fine I only got three quills in it I can't walk on my right leg till it heals tho so I'm gonna need help, molly : I can help you Andy, Andy : that's sweet molly but i-, molly : I'm going to help you out ,
" Andy smiles at his little sister's response and nods"
Sneak peek to chp 10
Andy: n no it's ok molly I got it
Molly: you can't even stand I'll make your tea for you
Andy: molly that's not necessary
Molly: Andy bed
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