Understanding the Truth
Poppy upset that Peppy didn't tell her about Viva.
It was a nice afternoon in Pop Village except for in Peppy's pod where a fight was happening.
''Poppy, you have to understand I was just trying to protect you.'' Peppy answered keeping calm at his daughter outburst.
''FROM WHAT!? Dad! I have an older sister you never told me about! Don't you think I should have known?!'' Poppy shouted getting upset.
''I thought Viva was dead... and it hurt me to think that she was dead, and I couldn't imagine how you would feel if you knew.'' Peppy replied with a quiet voice.
''Well right now I feel hurt and betrayed! We said we would tell each other everything and anything! I've been doing that, but I guess you haven't.'' Poppy got upset her eyes were welling up with tears.
''Poppy, I have told you everything, but it was different with Viva gone and I didn't want to bring it back up again. It took me years to get over losing Viva.'' Peppy said defending his actions.
''I understand not telling me when the bergans were our enemies but when we became friends with them you could have told me!'' Poppy snapped.
''I knew with how bright and positive you are, you would have set off to try to find Viva and what if she wasn't alive, it would tear you up inside.'' Peppy said looking down.
The door opened and in came Viva and she stopped when she saw her dad and sister fighting.
''What's going on?'' She asked looking at them.
''Poppy is upset that I didn't tell her about you at all.'' Peppy said simply.
''I had a right to know I had a sister.'' Poppy replied glaring at her dad.
Viva went over to Poppy and placed a hand on her shoulder. ''Poppy, dad is right, he thought I was dead and that was probably hard on him, and it would have torn you up as well, plus I assumed you and dad were dead.'' Viva said looking at her.
Poppy was shocked, her own sister agreed with her dad.
''Not you too. He should have told me! Of course it makes sense, since you two knew about each other and I didn't even know about you Viva. I feel hurt, I was able to tell you everything dad, everything and you hid this big thing from me! You knew how much I wanted a sister, and you used the excuse that Suki and the twins and Smidge were like my sisters.'' Poppy was trying not to cry.
''I was only trying to protect you, Poppy.'' Peppy replied.
''Sure, you were.'' Poppy stomped put slamming the door as she left and got on a bug as it took off.
Peppy and Viva sighed looking down and feeling bad for Poppy.
Poppy needed to see her boyfriend, he would understand her, she was going to Vacay Island where Branch was. Turns out him and his old band Kismet were doing gigs there for trolls and Muppets. She would have gone with him, but she wanted to spend time with her family, but she was upset and sad as she was crying.
A couple hours later Poppy arrived on the sand of Vacay Island and got off her bug and gave him a bit of food. ''Thank you.''
The bug took off and Poppy started walking to the restaurant/bar and saw the muppets and some trolls playing and enjoying themselves. She smiles a bit at this, and she saw a family playing in the sand and she frowns as she went into the place and went past all trolls and muppets and went to the back where BroZone and Kismet usually hung out if not out mingling.
She got there and saw the boys but not Branch and they all looked at her.
''Hey it's Poppy!'' Boom called out with a smile.
''Hey Poppy.'' Ablaze smiles.
Hype and Trickee looks over at Poppy.
''Hey guys always good to see you. Have you seen Branch?'' She asked getting to the point.
''Oh yeah, he's helping Bruce with something.'' Hype replied.
Poppy nodded and took off.
''She's in a mood.'' Boom replied.
''I hope Branch didn't do anything.'' Trickee answered.
Poppy went to the counter and saw Bruce working on orders and taking them to the tables.
When he came back, he saw her. ''Hey Poppy.'' He greeted happy to see the pink troll.
''Hey Bruce, where is Branch I need to talk to him.'' She replied in a quiet and desperate voice.
''Oh, him and Brandy are doing deliveries, they should be back soon.'' He replied.
Poppy frowns and sighs. ''Alright thanks.''
She got up and walked out of the restaurant and sat at one of the tables and waited sighing feeling annoyed, sad, and hurt trying not to cry, she placed her head on the table.
She felt a tap on her shoulder and she looked to see Bruce who looked a bit concerned and sat next to her.
''What's wrong Poppy? It's not like you not to be super happy, and basically tackle me in a hug, is your dad or Viva hurt or in trouble?'' He asked.
''No, but its them, which is why I need to see Branch, if anyone can understand how I feel it's him.'' She sighed.
''Did they do something?'' Asked Bruce.
''My dad lied to me and never told me I had an older sister! He said the only reason he didn't tell me was he didn't want me to hurt me or have me go looking for her. And to make it worse Viva agreed with him.'' She blurted out in a frustrating voice.
Bruce sighed looking at her. ''Look Poppy I'm a dad and I understand why your dad didn't tell you, see your hurt because you didn't know about her. Honestly if I had lost my daughter and thought she was dead I wouldn't tell the other kids. It doesn't mean I want to forget about her but it would take years to heal completely.'' He said.
She sighed when she heard a voice. ''Poppy?''
She looked and saw Branch and got up. ''BRANCH!'' She hugs him tightly and he hugs back smiling.
''Is everything ok?'' He asked.
Bruce smiles and went inside with Brandy.
''Branch... I just needed you.'' She cries.
''What happened?'' He asked.
''It's about my dad lying about my sister Viva, he never told me about her, and he did it so I wouldn't go looking for her in case she was dead. He lied to me all those years and we share everything. Why?'' She asked hugging Branch.
He hugs her and pulls away cupping her face. ''He only did that to protect you and your heart from hurt. Remember when Creek betrayed us, and the Chef captured all of the trolls and you felt bad because you could do anything to keep them safe?'' He asked.
Poppy nodded remembering it perfectly.
''You turned gray, and I was there to help you out. If Peppy had told you, you had a sister and she died would you still be happy or would you be sad and turn gray? I went through being when my grandma died, and you saw how long it took for me to get my colors back.'' He said.
''It's still wrong to keep it from me.'' She sighed.
He hugs her. ''Yes, it was, but he has his reasons.''
Poppy smiles and thought about it. She was sad when Viva didn't want to go with her and the others to save Floyd, not enough to turn her gray but it did make her feel a bit sad and she sighed.
''You're right Branch, I probably would be gray but hey at least we'd have each other.'' She joked.
He laughs and kisses her. ''Maybe. So, want to stay here since your already here?'' He asked.
''Yes, and I'll leave here tomorrow.'' She replied as they went inside.
A couple hours later Branch and Kismet were singing while Poppy was watching and shouting, when she felt a tap on her shoulder and saw Viva.
''Viva!'' Poppy replied.
Viva hugs Poppy tightly. ''I missed you Poppy and don't be mad at dad.''
Poppy pulls away as they held hands and she saw her dad come over with a slight smile.
''Poppy I am sorry I didn't tell you about Viva. I wasn't trying to keep her from you I just wanted to keep you safe.'' He replied.
Poppy smiles and hugs her dad. ''It's ok, what matters is it's in the past and we are all here together.''
Branch and Bruce looked at each with a smile and fist bumped each other.
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