Who is the Queen
A conversation comes up to who is the rightful queen Poppy or Viva... A requestfor a special friend....
Poppy and Branch were on their way to see Peppy.
''I wonder what dad wants to see me about?'' She asked Branch.
''Probably to ask when he's going to get trollings.'' Branch rolled his eyes.
They made it to his small pod and walked in and saw her dad and one of the elders.
''Dad, Gill.'' She greeted.
''Hey Poppy dear and Branch.'' Peppy said hugging his daughter and Branch.
''What's up?'' She asked.
''I wish it were good news, but Gill here has something to tell you.'' Peppy replied looking a bit somber.
Poppy turned her attention to the Elder. ''What is it Gill?''
'' Um I was hoping it was just going to be you and your dad, no offense Branch.'' Gill said.
Branch nodded and was about to leave when Poppy grabbed his arm.
''He is staying here; we are a couple so whatever you tell me I'm going to tell him, so he stays.'' Poppy said in a demanding voice.
Very well your majesty. Well, there has been a change in the leadership role here.'' Gill replied.
Poppy raised an eyebrow. ''Ok and how does this affect me?''
''Well, it's come to our attention now that you and Peppy have acknowledge that Princess Viva is alive and since we all thought she was dead that means you would be queen giving that you were the remaining princess alive but since Viva is alive we all agree that the oldest will be queen regardless to if the youngest is already queen.'' Gill said looking sympathetic towards Poppy.
Branch was staying quiet and was surprised as he stood next to Peppy worried about how Poppy would take that.
Popp was shocked, that couldn't be. ''Is this because you guys don't think I'm a good queen?'' Asked Poppy glaring a bit.
''No, not at all your majesty, I believe you are a wonderful queen, but it's the law that the oldest becomes queen unless she dies then the youngest takes her place.'' Gill said showing the paper.
Poppy looked at it and felt a lump in her throat. ''So, what would that mean for me?''
''Basically, you would step down from queen to a princess and the only way to become queen again is to marry a prince or king.'' Gill said.
''Gill I might say something. The trolls here love Poppy as their queen and if we changed queen won't the trolls be worried that something is wrong with the queen causing worry?'' He asked.
''Maybe so but once we tell them why they will understand.'' Gill replied.
''Giving up being queen would break the alliance with the Bergans who we are now friends with, and they give us protection, not to mention my sister is afraid of Bergans.'' Poppy said defending herself.
''Look, it's not up to me it's the law of the royals and since it hasn't been changed, they still stand. There is a meeting tomorrow at Troll Hall where you and Viva will meet us, and we will give the title to her.'' Gill said.
''My dad was the former king shouldn't he decide whether or not that is a thing?'' Asked Poppy.
Gill looked at Peppy who sighed.
''Poppy, since you or me didn't change the law it's still the way it has to be.'' Peppy replied feeling bad.
''But what if Viva doesn't want to be queen?'' Asked Branch curious.
''Well, she would have to step down and give up her title of queen and become a princess but it's not likely. I knew her when she was little, and she always wanted to be queen.'' Gill replied.
They were quiet. ''Tomorrow morning, we will meet at Troll Hall and announce Viva is queen before telling the trolls.'' Gill replied as he bowed and left.
Peppy and Branch looked at Poppy and the blue troll went over and placed a hand on Poppy's back.
''Poppy are you ok?'' He asked.
''I-I need to be alone.'' She replied as she walked out.
Peppy and Branch looked at each other.
''I knew I should have changed that once Poppy became queen...'' Peppy sighed.
''It's ok you didn't know none of us did.'' Branch said as he left to go comfort his girlfriend.
Branch was walking and he went to where he knew Poppy liked to go and while he was looking he heard soft sobbing coming from behind a tree.
He went over and his heart fell looking at his girlfriend who had her head in her hands. He went over and got on his knees.
''Poppy?'' He said softly.
She looked up and wiped her eyes trying not to cry but broke down. ''Hey Branch.''
He pulls her in for a hug. ''Are you ok?''
She hugs him crying harder. ''No, no I'm not! I worked so hard to keep the trolls safe and bring peace. I did that when I didn't think I could, and I love being queen sure I have my faults, but I guess that makes me nothing!'' She broke down.
Branch looked down he knew how much being a queen met to Poppy and he cups her face in his hands.
''That's not true.'' Branch replied.
''It is and since you're dating the queen you might as well leave me and go be with Viva.'' Poppy cried.
Branch was shocked by that and kisses her on the lips she half kissed back he pulls away.
''No, I love you Poppy, I fell in love with you not your title. ''I have been by your side from the moment we met and you by mine. Let's give each other some credit. And I'm not going anywhere unless it's with you no matter were.'' He repeated her words.
She smiles and hugs him. ''I love you Branch.''
''I love you too my Poppy, queen or not and being a princess means you can travel with me and the boys more.'' Branch replied half joking.
The next day Poppy holding Branch's hand made their way to the Troll Hall and right outside they saw Viva and Clay and the brothers let the sisters go in first.
They looked at each other knowing why the other was there without saying a word.
They went in and sat in the corners watching and listening.
Poppy and Viva looked at each other.
Gill stood up. ''Now Princess Viva you are here because we are giving you the role of being queen. Sign this paper here saying you will rule over troll Village and that your sister Poppy steps down from queen to princess.''
He placed the paper in front of Viva. The pink troll looked at it and frowned and she saw Poppy. Her sister wasn't crying but she knew Poppy was sad to give it up.
''If I may I would like to say something.'' Viva replied.
They all nodded.
''When I found out my sister and dad were alive, I was thrilled so happy to have them I didn't even think about being queen.... I have to turn down the role of queen... See I live in a putt putt area with a bunch of trolls, and I led them there and they all look up to me so to them I am their queen and leader and while I understand the laws here, I'm turning it down. I can't leave those other trolls without a leader, and we took a vote last night and all agreed they wanted me to stay.'' Viva said with a smile as she held Poppy's hand.
''My sister Poppy... is a great queen, she brought peace between trolls and bergans became friends with them and she stopped rock from taking over the world and she has made Pop Village a place where trolls of all kinds can live and she truly deserves the title queen so I will not sign it making Poppy still the official queen.'' Viva stated.
The elders looked surprised. ''Then it is decided Poppy will continue to be queen.'' Gill said.
''Also, I spent all of last night writing out the laws the same as I saw them, but I changed some of them giving how outdated they were. Viva signs the paper saying that.'' Clay started reading.
1. Poppy and her family will rule the throne if Poppy or her husband dies and has no kids then Viva will take over.
2. If Queen Poppy or King Branch dies the other can choose the partner of their choice without pressure from the elders or trolls.
3. If an event or adventure comes up that requires the queen to leave, and her partner goes with then the former king or princess can take over.
Clay looks at the elders and his family and everyone was shocked.
''Alright but wait King Branch? Him and Poppy aren't married yet, what if she finds someone different?'' Asked the elder.
''That won't happen if I know them. Now all Viva and Poppy have to do is sign.'' Clay said.
''What gives you the right to write out the rules?'' Asked Gill.
''I am a licensed CPA and know the legal terms of contracts and taxes.'' He replied.
Branch, Poppy, and Viva chuckled.
Poppy and Viva took turns signing it.
Clay stood up and gave it to the elders.
Later the 4 left.
''Thank you, Viva.'' Poppy smiles.
''Of course! What sister would I be if I took your place? Besides I meant it.'' She hugs Poppy.
Branch and Clay fist bumped.
''You were awesome playing with the law.'' Branch said.
''Me and Viva heard about what they wanted to do and so she gave me the copy and I updated it.'' Clay said.
''Well thank you two and say want to do a double date tonight?'' Asked Poppy.
''Hell, yes me and Clay are so down.'' Viva said.
''Looks like we don't have a choice Branch.'' Clay said.
''Nope and telling them no will end in disaster.'' Branch laughed.
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