Trick or Troll
Clay and Viva spend Halloween together by taking their little sibling's trick or treating...
''Alright Branch let's see what you look like.'' Clay replied waiting for his little brother.
Clay was dressed as a vampire and was excited to see his beautiful girlfriend even if they had to have a couple of tag-a-longs.
''Here I am Clay!'' Branch replied.
10-year-old Branch came out dressed like a knight and Clay smiles.
''Well, the handsome knight in shining armor is here.'' The older troll joked.
''Of course, I have to look nice and protect the beautiful princess, Poppy.'' Branch said standing tall.
Clay smiles. ''You're not hitting on my girlfriend, are you?'' He joked.
''What no, she old I was taking about princess Poppy, her pretty pink skin and her cute singing voice.'' He smiles.
Clay was laughing so hard at that. ''Oh, I love you Branch; I wish the brothers were here to hear this.'' He picked up Branch as they got the bucket and left to meet the princesses.
''Come on Viva we are going to be late!'' Shouted Poppy 9-year-old as she was dressed as a cute little maid outfit and looked cute.
Viva came out dressed as a rock troll princess and Poppy claps her hand.
''You look stunning Viva!'' She gushed.
''And so do you little one. Now let's go.'' Viva said.
They walked out of the bedroom and to the pod area where Peppy was reading.
''Have fun but not too much fun.'' Peppy replied.
''We will dad.'' Poppy smiles as she bounces out the door.
They got outside when they heard Clay's voice.
''Viva! Poppy!''
They looked and Viva blushes when she saw Clay.
Poppy saw Branch and gave a wide smile. ''BRANCH!''
He smiles and holds out his hand ready as Poppy tackles him in a hug and he hugs her back and looks at her.
''You look so pretty, but I thought you were going to be a princess?'' Asked Branch.
''Thanks, yeah but I'm always a princess so I thought I would be a normal troll.'' She smiles.
''Well then I will be the knight to protect this pretty maid.'' Branch bowed and held out his hand for Poppy.
''Thank you, your brave knight.'' She giggles and kisses his cheek.
He blushes and pulls out a map. ''I have all the places we can go get candy.'' Branch said.
''Awesome lets go!'' Poppy squealed as they took off.
''Don't go too far!'' Called Viva.
The older two watched their youngest siblings run off.
''I got to say I love that rock look you have.'' Clay said as he took Viva hands.
''And I love that vampire look on you.'' Viva smiles as she laced their fingers together.
''Thanks beautiful.'' He took her hand and kisses it.
They walk together watching all the trollings going from place to place and they saw some of the older trolls like them were hanging out.
''So, would you like to come over to my place tonight?'' Asked Clay wanting time with his girlfriend.
''Sure, and we bring the little ones.'' Viva smiles.
''Or we could leave them with your dad.'' Clay tried.
''Smart but remember the last time we were alone?'' Asked Viva with a smile.
Clay chuckled. ''Yeah, I remember.''
They were both in the middle of heated make out and groping when King Peppy walked in and wasn't thrilled and told them they couldn't be by themselves anymore.
''So, chances are he might say yes if your brothers or Poppy and Branch are there to watch us.'' Viva shrugged.
Meanwhile Branch and Poppy were walking together holding hands as they went from pod to pod getting candy.
''Ok we have 3 houses over there to go to they give out the best candy.'' Poppy said.
''How do you know?" Asked Branch.
''Because some of the ladies there like my daddy like a crush on him and if me and Viva with our friends go over there they give us the good candy so we can tell daddy how nice and sweet they are.'' Poppy smiles.
''Really? Huh I don't see why anyone would go out of their way to impress your dad.'' Branch shrugged.
''Probably think they are gonna get a date out of it.'' Poppy said as they go to a door and knock on it.
It opened and there stood a pretty green troll.
''Well hello young princess and this must be your handsome knight.'' She smiles.
''Yes we are trick or troll.'' Poppy smiled.
''You guys are so cute.'' She handed them candy and motioned for Viva and Clay to come over and gave them some.
''You two look so sweet together.'' She complimented the older siblings.
''Thanks.'' Viva smiled as they left.
Branch and Poppy hit a couple of more houses and soon it was late.
''Ok kids I think its time to go home.'' Viva smiled carrying Poppy.
''Yep, grandma is probably wondering where we are at.'' Clay smiles holding Branch as he seemed ready to pass out.
''Can Poppy stay the night?'' Asked Branch.
''Maybe we have to ask dad.'' Viva smiles as they all made their way to the royal pod.
Viva opens it as they walk in and saw Peppy watching tv.
''Hey kids how did the candy seeking go?'' He asked standing up.
''It was so much fun, say dad can I stay the night at Branch's?'' Asked Poppy.
''Sure if Rosiepuff don't mind.'' Peppy smiled.
''I'll drop Poppy off and then me and Clay are going to meet up with some of our friends.'' Viva said.
''Alright be back by 11.'' Peppy said firmly.
''Oh but Meg wanted to have a girls sleepover.'' Viva protested.
''Well alright then go and have fun.'' Peppy shook his head.
Viva and Clay holding Branch and Poppy went to Rosiepuff's pod and she looks up from reading seeing the 4.
''So, I take it you all had fun?'' She asked with a sweet smile.
''Yeah, say is it ok if Poppy stays the night here? They wanted to do a sleepover?'' Asked Viva.
''If your dad don't mind. It will be nice for Peachfuzz to have a friend.'' She smiles.
''Great,we'll take them to their room.'' Clay said as him and Viva took their siblings to Branch's and Floyd's room and placing them on the bed made a cute little soft bed on the floor for them to sleep next to each other.
The older 2 went downstairs.
''Hey grandma. Me and Viva are going to meet up with our friends and Tyler wants to have a guys sleepover.'' He said.
Rosiepuff looked at them and nodded. ''Sure honey go on enjoy and thank you for agreeing to take Branch out tonight.'' She smiled.
''Anytime. See ya.'' Clay goes over and kisses his grandma on the cheek as they left to go enjoy their date night.
Here we go enjoy and Happy Halloween! Next Peppy has a talk with a certain troll about what plans he has for his daughter....
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